Hey! This is were your host Asagi, posts her fanfics, fanpoems, and life posts! So go have a lot of fun! Feel the IchiRuki!

And to be clear, here are the couples I write for: Ichigo and Rukia (Bleach), Momo and Toshiro (Bleach), Uryuu and Orahime (Bleach), Youraweichie and Kiuske (Bleach), Kagome and Inuyasha (Inuyasha), Sango and Miroku (Inuyasha), Ayame and Koga (Inuyasha), Kagura and Seshomaru (Inuyasha), Seya and Haji (Blood), Winry and Edward (Full Metal Alchemist), Roy and Riza (Full Metal Alchemist), Naruto and Hinata (Naruto), Sakura and Sauske (Naruto), Rachel and Jimmy (Case Closed), Harly and Katie (Case Closed), Ren and Kyoko (Skip Beat!), Kenta and Karin (Chibi Vampire/Karin) Maki and Winner (Karin),

Hold on, trying something...


'Cause Kitty's Cool!

NOTE: Koma Contest!

"Hm, strange thing this 'bubble gum', but still, it's good for releaving stress, um, did Rukia say something about not falling asleep with it in your mouth? Or was it, not swallowing it? Or, maybe something else? Oh who cares!" Asagi continued to relax in the sun, the roof was a nice place to take a nap, but just before she could dose off, "Captin! There you are!" her eyes opened slowly, 'Must kill intruder,' she thought, "Captin Kikano! Why are you up here?! And didn't Captin Kuchiki tell you something about not falling asleep wile eating bubble gum?! It'll fall out of your mouth and get stuck in your hair and, according to her, getting it out of your hair is very tideouse!" "Ughhhhhhhh!" she moaned, spitting the gum over the side of the building, "Captin! Why did you do that?! It could've hit someone!" "Nu-uh, I'm a bad aim," "That explains alot, but still!" the squad nine leiteint sqwaked, "Look, I wanna take a nap! So kill me!" "Well why are you sleeping up here?" "I'm not sleeping thanks to you," she hissed, Shuhei sat down, "Captin, are you in a bad mood?" she sprang up, "No, but now my head hurts," "Well, you're the one sleeping on roof tops," she shrugged at this, but before she could explain WHY she needed a nap, they heard, "Ow! Get offa me! Quite it ya' crazy little kitsune!" Asagi smacked her forehead and slid her hand down her face, this was why she wanted a nap,
Asagi stared at her porch, "You're going to clean this up," she stated at the red head, "Why?! It isn't my fault! If you want someone to clean it up look at Blondey over here!" Ame drew her foot in a circle in the dirt, looking at the ground, "Ame," Asagi said in a warning voice, "why should you clean it up? It's his fault!" Asagi smiled that big, annoying smile, "Really Captin?!" "Hey! Call me Asagi! 'Member?" "Oh yes yes!" "Wait!" Ichigo yelled, "How is this mess MY fault!? SHE jumped on ME!" "SHE dosen't no any better, YOU do, Mr. Captin Commander," "Now look you! I couldn't have stopped her!" "Yes, you could have, you could've gone to play somewere other than my porch!" she hissed, "Now wait just a minute! I-" "Ichigo!" Rukia called, "That's my que to leave, come on Ame, let's go find your sister," Asagi purred, leading the other Soul Reaper away, "Wa- how did this mess happen?!" Rukia sqealed, Asagi winced and turned around, "It's his fault," she pointed at Ichigo, who frantically started darting his eyes back and forth as if he were shocked that she actually said that, Rukia shook her head sadly, "Ichigo," she said, "No! No 'Ichigo'! No! This is not MY fault! It's HER fault!" he pointed at Ame, who looked at Asagi, who looked at Ichigo, and said, "You are such a horrible person, blaming poor little Ame like this wen it was clearly your fault," she said calmly, trying to hide a smile, Ichigo had just about had it, but he was interupted by a very angry Toshiro who came up behind them asking, "Why are you all acting so moronically?" Yasashii rolled her eyes, crossing her arms, and saying, "Ame, is this your fault?" "Um, well, Asagi said it was Ichigo's fault," Asagi, in turn, simply said, "Well, I don't care who, but SOMEONE is cleaning up my porch! Now, Ame, Rukia, Yasashii, let's go," "Go?" "Yes, let's go train, or, have tea or something," and as they walked, Ichigo said, "I really hate the way she treats us,"
Ame was asleep under a tree, "Ame," Yesashii asked quietly, her sister opened one eye in response, "You were the one that caused that mess weren't you?" Ame sat up, "I didn't mean to nock over the plants," she wispered, "Ame, there's a time for play and a time for work," "I no that, do you? Yasashii, Asagi and Rukia, Rukia espically, have had harder lives than us, and they still have fun with life, WE were lucky enough to be adopted wen we were kittens, Rukia wasn't, WE never had an important name that we worried about spoiling, Asagi and Rukia did, WE'VE always been there for eachother, Rukia and Asagi haven't always had that, Yasashii, we're lucky, that's wat Kiuske should've named us, Lucky and Little Lucky," "We're cats Ame, not dogs," "Not the point, think about everyone else in Sereitei, now think about us, now, who deserves more pity?" "I'm not looking for pitty Ame," "Then have fun with life," "Why did you jump on Ichigo?" "Because an annoyed Ichigo is a funny Ichigo," "Uh-huh," "And he's been really nervouse lately, so I wanted to help," "Nervouse? Why?" "Um, I can't tell you," "Why not?" "No! Must keep secret!" "Ame-" "Even YOU would spill it! I had to tell Toshiro so I wouldn't tell anyone else and- uh-oh! No! Yasashii!" but the half cat was already gone,
*Nock nock* Yasashii walked into the office, "You're supposed to wait for my reply," Toshiro said without looking up from his papperwork, "Need some help?" "I need help from my lazy leitenit who is currently shopping untill she drops, litterally," he looked up, "You no she faints wen she shops too much don't you?" Yasashii smiled, "So, I heard that Ame has a secret," "It's Ichigo's secret and he made the mistake of telling her," "Oh, well then,-" "I can't tell you, Ichigo will have my blood on his Bankai before I could draw my sword, he's fast, I'll give 'im that," "Yes, he's very fast indeed," "Sorry Yasashii," "Are you sure you can't tell me? I won't tell anyone," "..." "Just a hint?" "It has to do with Rukia," Yasashii was surprised that he actually answered her, "Rukia? Is she ok? She looked fine earlier," he grinned slighly, "Oh, Rukia is just fine, perfect really, espically for him," he chuckled quietly, "Wat do you mean by that?" "I can't tell you any more, oh, by the way, do you have a decent looking dress?" "Decent looking-?" she grinned, "You're kidding," "No, the man has finally sucked up his pride and taken the fatal plunge," "Fatal plunge? Why do you men think that marrige is a death sentence?" "Don't say that infront of Rukia," "I no, but seriously?" "Seriously, I don't see it that way, neither does he, I was just using it in lack of a better term," "Yeah, sure,"
"Now remember, be quite," Asagi hissed at the twins, looking over the bushes, Ame was as exited as Asagi, her tail wagging uncontrolablay, Yasashii watched those two, honestly, they could be so annoying, "Yes!" Asagi and Ame sqealed in unison, jumping up, "She said yes! She said yes!" they sang, "Um, girls, you might want to start running," Yasashii said, looking at Ichigo, who was, understandably, incredably irritated, well, this seemed to be a normal day, why complain?

It Feels Like Bitter Silence

NOTE: IchiRuki, Ichigo's POV

Wen you aren't here,
Wen your voice dosen't fill the room,
It feels like bitter silence,
Even though others are speaking,
It still feels like bitter silence,
Wen I don't hear your laughter,
That voice that rings like bells,
Without it,
The room seems to be filled with bitter silence,
The crashing of the waves,
The songs of the birds,
None are as beatiful as your voice,
Your laughter,
That reminds me you care,
Without you,
It seems like bitter silence,
And wen I heard your words,
It felt like hearing for the first time,
With three simple words,
You took away that bitter silence,
Those three simple words,
That flowed from your voice like water,
"I love you,"
Those words fit your voice so beautifully,
And it seems,
That the world is no longer filled,
With bitter silence

The First Frost

'"Ichigo! Ichigo! Help! Help me! Please! Ichigo!!! Please, help me, Ichigo," Rukia's voice rang loudly, before quiteing down, she stopped struggling against the black ribbions that pulled her away, "Rukia! Rukia! RUKIA!" Ichigo yelled after the fading girl, for he was bound by chains, and unable to reach her, the blackness quickly pulled Rukia away, but not before Ichigo saw a singal tear run down her gentle cheek, and as she became a memory, that singal tear dropped to the ground, *splash,* it went, it was a soundless thing, and yet to him, it sounded like a building crashing down around him, 'I couldn't save her, I couldn't stop that tear, I couldn't, I couldn't, and she gave up, she just, let it happen, and there was nothing I could do!' Ichigo thought, tears begining to stream from his amber eyes, as the chains tightened around him, then let go completely, he fell to his nees, "Why, Rukia? Why did you give up? Why did you let them have you?" he choked, now beging to go into hystariea, "Why?! Why, RUKIA!?!!!"' Ichigo woke up, he could feel that his skin was cold, just feel it, "Was'the'matta?" Rukia yawned slowly pulling aside the closet door, "Nothing, go back to sleep," she shrugged and closed the door, "And please, don't cry anymore," Ichigo wispered, she didn't hear him, and he new that she wouldn't, but he said it anyway, wat a frightening dream it had been, he looked over to his window, it was pretty foggy, it was, after all, only 20 degrees outside, and in the closet... Rukia wasn't asleep, she was too deep in thought to sleep, thinking about the day, Ichigo had taken her skateing, she had never been skating before, or rather, she had never been Roller Skating before, needless to say she wasn't a natural at it, but wen she saw the frozen pound, 'Ichigo? Let's skate on the pound,' 'You wanna go ice skating? Ok, but it's alot harder than this,' but not for Rukia it wasn't, she actually was pretty good at ice skating, it had been a pretty good day, no hollows even, so then, why would Ichigo have a nightmare? But this, not even Ichigo himself could answer,
The next day, Ichigo woke up to music playing, he opened his eyes and looked over at Rukia, who was fully clothed and currently hanging a small radio upside down, and shaking it, "Wat're ya' doin'?" he asked, just waiting for the amusing explination that was sure to come, "This thing plays music," she stated, "Yes, I no," "How?" "Don't ask, it's called a 'radio' why did you turn it on if you didn't no wat it did?" "Because, I wanted to see wat it did," "How did you no it wouldn't electricute you, or a little door wouldn't open and a little viciouse creature pops out?" "I didn't, I assumed it," "Never assume anything, you can guess, but never assume," "Why?" "Bad luck," she nodded, "Wat's the song playing now?" "Hana Kagari," "Flower Bonfire," "You speak Jappenesse?" "Kind of," "Wat's Soul Reaper in Jappenesse?" "Shinigami," "Wat about, Idiot," "Baka," "And enemy?" "Teki," "Wat about-" "I'm not a dictionary! Wen you actually need to no wat something means, then you ask me, Baka!" "Nice goin'," "I'm aware," Ichigo rolled his eyes, Rukia walked over to the window, Ichigo took this oppertunity to change, she looked out and saw Orahime walking down the street, Rukia opened the window, "Hey!" she said, Orihime looked up, "Hey Rukia!" Orihime also spoke Jappenese, "Doshda ue?" "Doshde orera houjin?" "Watashiwa tikimase ketsubou Baka tame hia," " Sokene, doshdano?" "Eo, watashiwa ketsubou Baka tame hai senpou baka," "Oh, adyu," "Adyu," Rukia closed the window after waving goodbye to Orihime, (by the way, the conversation was: "Wat's up?" "Why are we speaking Japanesse?" "I don't want the idiot to hear us," "Is that so, Wat's wrong?" "Oh, it's ok! I want the idiot to think he's crazy," "Oh, well then, goodbye," "Goodbye,") "Why did you do that?" Ichigo asked her, "I want you to learn Jappanesse," "Watever," Rukia walked over to him, "You no something?" "Wat?" "If it came down to it, you'd be stuburn to the end, wouldn't you?" "Well yeah, but were did that come from?" Rukia grabbed Ichigo and embraced him tightly, "Nowere, just asking," "Ok," he put his arms around her, "Wat's the matter?" he asked, "Nothing, I just felt like this," "Ok," he stroked her hair, lightly pushing her head a little more into him, Rukia closed her eyes, "You're acting kinda weird today, you sure everythings alright?" "Yeah, I'm sure,"
'The next day, Rukia transformed into a Soul Reaper and jumped out of Ichigo's window, destroying the hollow with the flick of her rist, "Rukia, it's all ready over?" Ichigo asked, "Yeah, pretty easy," "I see, so then there was no need for me to transform and follow you, is that right?" "That's right," Rukia's eyes got wide, "Ichigo! Watch out," Rukia jumped in front of him, taking a direct hit from the hollow, but still maneging to get rid of the beast, she fell slowly, into Ichigo's arms, it seemed that the fall lasted a centurary, for Ichigo, "Rukia? Rukia? Are you ok? Rukia?" he was begining to sob now, Rukia's violet eyes fluttered open slowly, she smiled, "You're alive, I'm so happy," she stroked his chest softly, "Ichigo, thank you for everything," "No, don't do this! Don't give into this!" "Ichigo, goodbye," she closed her eyes as they began to deaden, and her soft hand slipped from his chest, "Rukia? Why can't I ever protect you? Why? Why am I not aloud to protect you? Rukia? Why?" this time he didn't yell her name, but only wispered it to himself, "Rukia," the mere sound of her name reflected her beauty, and reflected her true self, but now, no one would say that name, the sylabals rang in his head for the last time, as he hung his head, and flooded the streets with tears,' Ichigo woke up sartled, 'How many times am I going to have such awful nightmares?' the sun was already up, and so was Rukia, "I'm the first up again I see," she said getting out of the closet, "Rukia," "Yeah?" "Nothing, I just wanted to say it," "And you said I was acting weird, is something wrong?" "No," Rukia crossed over to him, with a "Wat is with you?" kind of look on her face, suddenly her Soul Phone rang, she rolled her eyes and transformed into a Soul Reaper, she jumped out the window to tail the hollow and Ichigo went after her, wen they came across the creature Rukia said, "I've got this one," Ichigo jumped up slayed the creature in one swing, wen he landed Rukia jumped up and slapped him on the back of the head, "Ow," "You Bonehead! I said I had that one!" "I was trying to protect you!" "From wat?! I was in no danger!" "Everytime we come across one of these things there's always danger!" "I no that! It's our job, Idiot!" "I no that! I just wanted to protect you!" Rukia's eyes softened, she stepped a little closer to him, she stood up on her tip-toes so that she could reach him, she put her hand to his head and then to her owne, "Your head's hot, do you have a fever?" "No," Rukia touched his head again, Ichigo lightly grabbed her rist, and slowly pulled it down, he jerked on it lightly, pulling her into an embrace, "Ichigo, wat's the matter? Is something wrong?" "Everything is fine, I just wanted to prove to myself that I could protect you," "Ichigo, you've protected me loads of times, wat are you talking about?" Ichigo picked her up and jumped into his window, he set Rukia down on the bed, and sat next to her, "Ichigo," "I no I've been acting strange, but, I've felt like I couldn't protect you lately," "Why is that?" "I guess, because the last two nights, I've been having nightmares," "About me dieing?" "Yes, I don't really understand why I've been having these dreams, but, I have," Rukia's Soul Phone rang again, "I won't answer it, let someone else take care of it," "No, go ahead," Rukia lifted the phone out of her pocket and read the signal, "It's right outside," she stated, leaping out of the window, Ichigo looked down for a moment, before rushing after her, she leaped up to strike at the hollow, but it slammed her against the wall, "Rukia!" she got up, blood trickling down the side of her face, she ran at the beast and took off one of it's arms, it roared in pain as she jumped up and struck down the hollow, she resheathed her sword, "Are you ok?" Ichigo asked as she walked over to him, the pair jumped up in the window, and returned to their positions on the bed, "You were saying?" "I was saying, that I need to fix that wound," Rukia rolled her eyes as he worked at the cut on her forehead, "Honestly, wat were you saying," "I was saying that, I must be in love with you, because I've never felt this way about anyone else, I've never wanted to protect anyone else as much as I want to protect you, so, wat do you say? Do I sound like an idiot?" "This should answer your question," she leaned over and kissed him lightly on the lips, he pulled her closer, and the kiss deepened, and became more passionate, wen they broke apart for air, they still remained close enough for their heads to touch, "So do you love me?" "Yes, you little fool, I love you," those words rang sweetly as they graced her lips, "I'll make a wish on this cherry blossum bonfire, that you'll tell me you won't leave me alone, that this warmth in my hand, is not a dream," Rukia said softly, they were some of the lyrics to "Hana Kaggari" Ichigo gripped her hand, "I won't leave you alone," he said, "and this is defenitly not a dream," Rukia leaned her head on his shoulder and gazed towards the window, "Look at that," she said, "the first frost,"

Let's Play A Game...

A strawberry tattoo, a broken ankle, a salon kit, and a long night, if you're thinking that this sounds like a weird day, you'd be right