Hey! This is were your host Asagi, posts her fanfics, fanpoems, and life posts! So go have a lot of fun! Feel the IchiRuki!

And to be clear, here are the couples I write for: Ichigo and Rukia (Bleach), Momo and Toshiro (Bleach), Uryuu and Orahime (Bleach), Youraweichie and Kiuske (Bleach), Kagome and Inuyasha (Inuyasha), Sango and Miroku (Inuyasha), Ayame and Koga (Inuyasha), Kagura and Seshomaru (Inuyasha), Seya and Haji (Blood), Winry and Edward (Full Metal Alchemist), Roy and Riza (Full Metal Alchemist), Naruto and Hinata (Naruto), Sakura and Sauske (Naruto), Rachel and Jimmy (Case Closed), Harly and Katie (Case Closed), Ren and Kyoko (Skip Beat!), Kenta and Karin (Chibi Vampire/Karin) Maki and Winner (Karin),

Good News!

My laptop is now working again! That means that I can post more stuffs and THAT is good for everyone! Oh! I have 30 subscribers by the way! So thank you people! You are all so kind!


Yeah, my laptop is STILL being mean, for those of you who don'y have one, you have to name your laptop wen you're setting it up, my mom suggested I name it Rukia (I'm still naming a living creature Rukia, although wat that is remains a mystery, probbably a bunny) BAD IDEAH! I shouldn't have given it the name of the lovely Rukia because it is always doing this to me! And now it won't print either! This makes posting my stories and poems and stuff alot harder because it's all saved on my laptop, it is REALLY annoying, I guess my bad luck is back, I had such a great, fantastic, lucky day yesterday that wen I got home I wanted to try Ikkaku's lucky dance, but I didn't because I was busy with my new cards! Only 14 more before I have the hole Bankai set! Yes, amazing right? Well, the Bount set is almost out, so I have that to start on, Christmases and Birthdays are now meant mainly for anime/manga related things, I'll be getting alot of cards Speaking of the most wounderfullness that is Bleach, last night's episodes was one of my favirotes! I thought it got a little deeper to were they were, welll, ok spoiler here: I thought the episode went just untill they started drowning Rukia and then cut off there but I guess not, that is wat I get for watching nearly the entire series in about three days, not a smart ideah, anyway, the next episode is ALSO one of my favirotes, I just love this series, and if I REALLY like an episode, I'll buy the manga and the DVD, unfoutinatly the manga dosen't have the Bount arc, but that's ok, I'm stalling for time, waiting on my dad to look at my laptop since posting anything else 'till is pretty much impossible,

Kiss Me; Heal Me

NOTE: It worked!

She should've nowen, how could she not have nowen that not all men were harmless? That not all people were good? How had she gotten into this situation? How had she been so foolish? She still didn't no, but she had been, she had been that foolish, and now there was no way out, her face stung, she begged, silently begged, for him to come, it isn't that she wanted him to see her this way, bloody, beaten, weak, but she didn't want to deal with the conseqences even more, and she new she couldn't get out of this alone, it wasn't possible, she was just too small, and that wasn't her fault, atleast, she didn't think it was, but that didn't matter, wat mattered, was that she needed him, needed him now, "Ichigo," she wispered, "Ichigo huh? Is that your boyfreind?" one of the men asked, hitting her again, "Maybe I am, maybe I'm not, it's none of your buisness!" she heard, it was his voice, she new it well, but was it in her head? After all, how could he have found her out here? It made no sense, she didn't bother to look up, to move, to do anything, because she was afraid, stupid as it was, she was afraid, afraid that if she did, the pain would return, she was so afraid, "Rukia," she heard, she didn't look up at his voice, "Rukia it's ok," he wispered again, she felt him sheild her from the rain, "Rukia," she felt him get closer, and felt herself flinch, she didn't mean to, it was just a reflex, "I'm sorry," she wispered, "It's ok," he said, touching her shoulder, her muscels relaxed under his fingers, she felt him pick her up, "I'm sorry," she repeated, "Why are YOU sorry?" he asked, she glanced down at the groaning men on the ground, she smiled a bit, 'Good! You try hurting me? Feel the wrath of my Ichigo!' she thought, semi-ignoring the fact that she named him HER Ichigo, "Wen you said that women shouldn't walk alone you were right, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I made you come," she wispered, her eyes felt heavy, she wanted to sleep, "Stop appoligizing, it isn't your fault," "I'm sorry that I almost let them-" "Stop, stop appoligizing, it isn't your fault, ya' no Rukia, if I had a penny for every useless appoligy you've sputtered off I'd be so rich I'd be swimming in money," Rukia smiled slightly, "Thank you, Im sorry, I no you hate the rain, and because of me you're out in it," "Rukia, stop appoligizing and go to sleep already,"
"Rukia? Can you wake up for a second?" he shook her awake, very gently, she opened her eyes, "Oh, sorry, I'll get off your bed and-" "No, that's ok, you sleep here tonight, I just wanted to make sure you were ok, are you ok?" "Mm-hm," "Did they hurt you anywere?" "No, I'm ok," she lied, she winced a little, the pain in her face striking like a hard zap of truth, "Rukia, I won't hurt you, you don't have to lie," "I'm not, *wince* I'm not lieing," "Rukia, it's ok, I don't think you're weak or anything, now, were does it hurt?" "My face, they hit me alot, and, I think they stabbed me in the arm, I'm not really sure, I don't remember much," "Ok,"
He was really very soft, very gentle and sweet wen he wanted to be, "I'll be downstairs if you need me," he said, opening the door, allowing a drop of light to shade the room, "Ichigo," wat was she going to say? She had reacted merly on instinct, "Yeah?" "Stay here, please, stay with me," why she was starting to spout off mushy junk, she had no ideah, but she was, "Are you sure?" "Yes, very, very sure, please stay with me, please don't leave," he smiled slightly, "Well, I can't really sleep on the floor," she moved closer to the edge of the bed, "I didn't expect you to," she said, he smiled, "Ichigo, thank you," "Sometimes you talk too much Rukia, and so wen you run out of things to say, you either appoligize, yell, thank, or yell," "You said yell twice," "So? You usually yell," "Ichigo, I no I'm repeditive, so here's something I've never said to you before, I love you," "I'll never get tired of hearing that, so say it all you want, I love you," Rukia smiled, "Ichigo, come here," he tilted his head down, she brushed her lips against his, "I won't kiss you, you kiss me," he smiled, kissing her softly, a protective, healing kiss, she smiled as well, and kissed back,


My laptop is being mean to me, it won't connect to the internet, and so, it'll be extremely hard for me to post much of anything because everything is on my laptop, so if there are no posts, I'm sorry, also, I probbably won't post much, if it all, tommorrow because my comic shop (the one I frequent) is haveing a sighning, and a bunch of events starteing at 1, I'll probbably be there till about 3, and then Pussycat and I are going to iHop, and wen I get home I'll be originizing my new cards, (that will take anywere from two to three hours at the very least depending on how many I get) and reading any new manga (another few hours) then perparing for the heap of IchiRuki that tommorrow's Bleach episode will nload, and there is ALOT, well, for Bleach there certainly is, and were there's IchiRuki, there's usually icecream and Doka Doka (that's wat we call Coke because wen I was little I couldn't say Coca Cola) but I might be able to post something if I'm up early, it's lucky though that Aperial isn't getting groomed untill the 31st, otherwise I woudn't be able to go online at all I think because after dropping her off (at 9 AM) and getting breakfast I'd fall asleep, go pick her up and drop her off at the house, then go to the sighning, I missed my last sighning due to rain, so hopefully I'll have better luck, also, have any of you ever been to BrookDale Lodge? If so, WAT IS THE MERMAID ROOM LIKE!? I wanna no!

Angel's Face

NOTE: IchiRuki Ichigo's POV

She fell from the sky,
Like a broken cloud,
Into my arms,
But I was just too proud,
I thought she was evil,
A demon with an angel's face,
But then I found out,
She had no place,
She was indeed,
A cloud that was broken,
And she had been rejected,
By her owne kin,
Wen I discovered this,
And she brke down that wall,
I embraced her tightly,
So she wouldn't fall,
She was so much more,
Than a girl with an angel's face,
She was an angel,
Who found her place