Hey! This is were your host Asagi, posts her fanfics, fanpoems, and life posts! So go have a lot of fun! Feel the IchiRuki!

And to be clear, here are the couples I write for: Ichigo and Rukia (Bleach), Momo and Toshiro (Bleach), Uryuu and Orahime (Bleach), Youraweichie and Kiuske (Bleach), Kagome and Inuyasha (Inuyasha), Sango and Miroku (Inuyasha), Ayame and Koga (Inuyasha), Kagura and Seshomaru (Inuyasha), Seya and Haji (Blood), Winry and Edward (Full Metal Alchemist), Roy and Riza (Full Metal Alchemist), Naruto and Hinata (Naruto), Sakura and Sauske (Naruto), Rachel and Jimmy (Case Closed), Harly and Katie (Case Closed), Ren and Kyoko (Skip Beat!), Kenta and Karin (Chibi Vampire/Karin) Maki and Winner (Karin),


This is very seriouse! A kid needs our help so do the right thing.
His name is Matt Dawson. He is 23 years old, and he has a large tumor on his brain and severe lung cancer. The doctors say he will die soon if this isn't fixed, and his family can't pay the bills. "The Make A Wish Foundation" has agreed to donate 7 cents for every time this message is reposted. For those of you who repost, I thank you so much. . Please, if you are a kind person, have a heart. Please, PLEASE REPOST THIS MESSAGE! WITH A RANDOM TITLE THAT WILL GRAB PPL'S ATTENTION I'm reposting this on all of my sites so please do the same! Thank you!

Pretty Girl

NOTE: 3:00 AM, I finished this at 3:00 AM

"Orahime? How many more hours are you going to brush your hair?" Rukia asked, sprawling out on the bed, Orahime looked over her shoulder and giggled at her best freind, "Rukia! Come on! Don't YOU ever spend forever brushing your hair or putting on make up or something?" "I don't wear make up, or spend hours doing anything concerning beauty," "Oh, well, there's nothing wrong with that, I mean after all, you have short, thin hair, mine is long and thick, and gets notted up easily," Rukia's eye started twitiching in annoyance, "So, do alot of girls spend hours doing mindless things that make them think make them look better?" "Well, um, yes, I mean, untill you Tatskie was the only person I new that didn't," "Well, I guess Soul Reapers are diffrent," "Actually, there's Rangiku, Youraweichie, Momo,-" "Right, I guess it's just me and my hunting hollows," "Well, there's nothing wrong with being work oriented right?" "Uh, never mind, I think Ichigo will start looking for me if I don't get home soon, so, I better get going," "Oh ok, bye Rukia," "Bye," and she left,
"Ichigo wat do you think of me? Apperence wise," Ichigo looked up, "Please never ask me that" "Why?! Do I loook bad?!" "No, but here ya' go! Acting all girl like and I HATE that!" "Wat do you mean?!" "You're acting like a girl; and wenever girls ask something like that the guy always ends up dead! There is NO right answer! Every answer is wrong, even if you no that it's right, it's still wrong," "So are you saying that I normally don't act like a girl and that I act like a boy?!" "No, but see?! This is wat I mean! No right answer!" "No come on! Is there something wrong with, me?!" "Ughhhhh!" "I'm seriouse! I don't spend like, a million hours on my hair and Idon't wear make up and-, I just mean, is there something WRONG with the way I look?" oh no! She was making the puppy-dog face! And worse than that, the KICKED puppy-dog face! How did she do that?! How does she make herself- mind you this is the same woman that will kill so easily it isn't even funny- look like that?! "Rukia, ofcourse not, see the face your making right now?" she looked in a mirror,, "Wat about it?" "You look like a kicked puppy," "Huh?! But this is my face! I ALWAYS look like this!" "No, just a minute ago you looked like you were about to kill me, now you look like a kicked puppy," "I don't get it," "Ofcourse not, you look fine ok?" "You're just trying to be nice," "After a year you think I would lie in order to be nice to you?! I think your brain melted!" she smiled a bit, "Come on, I look horrible and we both no it," "Wat brought all this up anyway?!" "Well Orahime-" "Wen are you ever going to stop listening to her?" "Orahime and alot of other girls take forever putting on make up, and picking out clothes, and, personally I don't see the thrill, I couldn't care less, well I could, but I rather not," Ichigo grinned a little, stupid mideget, "Rukia, you um, no, see, girls do that wen they have a problum with the way they look, if you don't spend hours trying to dump make up and sparkles on yourself that atleast it means you think you look good, that's the point Stupid," "I'm ignoring the 'stupid' comment, but, really? The question is DO I look good? I mean Orahime is very pretty and according to boys, she's a-" "Please don't finish that sentence, and yeah, she looks fine, I never really thought about it, but she looks like every other girl, I mean, she looks normal, that's all," "Do I look normal?" "No, I mean-" "So wat are you saying?!" "I'm saying, you're unique, you look diffrent, you have a type of ring to you that other girls don't have, I guess wat I'm trying to say is that, well, you're really pretty Rukia, well, no, not 'pretty' beautifull, that's a better word to discribe you, you're a very beautifull girl, Rukia," "Do you really think that?" "Have I ever lied to please you?" "Not ever," "Then why would I start now?" "Good point," 'Thought so," "Ichigo?" "Yeah?" "I, um, I think you're pretty pretty too," she was blushing, she was so CUTE wen she was blushing! "Rukia, 'pretty' isn't exacrtly a word to discribe guys," 'But you are, you're very pretty , beautifull really, espically at night," "Neither is 'beautifull', and I think that if that's true, then we both look better at night," "Yeah?" "Yeah, ya' wannna no how I'm sure?" Rukia nodded slightly, Ichigo cupped her face, and kissed her deeply on the lips, she smiled against his mouth, wen they came up for air Ichigo said, "Rukia, I love you," Rukia giggled and said, "I love you too, but I STILL think you look pretty," Ichigo rolled his eyes, still smileing, "Well I think you look pretty pretty yourself,"

Don't Leave Me

NOTE: IchiRuki, Ichigo's POV

Don't leave me,
I've been left alone already,
I've been abandened yet again,
But I understand why that happened,
Because I needed to stand on my owne,
And that's why she's gone,
Because I depended on her too much,
But that was then,
And that was her,
And this is now,
And this is you,
Please don't leave me,
Don't go away,
I don't need you,
I want you,
Please don't leave me,
Don't abanden me again,
I don't need you because I depend on you,
I need you because I want to need you,
So please,
Don't leave me


Alright! I need to check everyone's updates but first let me explain myself! Our internet was down again but I think the problum is perminatly fixed nock on wood, so, I AM on today, just saying!

I'll Stay With You

NOTE: IchiRuki

I'll stay with you,
Through the darkest days,
And brightest nghts,
I'll stay with you,
Through the easiest resting,
And the hardest fights,
I'll stay with you,
Weather we're laughing or crying,
I'll stay with you,
Weather we're kissing or fighting,
I'll stay with you,
Through sleepless nights and lazy days
I'll stay with you,
I promise I'll stay
I'll stay with you,
Because you stayed with me,
I'll stay with you,
And I'll forgive you because you forgive me,
I'll stay with you