Hey! This is were your host Asagi, posts her fanfics, fanpoems, and life posts! So go have a lot of fun! Feel the IchiRuki!

And to be clear, here are the couples I write for: Ichigo and Rukia (Bleach), Momo and Toshiro (Bleach), Uryuu and Orahime (Bleach), Youraweichie and Kiuske (Bleach), Kagome and Inuyasha (Inuyasha), Sango and Miroku (Inuyasha), Ayame and Koga (Inuyasha), Kagura and Seshomaru (Inuyasha), Seya and Haji (Blood), Winry and Edward (Full Metal Alchemist), Roy and Riza (Full Metal Alchemist), Naruto and Hinata (Naruto), Sakura and Sauske (Naruto), Rachel and Jimmy (Case Closed), Harly and Katie (Case Closed), Ren and Kyoko (Skip Beat!), Kenta and Karin (Chibi Vampire/Karin) Maki and Winner (Karin),

Dreaming Of You

Dreaming Of You
'How long is this gonna last?!' Ichigo thought, they had been that way for about an hour, but it felt more like ten hours to Ichigo, he was laying flat on the floor, a headach forming, and Rukia's upper half was laying on his chest, his arm was around her, Ichigo was not going to move and risk waking her up because of advice from Renji, wich was, "You think she's an evil shrew on her owne? Well, she's ten times worse if you wake her up in the middle of sleep, trust me, wanna see the scars and bruses?" Ichigo couldn't even imagine, he had seen documenteries on animal care, he had thought about getting a dog ounce, but changed his mind after Rukia came along, he figured he couldn't very well take care of a dog and a Soul Reaper, boy, he wished he had chosen the dog, but the documenteries showed that wen near a sleeping animal (mostly cats) if you wake them up, you're dead meat, it showed a cat going berzerk wen someone accedently stepped on it's tail wen it was sleeping, although Ichigo had a simaler experience with that as well, ounce he fell asleep, grabbed Youraweichie's tail, and it took five people to make him let go, but he was scared, it also said that animals were posesive, depicting a dog and it's toy, now this sounds like Ichigo thinks badly of poor Rukia, that isn't true, but he does, however, no that women hate being woken up, and that Rukia had a bad temper towards him already, he also remembered how ounce Tatskie had fallen asleep wile they were outside, he woke her up, and, well, he still has that scar, now, how did he get in this situation? Well, he and Rukia were sparring outside, wile he wasn't looking she jumped in his window, he went after her, he found her asleep on the floor, well, he tried to pick her up and put her on the bed, but instead he was pulled down, and right before he could get up, he found himself as Rukia's new pillow, and he believed Renji wen he said that he didn't want to wake her up, but his neck was hurting, and he just new that if he didn't get up, his spine would never recover, he rose up a little, "Ichigo," Rukia wispered in her sleep, 'She's dreaming about me?' "Idiot," 'Her dream is my nightmare!' Ichigo no longer felt guilty about getting up and that little head of hers hitting the floor, hard, "Don't... leave me... Idiot," ok, now Ichigo felt guilty, he laid back down, "Ok, I'll stay right here Rukia," the timing was seriously uncanny, and Ichigo didn't no if it was posssible, but he saw a small smile cross Rukia's lips,
Inside Rukia's dream, memories raced around, memories of things that she wished she had said, things that she remembered from a long time ago, and memories from recent time, one in paticular swarmed in head at the time, the night after Ichigo had rescued her, she couldn't sleep well, she glanced over at Ichigo, who was sound asleep, and she asked herself, "Ichigo? How could I be so foolish? How could I fall in love with someone? Espically someone like you? I don't understand, how I could allow myself to be such a fool? Ichigo? I'm sorry, about everything, do you forgive me? Could you ever forgive me? Ichigo? And let me ask you, just one more thing, Ichigo, why do I love you?" she walked over to him and felt his hand, wich curled around her owne, she hoped he hadn't heard anything, another memory spred across her mind, she remembered the night that she left, how she had wanted to tell him that she loved him, had wanted to embrace him, and had wanted to ask him, beg him, to never let her go, her mind swirled and played tricks on her, as she imagened wat it would have been like, just those few minutes, if she had had a little more courage, a little less pride, and a lot less Kon interupting, 'She approached him, "Ichigo," Ichigo looked at her, waiting for her to continue her thoughts, she got closer to him, and embraced him tightly, buirying her head in the warmth of his chest, and prayed that she wouldn't start crying, "Hey, wat's the matter?" he asked gently, putting his school bag on the ground and embracing her, "Please, never let me go? Please?" "Sure, why would I ever let you go?" "Please promise me," "I promise, but wat's this all about?" "I, I think I'm in love with you,"' the dream ended there and Rukia woke up, glad to see the man she dreamed about laying there with her, his eyes were closed, was he asleep?
"Hey," he said, Rukia rose up, "Hey yourself," Ichigo rose up as well, he rubbed his neck, "I really wish you hadn't fallen asleep on the floor," he said, "Why didn't you get up?" "Well, Renji said... never mind" "Renji is an idiot," "I'm aware of that, but then I tried to get up a few hours ago, but you asked me to stay," Rukia's eyes grew wide, "Wat else did you hear?" "Nothing, I fell asleep after that," Rukia smiled, "Ichigo, I want to give you something long over due," she closed her eyes, leaned up, and kissed him on the lips, they both fell into the kiss, wen they broke for air, he said, "By the way, I love you too," "You said you didn't hear anything else," "I didn't, you just told me," Rukia swated him playfully on the back of the head, "Next time we take a nap, please use the bed," her smile grew wider, she no longer needed to dream to have this love


Ok, all you have to do if ya' wanna be in the maybe fanclub is tell me wich charector you want in a comment and tell me that you want in, but so far I only have one member besides myself and pussycat so I won't do it unless more people wanna be in

900+ HITS!!!!!!!!

You all no wat 90+ hits means! Prizey! Thank you for 900+ hits!!!!!!!


Agh! I've been gone for two days! I'm sorry! I was reading the Twilight series! I got obsorrbed, and by the way, the day after the last book release you may not see me, yeah, anyway, I'm sorry! And I'm also sorry Set-Chan, I haven't been on the computer at all for two days! But apparently no one really missed me do to the lack of comments oh well


I keep seeing Naruto fan clubs and stuff like that, anyoe want to be part of a Bleach fanclub? If so, I'll either create a new world, or turn Bleach Games! into our fan base, I'm not a member of a fan club and I'd really like to be, the first to sighn up get first pick of the charectors! I'm Rukia, obviously, Pussycat is Rangiku (unless someone really wants to be Rangiku since Pussycat won't be doin' much) anyway, I really hope that this taes off!