Hey! This is were your host Asagi, posts her fanfics, fanpoems, and life posts! So go have a lot of fun! Feel the IchiRuki!

And to be clear, here are the couples I write for: Ichigo and Rukia (Bleach), Momo and Toshiro (Bleach), Uryuu and Orahime (Bleach), Youraweichie and Kiuske (Bleach), Kagome and Inuyasha (Inuyasha), Sango and Miroku (Inuyasha), Ayame and Koga (Inuyasha), Kagura and Seshomaru (Inuyasha), Seya and Haji (Blood), Winry and Edward (Full Metal Alchemist), Roy and Riza (Full Metal Alchemist), Naruto and Hinata (Naruto), Sakura and Sauske (Naruto), Rachel and Jimmy (Case Closed), Harly and Katie (Case Closed), Ren and Kyoko (Skip Beat!), Kenta and Karin (Chibi Vampire/Karin) Maki and Winner (Karin),


Well there they were, all tangled up in his room, if it weren't enough that they're limbs were tangled together they just had to be tangled with wires as well! Sick really, how cruel a thing karma was, they would eventually be forced out of this mess, eventually they would be forced to untangle themselves, you may be asking why they hadn't already done that, am I right? Well, I'll tell you, in order to free themselves, they would need to flip and flop around in so many positions it made their heads spin just thinking about it! Not to mention, that cruel, cruel, fate had throwen the poor girl in a dress, a light, button down dress, the first button was undone, the second was well on it's way, and possibly worse than that, the poor boy's belt had become semi-undone, it would only tae a quick pull to jerk the lather from his pant loops, both of them looked like a mess, shaggy hair, red faces, clothes dangling and spread over the room, how exactly were they in this mess? Well it all began with curiosity, and that led to an argument, and that led to the current problum, but let's start from the begining shall we?

Crackling buzzed in his ears, he wanted to take a nap, just one, little nap, all day had been like a morning call to him, he moaned slightly, the crackling getting louder, his eyes shot open, "Rukia would ya' stop messin' around rith that thing already?!" Rukia looked up from the small object, "Huh? Well, then teach me!" "Teach you?" "Teach me how to play with this!" "First of all, that isn't for playing! Second of all, there's nothing to learn," "But there must be or it would be working already!" Ok, so she had a point there, Ichigo pressed his fist to his head, she was so cute, being clueless and all, gah! Cute?! How on earth did that enter his mind?! He sighed, taking the small electronic in his hands, and turning the dial, music played from the iPod, "My sisters share this with me, this is some of their music, it's really girly, so you should like it," Rukia took the object, "How strange, music coming out of no place," Ichigo shook his head, why was she so, so, attractivly ditzy? Wait a minute! "Attractivly Ditzy"?!! Why was he thinking like this?!

After about an hour of mind numbingly girly music, Ichigo was pu out of his missery and fell asleep, but, it seemed to him, that as soon as he drifted to sleep, she woke him up again! "Not again!" "Ichigo, the music stopped, why?" "The disk is over," "Can I listen to another one?" "No!" "Why not?" "Because the only other disk is mine," "Why can't I listen to yours?" "Because I don't want you to," "How come?" "Because I don't," "Well then, you must have some pretty sick stuff on there," "I do not!" "Do so!" "Do not!" "Do so!" "Do not!" "Then let me listen to it!" "No!" he rolled over to his side to tune her out, her shouting finally carrying him to sleep, it was lucky that no one else was home that day, Rukia finally stopped after she realized that he was asleep, she put her elbow on the bed and propted her head up on her fist,looking at his sleeping figure, 'Ichigo, do you hate me that much? That you won't let me in? I'm truly sorry for making you this way' she thought,

He woke up and saw a beautiful sight below him, Rukia was asleep, neeling next to her bed and resting her head in her arms, her hand lightly touching his, he traced the creases in her slender fingers, her warm, sft breath hitting his hand, "Ichi," he barely heard, smieling at her, he wanted to seal off those sweet looking lips of hers, to press them against his owne, surely not, he couldn't, she would wake up and scold him, but maybe, if he was light enough, he couldjust feel them, his finger traced her soft lips, she inhaled sharply and he drew back quickly, not wanting to be caught, her eyes fluttered open, she smiled, "Gah!" she sqealed, shooting back, "Something wrong?" "Well it's scary seeing someone staring at you as son as you wake up! Espically you!" "Espically me?! How come?!" "Your face is so scary!" "Scary?!" they were both standing, Rukia looked over at Ichigo's drawer and grinned evily, "No," he said, she nodded, her grin growing wider, "I said no!" she ignored him and ran to the drawer, pulling it open and yanking out a small card, Ichigo jumped on the bed to try to stop her, she held it up, he grabbed her arms, she struggled, "Drop it Midget!" he yelled, she kicked him in the shin with the back of her heel, "Ye-ouch!" he yelped, leaping on the bed and mumbeling curses and insults under his breath, she scrambeled to get up, she slid the chip inside the iPod and just as she did, he jumped n her, nocking her to the ground, as they wrestled for the peice of musical glory they had no clue that they were becoming tangled in the wires, and that's how they got there

Rukia sighed heavily, if she moved her dress would certainly come up, she silently made a vow to always wear shorts and a tank top under her dresses, and Ichigo was just silently hoping that she wouldn't move, "We can't stay like this forever," he said, "Yeah, it'd be too hard to fight hollows," that gave Rukia an ideah, "Ichigo! I figured out how to get out of this mess! But on one condition," "Condition?" "Yeah, let me hear your music," "No!" "Fine then!" Rukia craweled forward just a little, her lips being so tauntinizingly close to his, she switched the dial on the iPod, and a rythum of Betoven spread through the room, Ichigo hung his head in shame, "It's pretty," she said simply, he blushed, "My ideah," he snapped out of his thoughts, "I need to use your Substitute Soul Reaper Badge," Ichigo tossed her said badge, she slammed it into her chest, popping out of her body, "Here," she tossed it to him, he too escaped from his body, "Now all we have to do is untangle this mess!" she said, trying to undo some of the wires that intangled their limbs, Ichigo started helping her, after about an hour they were satisfied with their work and returned to their bodies, they started to part but then they noticed, tey were still tied together by one lose wire that they failed to notice before, tied around their ankles, they moved forward to undo it, their faces were so close that they could feel eachothers breath, her breath trickled down his cheek, and his trickled down her neck, he couldn't take it anymore, he leaned forward and kissed her lips lightly, softly, if she yelled at him, so be it, he leaned back a few seconds later, she looked at him, scarlet tinting her cheeks, she smiled, leaned forward, and kissed him on the lips, they brought eachother closer, limbs tangling, eyes closed, breathing heavy and heated, Rukia let go of Ichigo's passion for no more than a moment, only to wisper softly, "I love you, and I'm sorry," in his ear, before returning to the moment, he wispered to her, "I love you too, why are you sorry?" Rukia just shook her head and leaned in to continue the kissing sinsation, he stopped her, she fell back, face hot, breath quick, hair messy, he stood up, taking her hand and helped her off of the floor, "Why are you sorry?" "Never mind Ichigo," she stepped forward, he put his finger on her lips, in a way of saying, "No more kissing till you tell me," she stepped back, "I'm sorry for ruining your life," "You did not!" "You must hate me, to try to hide from me so much," "If I hated you, would I kiss you?" "Well-" "Look," he put his hands on her shoulders, "Rukia, I said that I loved you, and I wasn't lying," Rukia smiled softly, she thought that he would let her sleep in his bed instead of the closet now, but it was a small bed, she smiled brighter, in order to do that, they would have to be all tangled up with the sheets and their limbs, but she didn't mind, being tangled together with him,


I promised another fanfic right? Well it's coming! Aw, my little puppy is asleep next to me, she looks like a little angel! I love my little Apie, that's her nickname, her name is Aperial, anyway, my promise is coming, and might I say, this one is pretty good

Heart Healing

NOTE: Like I said, just a big IchiRuki fluff ball

The chains disapeared as Ichigo's spiritual pressure crushed them to peices, Rukia fell to the ground and waited to feel the harsh, cold cobblestone that paved the street, but it didn't happen, she felt his warm, strong, arms pull hertowards him, she opened her eyes, her heartbeat felt fainter to him, fainter, slower, than it ever had, "Ichigo," she wispered, blood trickling down the corner of her mouth, "Thank you," his eyes were clouded with tears that waited to stream down his reding cheeks, "and, I wanted to tell you something, before I die," "No!" he shouted, "You aren't going to die! I won't allow it! You won't die!" she smiled sadly, "Ichigo, I wanted to tell you before-" "Stop! You aren't giong to die ok?! So shut up already! Just, shut up!" he was crying! The great Ichigo Kurasake was crying! "Ichigo," "Don't say it! Don't say it again Rukia! I don't want-" "Shut up!" she coughed, "Shut up, and let me tell you that I love you," she said, "and before I die, I want you to tell me that you love me too," "Rukia stop it! You aren't going to die!" "Just tell me," "Rukia," "Even if, even if I don't die from this battle, if you don't tell me, then I will die of a broken heart," "I do love you, I do," he ran his finger over her soft face, "but you aren't going to die," he laced his fingers in hers, "Ichigo, even you cannot stop death," "Why not?" her eyes grew wide, her face dipicted shock, "Rukia, I've stopped death from taking you away from before, so why can't I stop it now? Wat makes this time so diffrent?" she smiled softly and laughed to herself, "Wat a fool, wat an idiot I am, to be outsmarted by a fool like you, I must be really stupid, aren't I?" he smiled back at her, "You aren't stupid, never were," "Ichigo, wat would you do if I did die?" "I would bring you back to life, because I can never let you go," "Ichigo, there's one more thing, just in case," "Rukia," he felt a tug, a small, weak, tug, and soon her bloody lips were pressed against his, she smiled against his mouth, and let go, "You're a really good kisser," "Ofcourse I am," she snuggled up against his chest, and closed her eyes, her breathing slowed and became less harsh, "Rukia?" he asked softly, no answer, "Rukia?!" his face filled with worry, "Wat?" she wispered, "I'm trying to sleep, leave me alone," "No, don't go to sleep, not right now,"

Rukia smiled, her chest still hurt, her heart was healing now, she opened her eyes, "Hey there, how ya' feelin'?" "How long have you been here?" his head rested beside hers, she wrapped her arms around his neck, and he wrapped his around her tiny waist, "I never left," she smiled softly, and played with his hair, and kissedd him softly, he pulled her closer so that their chests were pressed as close together as their lips, his heartbeat worked at healing hers, his heartbeat slowed down and hers sped up, they sang together in unison, sang a beautiful song of love

700+ Hits!!!!!!

Wow! Just crossed to 700+ Hits! Wooooooooo! Thank you all very, very much for this! As a treat, I'm posting a big fluff ball that I did at about 2:00 AM last night, I was day dreaming (in order to get to sleep IU day dream about Bleach, yeah, weird, so wat) and I thought to myself, 'Hey that ain't half bad!' so I wrote it down, it's just a big wad of IchiRuki fluff, not all that much of a story line, I will also post a story later called "Tangled"


NOTE: I hardly ever do personal poetry, but this is an exception

You are my puppet,
Athough you defie me,
You take away wats mine,
And laugh as you deny me,
But ounce you are my puppet,
You are always my puppet,
And I will make you dance,
On your bloody strings,
Make you curse and make you scream,
All for me,
You take wats mine,
And expect to get away,
But I won't let you go,
My prey,
I'll control your every thought,
And stab you with my eyes,
Untill you've given up,
And wat's mine there lies,
I shall take it back,
Only to break it,
Break it in half,
Back you will take it,
I shall stun you with my words,
And sting you with my voice,
And a million appoligies,
Will not erase your choice,
It dosen't matter wat you do,
For soon I will control you all,
I'll laugh through the seering pain,
But I won't break your fall,
Because you are my puppet,
That's all,