Hey! This is were your host Asagi, posts her fanfics, fanpoems, and life posts! So go have a lot of fun! Feel the IchiRuki!

And to be clear, here are the couples I write for: Ichigo and Rukia (Bleach), Momo and Toshiro (Bleach), Uryuu and Orahime (Bleach), Youraweichie and Kiuske (Bleach), Kagome and Inuyasha (Inuyasha), Sango and Miroku (Inuyasha), Ayame and Koga (Inuyasha), Kagura and Seshomaru (Inuyasha), Seya and Haji (Blood), Winry and Edward (Full Metal Alchemist), Roy and Riza (Full Metal Alchemist), Naruto and Hinata (Naruto), Sakura and Sauske (Naruto), Rachel and Jimmy (Case Closed), Harly and Katie (Case Closed), Ren and Kyoko (Skip Beat!), Kenta and Karin (Chibi Vampire/Karin) Maki and Winner (Karin),

I'm So Happy! (Sings Meerkat Song)

I just learned how to customize my world! Yes, all are IchiRuki wedding pictures, this one is because it's the most romantic and this IS the fanfic world, the one on Sugar Berries is the most IchiRuki filled, the one on AMM, is the funniest, and the one of Ask Asagi is the other one, the cutest, also! I changed my avatar, I will change my wallpaper (on MY computer) on the 10th of every month (been doin't that for a wile now) and I will change my avatar the 20th of every month!

Hide Away

NOTE: Story? Poem? I actually have no clue!

"Weren't you scared?"
"But not because of dying, I was afraid that I wouldn't make it in time,"
"I was scared, I was terrified that you might die,"
"I no you were,"
"Ichigo? I'm still scared,"
"I no, I'll protect you,"
"I no you will, I trust you,"
"I'll protect you too, you no,"
"Yeah, I no you will, I trust you, Rukia,"
"I'm kinda sad,"
"Because we wasted so much time,"
"That's ok, we're together now, that's all that matters,"
"Yes, but I wish that we were never apart,"
"If you could've changed things, would you?"
"Wat's up for change?"
"Maybe, if you could go back in time, and not leave that night, would you?"
"... Probbably not, would you have come after me, if you new why I left?"
"If I had nowen why you left, I would've gotten to you before they did,"
"If you had nowen why Urahara wanted you to rescue me, would you still have gone?"
"You haven't asked something that stupid in a long time,"
"Would you?"
"Ofcourse Idiot, only, if I had nowen that, I wouldn't have wasted so much time, I would've left the battle feild sooner, and gotten to you and Renji earlier, and most importantly, I would've left right then, if I had nowen, I would've taken you back with me, like I intended to, and I would've made you human, too,"
"Do you honestly think that after noing wat I no now, I would've ever let you go? I decided to follow you and stay in Soul Society so that I wouldn't have to let you go, because leaving here is impossible for you, I understand that,"
"Thank you,"
"Come here, don't think that I'm ever letting you go, the day I did, was the day I nearly died, because I hadn't kept you with me,"
"That isn't the reason,"
"Is so, I can only win wen I no that it's for you,"
"Liar, but, would you believe me if I said the same thing?"
"Not if you don't believe me,"
"We really are two strange people,"
"I don't care, I won't let you hide anymore,"
"And I won't let you hide either,"
"Rukia, You are mine to protect,"
"And you're mine to protect too, Ichigo,"

Lovesickness, A Horrible Thing

Note: Sorry Set-Chan! I no it's late and not very good but really tried!

Setsuna felt bad, no, that's an understatement, Setsuna felt horrible! She had two options, either she could stay home sick and not protect Konoka, or she could go anyway and be too sick too protect Konoka, both ways she lost, but then she remembered that she had medicine in the medicine cabinet, she got up, quite dizzily, and stumbeled over to the cabinet, then, she heard a nock at the door, "Secchan!" she heard through the door, 'Oh no!' Setsuna thought, Konoka's sweet voice rang through the room, "Secchan!" "Uh, I'll be right there!" "Wat's taking so long?" "Um, my alarm clock broke and I got up late, so I'm undressing!" "Oh Sechan! It isn't like I haven't seen you like that before!" she giggled, Setsuna heard the key slip through the door, curse the day Setsuna gave her a key! She quickly tried to shove the two pills back in the bottle, but, Konoka walked in before she could put the cap back on, "Secchan? Wat's the medicine for?" "Uh," "You aren't sick are you?" "N- No! Not at all!" "Then give me the pills," Wounderfull, if she did that she new that she would be fainting any minute, and if she didn't Konoka would say that she was sick and not leave her alone, well, unfourtinatly, she didn't have time to figure out wich poision to take, she fainted into Konoka's arms, "Sechan?! Secchan?!" the soft voice of the young mage lulled into the young swordswoman's dreams
"Eh? Konoka?" the chocalte eyed girl smiled brightly, "Secchan!" she sqealed, hugging her long time freind, "I have an appointment for you in an hour," "Konoka-" "Secchan! Either you go for this apppointment or I'll examine you myself!" Setsuna's blush deepened, the mere thought, that in itsself made her dizzy, "I- I'll go!" Konoka smiled triumphintly, Setsuna leaned back, this was gonna be a long day,
Setsuna was close to slamming the door, she wasn't mad enough, just, terribly upset, who ever heard of lovesickness being real?! And that the only cure was to kiss the one she loved?! Whoever made that up is a complete idiot! Or a complete romantic, hm, it's possible that whoever it was happened to be both too! Because there was no way out of this little mess! "Oh Sec-Chan!" Konoka wined, "Wat was it again? A cold?" Setsuna shrugged, the words "I'm lovesick" just WOULDN'T come out, "Konoka, you don't have to-" "Sec-Chan! You're always defending me! The least I can do is help you now right?!" Setsuna hung her head, well this was just great! She had this thing about debt and... ah forget it! She was doomed and that was the end of it!
Setsuna couldn't take this much longer, being under Konoka's watchfull gaze, this was annoying her to no end! So-Very-Annoying! It wasn't worth it! Her stupid pride just wasn't worth it! That's all there was to it! "Konoka," she said with regret and unwillingness dripping in her voice, "Yeah? Something wrong, Sec-Chan?" "Um, Konoka-" "Kono-Chan," "Um, Kono-Chan, I, um, I'm, well, lovesick," the last word was rushed, "Oh," Setsuna was confused by Konoka's response, "So um, who for you?" "You," Setsuna mumbeled quietly, nearly inaudiably, Konoka smiled brightly and kissed the girl softly, "Feel better?" "K-K-K-Konoka!" "Wat is WRONG Sec-Chan? We love eachother, so kissing is ok! Ok?" "You, you feel the same way I do?" "Well ofcourse!" "Then why have you been waiting?!" "Because you weren't ready for me," Her smile increased and carresed her face, Setsuna looked a little confused, but then smiled softly and gave a quick nod, so, maybe, just, maybe, lovesickness isn't such a horrible thing, maybe, that's M A Y B E "maybe" but still, something good DID come out of it, thankfully

Because The Night...

Because the night belongs to lovers,
Because the night, belongs to lust,
Because the night belongs to lovers,
Because the night belongs to us, ~Cascada
"Rukia? Remind me why we're going on a midnight hike," "Now now, it's 11:40, not midnight," "Watever! Why are we here!?" "You silly Soul Reaper, you ask too many questions," "Answer bmy question!" "It's because of a tradition," "Explain," "At exactly midnight, on May 10th," "It's May 9th," "At Midnight it'll be the 10th! Now, at exactly Midnight, two very powerfull Soul Reapers must start off a human season, it's said that there is a season were love is more common, at Midnight, we must start that season," "And how does that work?" "At Midnight, wen it starts, there will be an... incredable, sinsation that travels through our bodies, via our gigis, and it spreads through the rest of the world, the sinsation flows through the ground, and that connects to the rest of the land, and it the sinsation keeps spreading so that other people feel it too," "I see, but why the woods?" "We aren't in the woods anymore, look around," they were in a large circled clearing, "11:58, we better hurry," "How do we start?" Rukia smiled, her smile was very mischeviouse at the moment, "First, you lay here," she pulled Ichigo on the ground, climbed ontop of him, and wispered, "We, as the two strongest Soul Reapers, are going to start the season, by having our first kiss at midnight, the first of the season, now don't say anything, or we'll be late and Soul Society will be mad, 3, 2, 1," she leaned down and kissed him softly, nudging his lips with hers, he slightly opened his mouth for thie kiss to grow and become a passionate, warm, admitance, he held onto her, snaking his arms around her back, as she inwined her fingers in his hair, he felt the sinsation slip through his body and spread across the clearing, filling the air with his passion, desiere, and pure bliss, she stopped for a momen, moving her lips to his ear, she wispred, "My turn," she layed on her back next to him, waiting for him to start kissing her, "I'll crush you," he laughed, "I can't break your bones, you'll be in too much pain to no how good my kissing is," "You don't have to touch me to pin me to the ground," she said, his palms were lready barried in the grass, as his lips touched hers, the soft sinsation flowed through Rukia's fragil body and met with Ichigo's in the clearing floor, he twirled his finger in the ends of her raven hair, she smiled against his lips, the season had started
"Ichigo?" "Hm?" they lay in the grass, taking a breath as they watched the stars, "Why does the night do this to me? Why do we let down our barriers because the sky darkens and the stars shine?" "Does it matter?" "Are things going to go back tomorrow?" "Back?" "To the way they were, hiding feelings, stuff like that," "Who-" "No one can kiss like that and not mean it," "Look in the mirrior, and no, they won't," "They won't?" "No, they won't, ounce that sheild is brken, it can never be rebuilt, but that's ok, that's good, I don't want that wall back up," "Neither do I," "Then, are you saying that you like me?" a smirk played in his voice, so Rukia didn't have to look at him, "No, I don't like you, I am completly and undoubtably, in LOVE with you," "Would you have kissed me if it weren't b3ecause of Soul Society?" "Ichigo," her voice was amused, "I didn't do it because of Soul Society, I VOLENTERED, for this job," "Without asking me?!" "No, then you would have chickened out," "Would not," "Why not?" "Because I love you as much as you love me," "Then why have never mentioned it?" "I could ask you the same thing," they looked at eachother, "The night," they said in unison, they looked back to the stars, "Rukia, do you REALLY love me?" "Ofcourse I do," "And, do you have plan on letting me go?" "No, Idiot, ofcourse not!" "Then, you'll marry me?" "Do I get a ring?" "Yes," "Then I see no reason not to, so, yes, I will," "Good, and you can do all the wedding planning," "Ok, good," "Do you wanna have it at night?" "No, I want it to be early, that way, we can come back on that night, and we can do this again," "Yeah, you're a good kisser," "So are you," "Because of the night," they said again,

1,100+ Hits!!!!!! Woooo!

THANKS FOR THIS MANY HITS! PRIZE: A really good fanfic that I'm actually finishing as we speak!