Hey! This is were your host Asagi, posts her fanfics, fanpoems, and life posts! So go have a lot of fun! Feel the IchiRuki!

And to be clear, here are the couples I write for: Ichigo and Rukia (Bleach), Momo and Toshiro (Bleach), Uryuu and Orahime (Bleach), Youraweichie and Kiuske (Bleach), Kagome and Inuyasha (Inuyasha), Sango and Miroku (Inuyasha), Ayame and Koga (Inuyasha), Kagura and Seshomaru (Inuyasha), Seya and Haji (Blood), Winry and Edward (Full Metal Alchemist), Roy and Riza (Full Metal Alchemist), Naruto and Hinata (Naruto), Sakura and Sauske (Naruto), Rachel and Jimmy (Case Closed), Harly and Katie (Case Closed), Ren and Kyoko (Skip Beat!), Kenta and Karin (Chibi Vampire/Karin) Maki and Winner (Karin),

Wae Me Up

Their languege was sacred, but iy was hurt, and missing links, there were gaps and holes and rusted parts of the chain, but they would fix later, always later, but later, is now

Wake Me Up

He carried her home and put her down on his bed, she must be tired, it was a long day of fighting hollows, she must be worn out, she was so small, her beautifull features suddenly seemed to strike a cord in his mind, she suddenly appeared to be more than an annoying Soul Reaper who lived in his closet and tried without effort to draw "masterpeices" with her sketch board and his stol- I mean "borrowed" coulering utinsels, after all, if she were less tired, and if HE were less tired, right now they would be arguing about nothing, weather it was her obsession with all things cute and fuzzy (primarely bunnies) or his never-disapearing scowl, or her lack of drawing skills, or his recklessness, or anything else they could find, even if it was as stupid as her inability to open juice boxes or his throwing her off of a larger~than~life scafold, were she could easily have been thrown into a tree, bcause if they weren't arguing, things felt strange, things felt.. wrong, because arguing, to them, was comuncating, comunicating things that would never be said, things that would never be heard, because they developed their owne languege, that was coded, and coded untill it was even difficult for them to understand, it was a sacred languege that no one else understood, no one else wanted to, because it was a languege that was pained and destroyed and broken, it was full of unspoken hurt, unthinkable sadness, and unheard of love, but it was full of unthought of hate and distruction, but still, it belonged to them, and that's all that mattered, it was their's and no one else's, and that's all that mattered, but they new that sooner or later, they would have to make alternations, invent new words, expressions, and even new emotions, they new that they couldn't always continue this timeless game, that someday, it would be time to decide a winner, and start a new game, but they just hoped it would be later
"Ichigo! There's the hollow!" Rukia directed, pointing towards the beast, "I'm on it!" he leapt into the air but the hollow shot behind him and shot a bullet through his arm before he could turn around, he landed on one nee, clutching his upper arm, "Ichigo!" Rukia swung her sword down on the hollow and rushed towards the injured Soul Reaper, "G- Get outta here! Go! Get away! Hurry!" every word was strained, "I- Ichigo, wat are you saying?" "Get away! Leave now!" "Ichigo! Wat are talking about?! Like I would honestly leave you here! Ichigo-" "Ichigo? Oh, he's away right now, leave a message and maybe he'll get back to you," the voice wasn't Ichigo's, it was his hollow's, "But I gotta give 'em credit for keeping me at bay this long, the results are supposed to be instintaniouse, and you, I gotta give you credit too, you new wat was happening but you didn't run away, you saw the mask forming and you didn't even flinch, you must have some gut to be able to take that," "Wat do you mean 'instentaniouse results'?" "That bullet that shot Ichigo's arm, it had a poision in it that draws out the inner hollow in a Soul Reaper, the results are supposed to be instintaniouse," "How do you no that every Soul Reaper has an inner hollow?" "Oh they do, every one of them, Soul Reapers are born with undeveloped inner hollows that lay dormant, but wen hollowfication draws out the beast in them, the hollows take control and are no longer dormant, you see, even you have one, even you, the purest being in Soul Society, have an inner hollow, because you are a Soul Reaper," "Wat makes them dormant?" "You don't seem surprised, oh well, anyway, you see, wen a Soul Reaper is created, the matter that makes up a soul is rearranged, strenthed, but certain parts are tossed aside, certain weaknesses are unused, these weaknesses form a hollow, but most hollows, even ones as developed as me, stay dormant, they rather not fight, they're too lazy, unless the soul's life is threatened, but the hollows of weak Soul Reapers are also weak, thay can't bring themselves to break through that line and take over, it's too difficult, but then, there are the hollows of strong Soul Reapers, me, and your inner hollow, you see, the two of us are still lazy, but there is something that will bring us out no matter wat, even if we decide to stay dormant and not bother anymore, there is something that brings us out," "And wat's that?" "It's a special spirit partical combination that strong hollows have, it contains a very powerfull scent, and we have that enter our systum, it's like giving cat nip to a cat, we can't control ourselves, but very few hollows are able to condense this into pure particals, but it's easier to keep your hollow dormant because you're so pure, but Ichigo, he isn't like that, even his Zanpokto is made of a certain darkness, that brings me out more, well, enough explination, I wounder wat Ichigo would think wen he found the woman he loved dead and his sword covered in her blood, let's find out, shall we?"
"I won't fight you," "Then this'll be easy," "But I won't surrender either," "Oh? Then wat will you do?" "Hmph, I understand one thing," "And wat's that?" "Ichigo no's a cry for help wen hears one," "Wat do you-" but before the hollow could finish his question, Rukia kissed him lightly on the lips, "Ichigo, please hear me," she mumbeled against his lips, "Please wake up," the hollow's mask disapeared, 'Rukia,' he thought, closing his mouth around her warm lips, he motioned to continue the kiss, and it suddenly became less gentle, this was no longer a kiss to wake him up and bring him back, now it was a long awaited moment of passion, it was now about adding a new link to the ever growing chain that their secret languege rested on, it was about expressing feelings without words or voices, it was about washing the moment pure and clean and untainted, and as far as they were concerned, it should never end, they had waited too long, their hearts were too exhausted, but needed a breath, but wen they came up, all that could be said, were three words that would now be part of their lanuege, "I love you," and then, they returned to the moment of bliss, allowing the new links to reconnect to the chain,


Ok! Finally the Turning Back The Pendulum chapters are over! Well, hopefully the New Captin arc will end soon, then they can concentrate on the real story because the war is starting!

Stress Is Dangerouse!

"Rukia?" worry filled his voice, "Hn?" "Are you ok?" he stared down at her, the wite towel covering her body matching her pale skin, as she sat in the hot springs, "I'm fihaine," he glanced over at a tray of choclate covered strawberries and a bottle of champai`gnia, "Rukia? Are you drunk?" "Drunk?! No!" she answered in a strangely careless tone, "I'ma not drunk! Drunk is wen you drink toooo much sake'!" "Wat are you doing then?" "Well, I just got ma shmampaines, ands my, procelates shovered crawbewweieses, Owahime said they were goods wens ya' streeessed out," "Say again?" "Shdon not! Make mes repeat ourself! I shaided, do you hearin' a buzzy thingys sounds?" "Oh no, you're drunk and I'm bringing you home to your brother like this! I'm dead!" as he tried to figure out how to spare himself, he turned to say something but looked down, the lower part of her mouth was submerrsed in water, bubbels shooting out her nose as she breathed, "Oh tell me you aren't asleep!" she mumbeled something incoherent and he took that as a sighn that she was, he shook his head and walked over to her, "Remind me later to kill Orahime," he mumbeled to the sleeping girl,
"Ughhhhhh!" her head hurt! Bad! She had the WOREST hangover! "Hey? You up?" Ichigo asked, "Wat am I-" "Well obviously if Byakuya saw me, carring a naked you, wile you were mumbeling about strawberries and campag`inia, wat do you think?" "Ughh, you changed my clothes?" "Wat clothes? You were wearing a towel! And no, you did, remember?" "No I do not," "Well you put on your underwear, I tossed you my shirt and you amazingly got it on," "Oh, ughhhhh!" "Yeah, remember this next time you do that!" "She said it would help the stress! How was I supposed to no it was alchohol?!" "Alright, alright, just ask me from now on before you do anything forrieghn to you, ok?!" "Yeah," "Want something for that hangover?" "Yes! Pleeease yes!" "You need the hair of the dog," "Un-hn, hey, last night, we didn't-" "No!" "Alright," she got up and left the room, wobbeilng, might I add, a few seconds later he heard a loud yip! "She didn't!" he looked out the window and saw the neighbor's dog going in one direction and a pale leg and the tail of his shirt going in the other, "She did!" He slammed his hand on the windowsill in frustraition, then he heard the blender start, "Uh oh," he raced downstairs, now this just proves that revenge isn't worth it, he unpluged the blending mix, only to notice that it was already stopped and Rukia had a glass of pink liquid sitting on the table, she picked it up but Ichigo snatched it away before she could drink it, "Wat?!" she demanded, as he poured it down the sink, "This will make you sicker Moron!" He grumbeled, "Then why did you-" "That wasn't wat I meant! Not litterally! Hair of the dog means that you need more of wat ailes you! Meaning champ'ginia! I was mad that you kept me up all night and I wasn't thinking! I no it isn't your fault, I no that anytime now Orahime will be getting an unpleasent phone call, and I no that you don't understand wat's going on, I was wrong, I'm sorry," she looked at him, "Why were you up all night?" "Between stage one- the brain killing- and stage three- the regretfull hangover- there is stage two, the throwing up, I didn't want to tie your hair back with a rubber band, noing you, you'll find a way to rip it, alonng with the rest of your hair, completely out!" she leaned back, "I'm sorry," "It wasn't your fault, besides, I understand why you were stressed out," "You do?" her tone was worried, "Yeah, you said, 'Ya' no, I love you and all, but you make me sooooooooo stressed! Like there isn' 'nough foe me ta wowy bout!? Neh?' remember?" "No, I don't remember, that is rather troublesome though," "No, wat's trouble is that dog will be forever traumatized, I, unlike, he return your affection, he on the other hand will ALWAYS hate you," "You love me?" "Yes, but I ain't kissin' you untill you drink about ten strawberry smoothies! Got it?!" "So this hangover isn't punsihment enough for a mistake that wasn't even my fault?!" "You won't be worrien' about that hangover for long," "Oh?" "I'll make it heaven for ya', but seriousely, ya' no I keep smoothies around in case of this? I figured that one of these days someone, somehow, would get you drunk so I keep these around," Rukia raised her eyebrows and tilted her head, eyes closing quickly, "Why am I in one of your shirts?" "Because your jammies would've been too complicated last night, besides, I, personally, think it looks incredable on you, they fit perfectly," "Fit? They swallow me!" "Yeah, but they look like they belong on you, no wat I mean?" she smiled softly, stress was dangerouse, she was NEVER getting drunk again, nor would she listen to any human without asking Ichigo, and also, she prayed for Orahime as she heard Ichigo on the phone downstairs screaming about how "She came home drunk" and something about "supervising her and alcohol" but, as true as all this was, something good had come out of it, so she'd enjoy this first and last time, with him


Ok, here's something I need help with: 2 boy vampiers, one is in love with a werewolf, the otheris in love with a human, there's another human (MUST be a girl) that needs to be with a male vampire, wat do I do?