Hey! This is were your host Asagi, posts her fanfics, fanpoems, and life posts! So go have a lot of fun! Feel the IchiRuki!

And to be clear, here are the couples I write for: Ichigo and Rukia (Bleach), Momo and Toshiro (Bleach), Uryuu and Orahime (Bleach), Youraweichie and Kiuske (Bleach), Kagome and Inuyasha (Inuyasha), Sango and Miroku (Inuyasha), Ayame and Koga (Inuyasha), Kagura and Seshomaru (Inuyasha), Seya and Haji (Blood), Winry and Edward (Full Metal Alchemist), Roy and Riza (Full Metal Alchemist), Naruto and Hinata (Naruto), Sakura and Sauske (Naruto), Rachel and Jimmy (Case Closed), Harly and Katie (Case Closed), Ren and Kyoko (Skip Beat!), Kenta and Karin (Chibi Vampire/Karin) Maki and Winner (Karin),


She wanted to trust him, but he won't let her be, "I'm not made of glass!" she protests


She winced in pain, the treatment stung a little, "I'm sorry, I no it hurts," "It's ok," she assured the man treating her, "Did you no, that souls remember how they die? They weren't alive wen it happened, so they remember," "Really?" "Mm-hm," she raised her arm from his hands, "Soul Reapers can tell how other people died as well," "Really?! Can you tell how I died?!" "Mm-hm," "Can you tell me? And also, since I'm the Captin Commander and live in Soul Society now, can you tell me weather or not I'm dead?" "I don't really no, I don't think so, but I can't say for sure," "How many lives have I lived?" "Four, not including this one," "And how have I died?" "In your first life it was a heart attack, that's why you sometimes hold a mirror over my mouth wen I sleep," "You, uh, no about that?" "Yeah, but it dosen't bother me or anything, in your second life you died by exicution, you were wrongly accused," "Do I even have to say it?" "In your third life you drowned, and in the fourth," "Yeah?" "You died in battle," "I see, Rukia? Is it too touchy a subject to ask, how you died?" "No, it isn't touchy, I had four lives, not considering this one, if I'm even alive," "You are," "Thanks, in my first life I tripped and hit my head on a rock, in my second I was suffocated to death, by someone I trusted, in my third I died of Lukimia, and in my fourth," she trailed off, "Wat happened?" his eyes swam in concern, he lightly gripped her hand, "You no that I died as a babby, I died," he smiled in a way of saying, "Its ok" "because, I was born preature," she closed her eyes tightly, "I'm sorry," "It's ok," "That's why you're so small, right?" "I perfer 'petit' but yes," he pulled her hand and held her closely, vowing to himself to never let her go,

"Rukia! Be carefull! I'll take care of this one!" "Ichigo!" this was irritating! He had ben acting like this all week! It was really getting on her nerves! All week he had been p;rotecting her like there was no tommorrow! And from everything!He worried about her getting pappercuts! He had a protective nature, she excepted that, but this was rediculouse! "You ok?" he asked, falling from the sky, hollow dienigratng, "Yeah, considering that I didn't get to do anything!" "Something wrong?" "Ya' think?!" "Well, wat is it?" "All week you haven't let me do anything! You've been overprotecting me!" "I'm just trying to keep you safe!" "But there's a diffrence between protecting me and treating me like a child ho can't protect herself!" he said nothing, "You no wat? This all started a few days ago wen I told you about that dying thing, wen I told you about how I died," "Rukia," "That's it isn't it?! You think that because I was born premature I can't protect myself don't you?" "Rukia," "No! You no, I never should have trusted you, it was a big mistake!" "Rukia! I didn't-" "You no, you are the only person who no's about this, even my brother and Captin Ukitake don't no, and you have proved exactly wat I was afraid of, that by telling someone, I'm telling them that I'm weak, thanks, I'll never tell anyone again," she started to walk off, "Rukia! Stop!" "In your eyes, am I still the person I used to be? Sill the person that fights hollows everyday?"

"Rukia! Rukia! Please talk to me!" he banged on the closet door, "Go away!" "Rukia I'm sorry! I just wanted to protect you! I didn't mean to over do it! I'm just scared!" she slid open the door, "Why?" "Because Rukia, I've always been afraid of you fighting, even more so wen I saw you in Soul Society, up on that scaffold, and more than that wen you were scared that night and crawled in my bed, I remember pulling you close to me and thinking, 'She's so small, how can she be so strong, and so yet so tiny?' and I started thinking, and remembering how ffrail you are, how easily you bleed, how quickly you bruise, and I started woundering, if I was doing the right thing by letting you fight,and then, wen you told me that, it all came to light, Rukia, being born premature, and dying from it no less, is more than just being small, it's so much more than that, I mean, I lived next to someone that was born at seven months, and she had alot of problums, and I was just scared, you were already so fragil, and I, Rukia, I just don't wanna lose you," they were sitting on the floor now, "I'm not made of glass Ichigo, I'm not going to shatter before your eyes, and weather or not I fight is my desciosion, not yours, and I am small, and I do have trouble with taking a hit sometimes, but I still want to fight, and I am still a strong warrior that I was a few months ago, only I'm stronger now, Ichigo, I am not made of glass," "But your heart is, Rukia, your heart is as fragil as glass, even though most people can't get past the wall that surronds it, and it's already broken far too many times," "Ichigo, why do you even care?" he thought for a moment, "Because I love you, and I want to help peice yopur heart back together, even if you aren't made of glass," "Ichigo, I'm sorry," her voice was weak and she almost started crying, "I'm sorry, I nlo this is hard, I just want to be normal for ounce in my life! And you were the only one who gave me that unreachable normality, but suddenly it felt like that was slipping away, and I don't want to go back to the way it used to be!" "It's ok," he held her close, as she rocked back and forth in his arms, she eaned up and kissed his lips softly, "Ichigo, I love you too," he kissed her back, "Would it be too painfull to ask, how old? I mean, how many months?" she pressed her lips silently against his in a way of silencing him "Between six and seven," she wispered, he closed his eyes, "and the best part is, there wasn't any pain at all, all I remember is being in Soul Society and finding Renji," he kissed her lightly, she narrowed her eyes and kissed him quite passionatly, "I'm not made of glass, remember?" continuing the passionate kiss

Next Post

The next one is "Glass" a semi-long fanfic, it's alot longer than it was gonna be, I just wrote two days ago, yeah, I'm doing this, and two requests, and I'm about to post the lyrics that the lovely Set-Chan found for Holy Fight for me, so you all understand that I'm extremely loyal, that's why I want comments! Eh, anyway, I'll try to translate them to English later, but if some one else can please let me no!

800+ Hits!!!!!!!!

I'll get to your 800 hits present in a few minutes, then I'm posting Neccy's, Set Chan's, and Nanao Chan's requests, it's 2:30 AM, just got back from Neccy's and so, there will probbably be alot of typos

Thank You Nanao-Chan And Set-Chan!!!!!!!

I want to thank to of my best freinds on her Nanao44 and Set-Chan for being my freinds and for supporting my work and commenting and PMing as much as they can, Nanao-Chan has a very lovely Bleach world called Bleach Shrine and I love going there because it's alot of fun, she also recently posted her first fanfic wich, (despite being a MomoxShiro fan) was absolutly lovely! And Set-Chan is a writer, like myself, who mainly does Negima?! works for Konoka and Setsuna, she has all of her writings on Library Island, both of these freinds have more than one world, but those are my two favirotes, and also, for being such good freinds, I'm doing a special update on all three of my worlds for both of you! So, tell me a type of fanfic you want, and your three favirote songs, (I'll pick one out of the three to post) and then there will be a surprise for you on Bleach Games!, so, there's just my way of saying thank you, and also, thank you very much Neccy-Chan for being my best (and sometimes only) freind for almost 8 years! You can do the same as Set-Chan and Nanao-Chan, since I'll be visiting you later today, you can read this and tell me then! for all you three! Thanks again!