Hey! This is were your host Asagi, posts her fanfics, fanpoems, and life posts! So go have a lot of fun! Feel the IchiRuki!

And to be clear, here are the couples I write for: Ichigo and Rukia (Bleach), Momo and Toshiro (Bleach), Uryuu and Orahime (Bleach), Youraweichie and Kiuske (Bleach), Kagome and Inuyasha (Inuyasha), Sango and Miroku (Inuyasha), Ayame and Koga (Inuyasha), Kagura and Seshomaru (Inuyasha), Seya and Haji (Blood), Winry and Edward (Full Metal Alchemist), Roy and Riza (Full Metal Alchemist), Naruto and Hinata (Naruto), Sakura and Sauske (Naruto), Rachel and Jimmy (Case Closed), Harly and Katie (Case Closed), Ren and Kyoko (Skip Beat!), Kenta and Karin (Chibi Vampire/Karin) Maki and Winner (Karin),

Let's Play A Game...

NOTE: Yes, from that 100 theme challenge that I finished ages ago

Rukia blinked a few times, looking at the quickly drying paint on her face, she had decided to get her face painted, well, Ichigo went to take care of a hollow and insisted that she stay in the park, she was bored, she saw that they were doing face paintings, so she thought, why not? At first she wanted a bunny, but then she decided to get something more significant, but that would also freak out Ichigo a little, she was now sitting on the bench, reading her new book, wen she heard, "That is the LAST time I go heading into battle and forget my Gikongi!" he said, Rukia giggled, how amusing he was, she couldn't figure out though, weather he meant that he forgot to get out of his body all together, or weather he just jumped out and someone found his body wile he was fighting and he had to run like heck to get away, he slouched down on the bench and opened one eye, he saw Rukia and opened the other eye, then he leaned close to her, "Is that a strawberry on your cheek?" he asked, Rukia rubbed the skin that had been painted and decided to have a little fun, "Mm-hm, it's a tattoo, I figured it would be a reminder to me that I'm alive because of you," she said, actually, she also wanted to see if he would pick up on the fact that she was madly in love with him, but doubted it, "T-Tattoo!?" "Well, Renji has so many, and so I thought why not!" his eyes got wider as she spoke, the face painter had done an excellent job in making it look smooth and blend in with her face so it looked like a tattoo, she rubbed the spot again, getting another ideah, "Gee, it's kinda sore though, how does Renji do it? He has tattoos all over his body, sizeable ones too, I mean this is just little and it's pretty sore," "Were'd ya' get it?" "That lady, she's over there giving tattoos," she pointed to a young woman covered in tattoos over by the river, "Gee, wounder why it's so sore?" Ichigo's immediate reaction, "Let me see! It might be infected!" "No, I don't want it to hurt more by you touching it," "Rukia! Let me see!" he put his hand to her face and rubbed the strawberry, "This is paint," he said, looking more and more annoyed, Rukia new that look, it was the, "You're so dead, but there are too many witnesses" look, she got up, and said, "Can't catch me!" and took off down the street, "Get back here you! You're dead meat Rukia! Ya' hear me?! Dead!!!" and he ran after her,
She leaped up wen she was on Ichigo's street, and leaped into the open window of Ichigo's room, but she slipped, someone had been washing the windows, and luckily fell on the inside of the window, but fell, none the less, wen Ichigo ran upstairs and opened the door yelling, "HA! I caught you!" he was unaware of the fact that Rukia was laying on the floor, cluthching her ankle in both hands, but soon after, wen he DID see this, his heart slowly sunk, "Rukia?" he asked, she didn't respond, he approached her slowly, "Rukia? Are you ok?" "No, ofcourse I'm not ok!" "Wat happened?" "I came flying though your stupid window and slipped on water and fell on my ankle and twisted it!" she barked, he nelt there silently for a moment, "Let me see," he wispered, "Don't touch me!" she yelled, he retracted his hand slightly, and then he put it on her shoulder, wen she felt his touch, Rukia's mucels losened, as if his touch earased all traces of pain from her, Ichigo took his other and lifted Rukia's hands off of her ankle, he looked at the swollen area and ran his finger over it, his touch was so light that it would've normally tickled Rukia untill she was laughing, but this time she only winced slightly at his touch, "Please Ichigo, don't touch me," she wispered, but before she could ask again she had been lifted into Ichigo's arms bridal-style, 'How did he do that?' she woundered silently, he placed her softly on his bed, "Stay!" he commanded walking out of the room, 'Like I could leave even if I wanted to!' she thought, he returned a few minutes later holding something behind his back, Rukia tried to make out wat it was without moving too much, but could only see to sepret boxes, 'I was told ounce, that wen a girl is sick, or badly hurt, they like to be babbied, at first I didn't understand why, but then it came to me, it was because it took they're mind off of wat ever pain they were in, and if I no Rukia, that really fits her too,' Ichigo thought, revealing the boxes, one was wite and plain, the other one was pink with little flowers on it, ofcourse Rukia liked the pink one, Ichigo sat down next to her on the bed, he opened the wite box to reveal, medicine and bandeges, Rukia made a horrified look at the box, actually she wanted to kill it, "Hey," he said softly, "after this we can play a game, ok?" Rukia looked at him, his face was sweet and trusting, she closed her eyes, she thought that if she didn't she might end up punching him wen he got too close, and all she needed was him doing this with a bloody nose and the word "revenge" haunting his actions, she could feel him touch the calf of her leg and lift it up slowly, but not enough to see up her dress, he laid the strand of bandeges over her ankle and went under and over, but didn't put any pressure on it, untill he cut off the bandeges wen he reached the end of her ankle, then he actually tied the strands together, wich made her clench the bed sheets in her fists, "Tomorrow morning I'll take you to Urahara's to get you healed," Rukia didn't respond, "I'm going to change," she said, "Let me help you up," Ichigo took her hand and lifited her off the bed, she didn't put her twisted ankle on the ground, he began walking and she said, "Ichigo," she stood still, "I can walk," she said, letting go of his hand slowly, and hopped to the closet, Ichigo turned around so he wouldn't see her change, "Ow," she sqealed softly, he looked out of the corner of his eye to see her trying to put on her night pants, "It's ok," he said, now Ichigo was not a perverted man, middrifts made him flench even, but the shirt she was wearing was fairly long and she would be in pain if she put any pressure on her ankle, so he just helped her to the bed, she sat down and he sat beside her, "Wanna play a game?" he asked, she nodded her head slowly, bitting her lip a little, he opened the pink box, and inside, were all kinds of diffrent girly, salon, things, hair tyes, hair brushes, nail polish, things like that, Rukia smiled, a beautiful, innocent smile, Ichigo brushed her hair and tied in two very small pigtails, after all with short hair how much styling can you do? He dug in the box and finally found a pair of nail-clippers, he gently held her hand as he trimmed and painted her nails, wen they were done with the "game" Rukia looked in a small hand mirror, her smile increased even more, they played other games too, like cards and 20 questions, finally, the night was nearing an end, "Ichigo?" Rukia wispered, "Do you want to play one more game?" "Sure, wat is it?" "It's called 'Guess The Speed'" Ichigo looked confused, Rukia gently lifted Ichigo's hand, she put it to her chest, Ichigo didn't put any pressure on his hand, "Can you guess the speed of my heartbeat?" she asked, this time it was Ichigo's smile that increased, with his other hand he touched her face lightly, they leaned into eachother, and kissed, they kissed for a long time, but even Soul Reapers need air, you no, to breath! So wen they finally ran out of breath they seperated, but kept their faces close, "I love you," they said at the same time, they laid down on the bed, and Rukia wispered, "So, do you wanna play a game?" "He," Ichigo laughed slightly, before they both fell asleep,

Please, Stop The Rain

Well, they can't say that they had no ideah this would happen, in fact, they new it probably would happen, but they had to try anyway, wat a lost cause though, they new better than to leave the two alone, yes, this is wat happens wen you leave Kon ad Chappy alone, there was a fort made out of a sheet, the bed, and the desk chair, luckily they had just finished the fort wen Rukia and Ichigo walked in, "KON! I can't hurt you wile you're in my body, so get so I can turn you to stuffing!" and as Ichigo chased him around the room, Chappy simply smiled up at Rukia and said, "We had fun! Pyon!" "Yes, I'm sure you did, luckily not too much fun," well finally, Kon was beaten to a pulp, Chappy was asleep and safely back in her case, and Rukia and Ichigo were back in their gigis, "Why don't you disaplin her?" Ichigo asked wen they were finally sure that they wouldn't be interupted, "She dosen't no any better," "And yet you were going to put her in MY body," "Well, I thought they were more responsible, I had never used one before," "Yet you continue to put her in your body," "Well wat else would I do?! If I don't get one that's completely innocent I'll get one like Kon that dosen't no the meaning of innocent, and frankly I'd rather have Chappy than Kon!" "Well, atleast disapline her," "She dosen't no any better!" "Well, teach her!" "Wen?! Wen I'm fighting hollows, or destroying bad guys, or recovering from a stab to the chest, or posing as a high school student, or replacing memories because of YOU, or maybe erasing every shred of our existence so we can become captins, or-" "That's enough! How about instead of spending time drawing, you teach her?" "One: Can I never relax?! And two: I'm not good at disiplin! That would be you!" "Wat makes you think I'm so good at it?!" "You disapline Kon!" "And does that seem to be working?! Besides! I highly doubt you want me to rip Chappy to shreds!" but before Rukia could respond Kon popped out of the closet and yelled, "Jeez! You two sound like you're having a marital spat about the kids!" "Shut up!" the Soul Reapers yelled in unison,
Midnight, or to Rukia and Ichigo, bath time, Rukia always took a bath at midnight, wen no one was up, it was a routene, it always had been, but there was another routene that neither of them spoke of, and neither of them acknowledged, wen Rukia was in the bath, they would always take that time to think, and to emerse themselves in the rain that was drowning their hearts, Rukia sank lower into the bathtub, 'Rukia, your drowning again,' the voice in her head rang, 'This rain is getting on my last nerve! I want some sunshine! Or atleast no rain!' she felt it, she felt her heart as it drowned in the rain that she created, "But how? How do I stop the rain?" Ichigo looked up at the celling, 'Ichigo, this rain is very undesierable, make it stop!' "I can't stop the rain,"
Rukia closed her eyes, her hand was on the door nob, she was so tired of drowning, and she was also tired of rain, she wanted- no, NEEDED- the rain to stop, she opened the door, "Ichigo," he looked at her, 'My rain stopper,' he thought, "Wat?" he asked in his usual harsh tone, "Can I talk to you?" this took him slightly by surprise, "Sure, wat's the problum?" she sat next to him on his bed, "Ichigo? Do you hate me?" "That's a really stupid question Rukia, ofcourse I don't hate you," "Really?" "Really," "Why not?" "Why would I?" "I've done terrible things to you, I've destroyed your life," "I call making my rain stop IMPROVING my life, not DESTROYING it," "I, I made the rain in your heart stop?" "I said that out loud? Um, Yes, you did," "I think, I think my rain just stopped too," "Really?" "Why would I lie?" "That's a good point," he pulled her closer to him and layed her down with him, burying his lips in her hair, and kissing her lightly, he traced his lips down her face and to her mouth, were he gently closed off the small airway, put his lips against hers, "Do you no that I love you?" "I no that I love YOU," "Has your rain stopped?" "Yes, has yours?" "Yes, you made it stop a long time ago," "Thank you," "That's my line,"

1,200+ Hits!!!

Thanks for -:insert hits number here:- hits!!! My,my, wat can I post? Any ideahs? Well, I figure something out! I always do!

Only You

An arranged marrige? Is that even legal?! Well, legalities are put aside because right now Byakuya is in charge, Ichigo is helpless in the matter, and Rukia is absolutly devistated!

Only You

"An arranged marrige?" "Yes, you will have an arranged marrige, you may leave," "...Yes Brother," Rukia ran from the building, trying to keep her tears incased, she arrived by her Captin, "Captin Ukitake?" her voice was cluttered and her face was down cast, "May I please go to the World Of The Living for a little wile?" "Why? Wat's the matter?" "I, I need to talk to Ichigo," "Go ahead," "Thank you" he could tell that something was troubling the girl, so he allowed her to go, Rukia stepped through the gate, "Hey there Rukia! How's it goin'?" Youraweichie asked, "Youraweichie? Do you no were Ichigo is?" "Yeah, he should be at home," "Thank you," she ran out of the shop, Kiuske stepped next to Youraweichie, they exchanged glances, and decided to wait for Rukia to tell them, (although if she took to long doing that they were perpared to hunt her down and force it out of her) Rukia leapt into Ichigo's window, "Rukia? You're back early," the tears welled up in Rukia' eyes, her heart pounded faster, she ran towards the man and grabbed him tightly, letting crystal tears rain down from her eyes, he held her close, "Wat's wrong?" "Brother... Brother said that I was to have an..." her voice trailed off, Ichigo feared the worest, was she, was she maybe dying,? "Wat, Rukia? Wat are you supposed to have?" "An arraanged marrige," for a split second Ichigo was releaved that her life was not in danger, but then her words registered in his mind, an arranged marrige? "Why?" he thought out loud, "I don't no," "Is it something normal in Soul Society?" "No, Kian and Brother, and many other people, married truly out of love, I don't ever remember an announcement of an arranged marrige," "Then, why you?" "I don't no," "Have you met the guy?" "No," "Do you no anything about him?" "No," "Do you want to do this?" "No," "This can't be legal!" "It is, because, Brother said so," "It won't be legal wen I'm threw with it!" "Ichigo, you still have two weeks before we become captins and you the captin commander, the wedding is in one week, there's nothing you can do,"
"An arranged marrige?! Byakuya you can't be serieouse! Wat has that poor girl ever done to deserve this?!" "Do you wish to see the list?" "Byakuya! Why are you doing this to her?! She's in love with someone else! Don't you see that?!" "I do, and that is why I am arrangeing a marrige for her, Ukitake," "Wat?" "Ichigo Kuarsake is an irrisponsible little runt, it's bad enough that he's going to control Soul Society, but he shall not control my sister, besides, I have slaughtered the Kuckiki name enough," "I don't think anyone can control Rukia, espically not Ichigo, I mean, have you seen them get into it? And you no, she always wins, trust me, there's nothing to worry about there, and as gor the Kuchiki name, 'pure bloods' are a thing of the past, you Kuchikis are the only noble family who still try to prtect those anceint laws, no one else cares anymore!" "This is none of your concern," "Yes it is! I'm her captin!" Byakuya started walking away, "Do you really think that this is wat Hisana would have wanted?" "That is also none of your concern," "You forget! I was captin before you were even a student! If anyone is so ill behaved that they need an arranged marrige it would be you! You were the most bratty little child I have ever seen! Besides, do you think that Ichigo is going to sit idoly by? For every command you give her, Byakuya, I can match it," and Byakuya walked away, "Captin Ukitake! Wat are we going to do?" "Kiyone, Sentaro, I need your help, you must help me fight for Rukia's freedom,"
"I'm not just going to sit idoly by!" Ichigo yelled across the table at Urahara's shop, "We no we no, but wat can we do, Byakuya arranged it at a time that you would have no say in the matter," Youraweichie explained, "Well, it's a good thing Rukia isn't here, you'd be half way across the room by now," Uuryu interjected, "Were did Orahime take her again?" "Shopping for -" "A simple 'shoping' would have been good," "Well then, maybe I'll keep this little loop hole to myself," "Is that some sort of Quincy thing?" "Wat?" "Finding loopholes" "Why yes, we are rather good at it," "Get to the point," "Rukia is still a low ranked subordinate in squad 13," "Not for long," "Exactly, Byakuya arranged it so that you would have no say in the matter, however, he also arranged it so that she WAS still under Captin Ukitake's control," "I get it! You're saying that I can't do anything, but UKITAKE can!" "Right! Wat do you think?" "No!" "Wat?!" "I'M going to be the one to save Rukia's freedom, " "Ichigo don't be so stupid!" "I'm not being stupid!" "I said that you are!"Are not!" "Are so!" "Poor Rukia is doomed," Youraweichie wispered to herself,
"Byakuya, if there is no wedding then there can be no marrige," "Wat's your point?" "My point is, all I have to do, is stall the wedding untill Ichigo is in command and can forbid the marrige," Byakuya's eyes widened, "We've never agreed on the way things should be done, but isn't it you who said, 'One will never disobey one's superior, no matter wat personal issue arises,' Ibeleive weddings would count as personal," "You will not succeed," "I disagree," and wen the day came for Rukia to be married (only two days later) Ukitake said, "Rukia, I order you to go to the world of the living, and remain there untill Ichigo Kurasake leaves for the captin's meeting in approximatly 2 weeks, that is a direct order," "Yes Sir! Thank you!"
"Wat a great ideah! Why didn't I think of it?" "Maybe because you can't think," "Ah come on! Be happy!" "I'm still haveing the arraanged marrige," "Wat?!" "You have to leave an hour before the meeting, within that time, Brother will marry me off," "Well, there really is no way around that, is there? Unless," "Unless wat?" "Well... if you were ordered to stay with me at all times, and I was deemed Captin Commander before you were deemed a captin, then I could call it off right before it happened," "Why are you doing all of this for me?" "Because, I want to be the one to marry you, not anyone else, not to mention I would do anything to get under your brother's skin and I'm pretty sure that marying me would give him a good heartattack," Rukia blushed deeply, and stared at the man that she loved, then the rest of that sentence registered and she yelled, "Wat did you say?! Hw could you think like that?!" "How could I not?" "You ignorant, selfish little- rescuer of mine," she finished, slumping her shoulders, she new that this would be the one subject that she never would win, because apparently he loved her, and she loved him,
One month later... Rukia breathed deeply, turning to face the mirror, she brushed imagenary wrinkles from her dress, "Ok, this is it," she wispered to herself, she pulled the wite vail over her face, her heart pounding loudly, she took one last look in the mirror sher couldn't stop smileing, but she was so nervouse! She picked up her dress and quickly walked out the door, her last bridesmaid walked into the garden, and then it was her turn, she was nervouse, but it went away, as soon as she saw Ichigo standing at the alter, waiting for her, and only her,