Hey! This is were your host Asagi, posts her fanfics, fanpoems, and life posts! So go have a lot of fun! Feel the IchiRuki!

And to be clear, here are the couples I write for: Ichigo and Rukia (Bleach), Momo and Toshiro (Bleach), Uryuu and Orahime (Bleach), Youraweichie and Kiuske (Bleach), Kagome and Inuyasha (Inuyasha), Sango and Miroku (Inuyasha), Ayame and Koga (Inuyasha), Kagura and Seshomaru (Inuyasha), Seya and Haji (Blood), Winry and Edward (Full Metal Alchemist), Roy and Riza (Full Metal Alchemist), Naruto and Hinata (Naruto), Sakura and Sauske (Naruto), Rachel and Jimmy (Case Closed), Harly and Katie (Case Closed), Ren and Kyoko (Skip Beat!), Kenta and Karin (Chibi Vampire/Karin) Maki and Winner (Karin),

Truth Of The Moon

Momo's POV

I woundered that night, if I would ever have wat Rukia had, the lucky Rukia, no, I don't think she has the perfect life, with no problums, or that she, or anyone else is perfect, no I don't envy her, but sometimes, I do feel just a twinge of jealousy, but we all get jealouse, Rukia, the strongest Soul Reaper in Soul Society, asides from her overwelming powerful husband, her husband, she's married, she's deeply in love with him, and she will soon have a baby, I haven't told her yet, but I think she'll have twins, Rukia, to be cared for so much that Ichigo would risk his life to, not only become a Soul Reaper again, but rescue her, and protect her, to become stronger, beyond the binds of a mere substitute Soul Reaper, to become the Captin Commander of all things! To leave school, and home, and a normal teenage boys life, and do you no, wen I asked him why, do you no wat he said? It wasn't just me who asked though, it was quite a few people, who asked wen they got married, and he said, "Only one reason, so that I will never lose her again" to have someone who loves you that much, and then to have been adopted into one of the most noble familys ever! And to escape- albeit just barely- exicution, to be the one girl out of every girl, not just Soul Reapers either, to posses the hogyoku! Even though she had no clue it even exsisted, but still! But every time I get even just a little jealouse of her, I remember all the things that made her jealouse of someone else, no, Rukia is to cool to get jealouse, well, maybe not, I don't no really, I mean, she was abanden as a baby, then, wen she finally had hope, she was taken in by nobles, wich isn't really the glitz and glamore everyone thinks it is, and then, to see her leitenit, and her idol die right before her very eyes, to have his blood stained on her face, that must be some sort of greif, then, to be sent on a mission, expecting to come home again, just another day, expecting that soon she'll be laughing with Kiyone, or, teasing Renji, just, being back home, but she didn't get to go back home, she was trapped in an unfamilar place for two months, not noing anyone or anything, or wat to do or were to go, having to completely rely on instinct and someone you just met, who, frankly, dosen't really like you that much anyway! Well, not for a little wile, and then, be sentenced to die in a matter of days, only to find out, that the person you love most is probably going to die, just to save you, to be thrown into agonizing emotional rollercoasters with, "I'm about to die, no, he just saved me, now he's about to die, no, someone else, no, me, no" for days on end, then learning in a matter of hours that you poses this magic crystal that everyone wants, and that you not only have a sister, but that she died, and that she was married to your adopted older brother and that was why he adopted you! And that's all in less than three months! Not to mention everything that follows all that, I'm personally surprised that she didn't go crazy! Although, Ichigo did mention something about bordering on suicidal, but, still, and then to be best freinds still with your child hood best freind! Toshiro and I are as close as ever, but I woundered if we could ever have wat Ichigo and Rukia have, if that's possible, if I were in Rukia's position, would he really be like Ichigo? Would he ever say "Only one reason, so I will never lose her again"? Would he ever fight impossible odds to see me again? Or to exceed his abilities so that I would always be with him?
That night, I remembered everything, and comparied it to Rukia and Ichigo, starting with the time that Toshiro woke up screaming, it was raining then, that I remember, it was the middle of autum, I awoke too a loud scream, wich scared me so badly that I rose up and my head on the back of the wall, ounce I got out of the short stupper, I remembered why I had waken up to recieve, a now growing, headache in the first place! I glanced over at the boy across the room, his eyes were wide, his breath unsteady, "Lil' Shiro?" I asked with concern, "Are you ok?" "Momo, it's my sister, I don't no were she is just that she was there wen I died!" I walked over to him, we were only little kids, I personally was quite happy that wen I died my family hadn't tailed behind me, not that I no of at least, I found it pleasent that they were happy in the world of the living and that I was happy here, they would join me someday, although, I guess not everyone can understand that sort of happiness, the older we got, the less we remembered about wat it was like in the world of the living, that's why I became a Soul Reaper, so that people, like Lil' Shiro, didn't carry that burden, I gripped him in my arms, and he started to cry, it was the first, and probably last, time I had seen him cry, I let him cry, I new he must have been close to his sister, I new he must have died tragically, and that there was probably some reason that he felt responsable for the two not remaning together, weather it was for her living or for him dying, I really didn't no, I didn't want to no, I had a feeling that no matter how he answered it, it would just leave me feeling worse than I did not noing, all I new, was that it was a tender open wound, that hadn't healed yet, "Wen you need to talk about it, I'll be there to listen," I wispered, and wen I said that, I felt the wound close up, just a little bit, it healed, just a little bit, he still has that wound, it isn't open anymore, it's been treated and dealt with, so it dosen't hold him back, 'That,' I thought, 'was exactly wat Rukia said, wen Ichigo told her that he lost his mother, and that, she was able to heal over time,' I was quite proud of myself, considering that I new how to do something at that age, but then, so I was able to comfort him, that's still on my part, right? So wat have I proven to myself? Well, as expected, since the Ichigo's team's triophth, we had all become very close and did nearly everything together, so, that night, before Rukia's wedding, she sat down with me, and a few other girls, and we talked untill late, actually, that's how I was able to smuggle this golden information out without acting suspicouse, and that's wat I compared my memories to, like this one,
The next thing I had to compare to was wen Rukia was taken back to Soul Society, well, I had never been kidnapped, but someone tryed ounce, as expected though, he was some old bafoon and all Toshiro had to do to "Rescue me" was spit some watermelon seeds at him, then, grab my arm and run, Rukia and Ichigo hadn't kissed untill they had said their "I love yous" although neither had we, then, there were all the injuries that were to be healed between the two, cuts to be bandeged, bruises to be healed, scrapes to be covered, nearly everything to be of some sort of medication, Rukia said that she had used up so much kido in two months on Ichigo alone that it was rediculouse! She said that somehow out of those two months-except befor the first night ofcourse- she had somehow escaped terrible injury, after that she had always been healed by Orahime, I asked why she sounded so disapointed and she said, "It never gave me a chance to have that warm moment with Ichigo, the one were he looks at you, and no's that even if he's mad, he must be gentle and soft, and calm and quite, Kido however holds no such rule, so, I never got to expereince that," I felt sorry for her, those times that Lil' Shiro and I expereienced that were wounderfull, now that I look back on them I relieze that I wouldn't give up those moments for anything, like the one time wen we were kids, how he was mad at me for spitting watermelon seeds at him, even though he did that to me, so I climbed up a tree, he looked so funny! All mad and frustrrated, I couldn't help laughing, and sure enough, I ended up tumbling backwards and right out of the tree, well, I had a cut leg as you can imagine, but wen I saw me, lying in a heap on the ground crying, I could see the anger in his face melt away, "Momo," he spoke softly, "I'll be right back, stay here" and he took off, returning moments later with medicine and bandeges, and a wet cloth, he cleaned up the wound, the water felt cold on my skin, then he took some of the medicine, "This'll hurt a bit" he warned, as he put the anticeptic on my cut, I woundered then why they made medicine that hurt? Then he covered it neatly with a bandege and smiled at me softly, years later wen we became Soul Reapers I hurt my arm in a simaler fashion, only the wound was bigger and deeper, before he left to go get someone from squad four I asked him if he would treat it the way he did back then, "Momo, I can't use kido" he warned before rolling up my sleve, that's why he carrys that pack of medical supplies with him, I didn't care that it hurt, I just wanted that moment back, because Toushiro was trying to drift away from me at the time, I wanted him back, and so, it amazeses me still that I'm going to have a baby, most likely with Lil' Shiro's wite hair and green eyes, maybe not though, I relize now that those moments I wanted so badly that I was so jealouse of Rukia for, were actually right here beside me, with the moonlight shining on us both

On The Subject Of Momo..

A wile ago I had a vote to see if I would keep posting MomoxShiro fics, you can see that I lost, but, I am REdoing it! That's because I have some new fans/freinds, a couple of them DO like/love Momo like me, and it isn't fair that they don't have a chance to say that they want MomoxShiro, it ALSO isn't fair that anyone discontinues looking at my site or being my freind if the vote comes to a yes OR wen I get a request for MomoxShiro, I'm sure all of you have atleast one couple that you hate but that someone else supports, personally, I don't like ShiroxKarin, personally, I'd like to have a little chat with the person that came up with that ideah, personally, I think ShiroxRangiku is absolutly boardering on insanity! And personally MomoxShiro is a kawaii, logical couple, my second favirote to be exact (IchiRuki stole my heart) and personally, I could see MomoxShiro happening in the last episode (or around there) like SangoxMiroku, it's because the writer really dosen't give us much choice! Personally, I have seen some pairings for Sango and for Miroku that made me do the "Ichigo Eye Twitch In Annoyance Thing" I'm seriouse! Some people's minds just LIVE in the gutters and in some kinda lab! Anyway, FYI, I wrote ShiroxKarin as a request, not because I'm disloyal, but because the girl that requested it is a pretty good freind, anyway, tthis vote will go till July 10th, untill then, I reserve the rights to post MomoxShiro (in case us Momo lovers loose, atleast we'll have something!)


Ok, first of all, I no I said that I would post a "ABC" fanfic for every 100 hits, but, I'm really far behind, some of them I don't even no if I'll finish, so I'll post something else for every 100 hits, 'kay? Also, Nana-Chan and Set-Chan, I am working on your requests, Set-Chan, I'm kinda stuck on yours, so, I'll try to get those done and posted soon

Heart Beat

Karma is so mean! And it was espically sharp tounged with Soul Reapers! Why, was a question that came to her often, 'We work for you!' she thought to herself, diracting the statement at whoever controlled karma, she leaned back in her bed, thinking about the day before, and wat she had done to deserve this fate, it all had started wen Ichigo had gone into a coughing fit due to the pollen...
"Ichigo! Just do it already! That coughing is on my last nerve!" Rukia demanded, "No way! Cough Syrup is the worst thing on earth!" "Well, that may be true, but are you suggesting that there are worse things in Soul Soceity?" "Shut up," she shrugged, "Just drink it," "No! Why don't you turn up a shot if you think it's so ok?!" "Alright!" and after he poured the right dousage she shoved it down him, "Idiot, as if I would take your medicine! That's dangerouse!"
She shuddered slightly, so she had acted like a real brat, was that really any reason to make her sick? Yes you say? Well now that thats settled! She felt awfull, and the new thought of Ichigo's cackling laughter made it worse, and worse than that, she could only imagine how he would pour that vial Cough Syrup down her throat, mocking her every word as he did so, but if she just stayed in his closet all day, maybe it would go away on it's owne and he would never no? He wouldn't bother asking if she was sick, so she wouldn't have to tell him? No such luck as that annoying nocking fell to her ears, she straightened her hair, trying to look as well as possible, she opened the door, "Yes?" "It being Saturday dosen't give you the right to stay locked in there all day! Besides, I figured that all that time in Soul Society's cells would make you sleep with the door open, not keep you locked in there! Now come on, let's go out or somethin'," "Actually, Ichigo, I think that slash to the leg yesterday affected me more than I thought," His eyes grew a little wider, "You ok? You want me to take a look at it?" "No that's ok! Really I'm fine!" 'Stupid! That's the worse thing you could've said! Stupid Idiotic Edjitin Fool!' She thought, screaming at herself for the stupid answer, "I should look at it, it might be infected or something," "No, no thank you!" "Rukia, I won't hurt you, just let me see," oh man! This was bad! He wanted trust! He thought she didn't trust him! And so, he was giving her that injured puppy look! That horrible, sad, injured puppy look! For a tough guy he sure was good at that! "Um, Ichigo, my leg is fine, I was lying," she didn't make eye contact, "But why-" "I needed an excuse, the truth is, I don't feel so good," Rukia's head felt heavy, and her eys felt thick and teary, she blinked, trying to stop that heavy feeling, she didn't succeed, "Sit still for a minute," he looked at her quickly before heading out the door
He returned moments later, he found the door to the closet shut, "Rukia, open the door," she opened it slightly, "Sit up," "Don't want to, I wanna sleep," "You can sleep later, sit up now," she moaned a little but sat up anyway, he put his hand on her head, it felt hot, so hot, but he lingered there for a moment, "Ok, now open your mouth," she cocked her head, but that made her headache worse, "Why?" she asked suspicously, "So I can take your tempiture," "Didn't you just do that?" he rolled his eyes at her, but being clueless made her even cuter, "Rukia," he said sternly, his eyes locked her in place, as if she couldn't move, she opened her mouth, he put the thermometere in her mouth, "Now, keep that under your tounge and don't open your mouth untill I say so," she nodded slightly, he smoothed some of her hair down, she looked even pailer than she usually did, except for her cheeks that were beat red, "How da' ya' feel?" she raised an eyebrow, and shot him a glare, if she could have said something, the word would surely be "Idiot", he lightly took the themomotor from her soft grip, "Well no wounder you feel bad! 103 ain't messin' around! Do you realize how high your fever is?" she only looked at him with swimming eyes, "Well, wat're your symptoms?" "I beg your pardon?" but before he could answer she went into a short coughing fit, "Rukia!" "I'm ok," her eyes had tears in the corner, wich she blinked away, "You sure?" "Im fine," "Well, tell me how you feel," she looked down, he stroked her hair for a second, "Tell me," she looked up, "I have a headache," she said quietly, "And?" "A sore throat, and my hole body hurts, and I just feel bad," "Do you wanna rest in my bed?" oh yes! Oh goodness graticuouse yes! Always! But, why would he offer now? Her suspicouse nature would not go away, regardless of her being sick, "Why? So it'll be easier to force medicine down me?" she asked, before going into another short coughing fit, he put his hand on her back as she stopped, she felt better with him there, gently touching her, with his healing touch, "No, I just thought if you wanted-" "I never said I didn't want to," she said, swinging her legs over the edge of the shelf, she stopped, putting a hand to her head as it throbbed, he swooped her up and before she could object dropped her on the bed, not layed, dropped, "Ow," "You deserve that," he said, "Wat did I do?!" "You lyed about your leg," she sat up in the bed, "Alright Midget, I'll be back in a minute," and he left again
She stared down at the small box on the floor, seeing all the medical stuff and Ichigo next to them scared her, she looked at him, "First, it's pay back time you winney little shrew!" "Wat did you call me?!" "Ah, your hearin' gone too?" "Shut up!" "Can it pipsqeak!" "No!" "Look you edjitin little sea monkey! Shut up and do wat I say!" "How dare you!" "Alright She-Demon! Look here!-" and there she went, into another coughing fit, and that made him feel bad, "Alright," he calmed down, "Listen Munchkin, I was over reacting, so, I'll try not to be so rough today, alright you hot headed liitle midget? Hm?" she glared at him, "Sorrry, last one," she sorta half smiled, "Seriously though, you need to go ahead and drink soma' this cough syrup," "If I do, without any indication of dislike, then you must promise that you will not complain about it," "Fine," he wanted to tell her that he would have forced it down her midget sized throat if he had to, but this would work better, he poured the dose into the cup, "Eh, better give you the kid size just in case," her eye twitched, she wanted to yell at him, but her throat would be raw if she did, she took the cup and shot the syrup into her mouth, Ichigo saw her eyes go wide, he quickly covered her mouth so she didn't spew the red liuid, ounce he was sure that she had swallowed the horrible tasteing medicine he let go, "Ugh! That is the worst thing that has ever entered my mouth!" she sqealed, he smiled broadly, "Stop enjoying this!" she said between clenched teeth, "Sorry," she doubted that, "Alright," he said firmly, "Let me look at ya'," he commanded,
"You feelin' better?" "A little," "I think your fever dropped," he said, "Mm-hm," "So, do you think the medicine helped at all?" "It better have helped! You certainly gave me enough!" he smiled sweetly, he had given her all the medicine she needed at ounce so he could keep track of the hours better, she had the flu, he concluded, and she took three diffrent medicines for her symptoms, (including the cough syrup that she refused to ever take again,) "Ichigo," he looked at her, she rose up from her sleeping position, "why are you taking care of me?" "Because if I don't, who will?" "You could've sent me back to Soul Society," "Why would I do that? Besides, I like playing doctor, it's pretty fun," "Yeah?" "Yeah," "If that's the case, then you have to promise me something," "Wat?" "I get to take care of you the next time you get sick," "Ok, fine," she looked over the side of the bed at the little medical kit that had tools next to it, most of wich he hadn't even glanced at, "Wat do they do?" she asked him, "Wat do wat do?" "Those," she pointed at the kit and medical tools, "Diffrent things," "Can you show me?" Ichigo felt that he was no more fit to explain human medicin to Rukia than he was to explain to her wat it meant wen Keigo had ben "hitting on her", "Please?" there she went with those puppy dog eyes of hers, he let out a breath, "Wat do you want to no first?" "You chose," she said, he smiled, "Well, this is a pretty cool one," he said, picking up a long stringy instrament, she stared at it in aw, "Wat does it do?" "It alows one person to hear another person's heartbeat," he saw her blush a little, but he didn't think it was the fever's doing, she reached out shyly to touch the object, "Can, can I try it?" "Sure," he demonstrated on her, showing how to use it, and then she did the same to him
"Well? Wat do you think?" he asked, she smiled softly, "I like it, it's nice," she said, she tugged on him a little, "I feel alot better, Dr. Ichigo," he blushed a littled, "But, I no another way to hear someone's heartbeat," "Really?" "Mm-hm, like this," she pulled him down, he layed on his bed, she set her head on his chest, listening to the soft thumping of his heart, "Like this," she wispered, he held her tighter and stroked her back, "You sleepin'?" "No, just resting," he burried his senses in her, he kissed her lightly on the head, she looked up, and he kissed her on the lips, he saw her beautifull face, even with his eyes closed, heard her voice, even though she wasn't speaking, felt her touch, as light as it was, smelled her sweet scent, as it drifted through her hair, and he tasted her lips, as they danced with his owne, she let go, she needed to take a breath, "Aren't you afraid of getting sick?" "No, because even if I do, you'll take care of me," he smiled, "And why does that make you so happy?" "Because, I'm in love with you, why else?" "Ok," "Is that all you have to say?!" "No, I love you too," and they kissed one more time, heartbeats ringing in unison

RE 1,000+ Hits

Ok, this time I DO have 1,000, I must've been tired the last time, but I already posted the 1,000 hits present, so enjoy!