Hey! This is were your host Asagi, posts her fanfics, fanpoems, and life posts! So go have a lot of fun! Feel the IchiRuki!

And to be clear, here are the couples I write for: Ichigo and Rukia (Bleach), Momo and Toshiro (Bleach), Uryuu and Orahime (Bleach), Youraweichie and Kiuske (Bleach), Kagome and Inuyasha (Inuyasha), Sango and Miroku (Inuyasha), Ayame and Koga (Inuyasha), Kagura and Seshomaru (Inuyasha), Seya and Haji (Blood), Winry and Edward (Full Metal Alchemist), Roy and Riza (Full Metal Alchemist), Naruto and Hinata (Naruto), Sakura and Sauske (Naruto), Rachel and Jimmy (Case Closed), Harly and Katie (Case Closed), Ren and Kyoko (Skip Beat!), Kenta and Karin (Chibi Vampire/Karin) Maki and Winner (Karin),

Pain, Passion, And Pleasure

NOTE: IchiRuki from Ichigo's POV

I'll wash away your pain,
And replace it with my passion,
Send you sweet peasure,
And allow you to become you,
I'll drain away your pain,
And drown you in sweet passion,
Give you strong pleasure,
And return your wings,
I'll take your pain into me,
And give you my passion,
Encircle you with our pleasure,
And return our love

Randomness, And IchiRuki Ideahs

So, I would really like to re-find this comic of wat it would be like if Ichigo and Rukia got married, it was three pannals, but very funny, it showed said Soul Reapers in the first one, their Zanpokto in the second, and their hollow formsin the third, it's been a wile so I don't remember exactly the qutes, but here's the ideah: Pannal one: Rukia and Ichigo sleeping happily, Pannal Two: Sode No Shirayuki annoying Zangetsu, Pannel Three: Hollow Rukia ready to kill Hollow Ichigo, in other words, Rukia and Ichigo are giving pay back to their Zanpokto and hollows, hehe, if anyone nos wat it's called please tell me,

Fanfics And Challenges

I no that you all want another fanfic, but I've been doing alot lately and need a break, regardless, for 700 hits you will be rewarded with a very... nice, IchiRuki, also, I realize that I keep posting in and out of Dannyphantom66's writing challenge, I finished it in two weeks, but sometimes I am just not in the mood to look for one that I did for the challenge, also, for those of you who are doing my challenge, (can't wait to see wat everyone comes up with!) just out of curiosity, how many of you are drawing and how many are writting? I just wanted to no, also, if any of you are doing drawings please feel free to turn some of the harder themes into a comic, and those of you writing,like I said, you can do poems, fanfics, songs, anything, eh, thought I'd let ya'll no,

100 Theme Writing/Drawing Challenge

Ok, I made a list of themes, 100 yes, this is a 100 theme challenge! Ok, here are the rules:
1. Can be a writing or peice of art of any kind
2. Must be recent, nothing that was done over a year ago,
3. No plagerisum, that isn't fun,
4. You can post it anywere as long as you mention my challenge
5. There is no time limit or judging, this is for fun to test your skills as a writer/artist
Here are the themes:
1. Love
2. Hit
3. Magic
4. Freinds
5. Blood
6. Tears
7. Perfume
8. Drawing
9. Music
10. Roses
11. Pain
12. Desiere
13. Illness
14. Injury
15. Dream
16. Nightmare
17. Kiss
18. Beach
19. Beauty
20. Summer
21. Spring
22. Winter
23. Autum
24. Fall (as in trip)
25. Light
26. Dark
27. Ribbons
28. Possesion
29. Runaway
30. Dead
31. Admit
32. Deny
33. Right
34. Wrong
35. Fever
36. Breath
37. Sleep
38. Massage
39. Healing
40. Lovesick
41. Thank you
42. Rescue
43. Promise
44. Protect
45. Scary Movie
46. Fear
47. Rain
48. Heart
49. Stars
50. Sky
51. Water
52. Fire
53. Wind
54. Earth
55. CPR
56. "I Miss You"
57. My Girl
58. "I'm Here"
59. Therpy
60. OC
61. "Take Me Home"
62. Butterfly
63. Fairy
64. Mermaid
65. Fairytale
66. Angel
67. Appoligy
68. Halloween
69. Woopse!
70. Mine
71. Valentines Day
72. Dawn
73. Dusk
74. Day
75. Night
76. Seashell
77. Never Mind!
78. Awkward
79. Playing Doctor
80. Hospital
81. Chains
82. Eyes
83. HeartBeat
84. Pillow Fight
85. Misunderstanding
86. Curiouse
87. Teach
88. Bath
89. "Help Me"
90. Poisoin
91. Snake Bite
92. Little
93. Sweet
94. Romantic
95. Cuddle
96. Found Out
97. Memories
98. Stress Related
99. Bioligy Class
100. Broken Glass

Ok, I no that some of these are pretty easy, some are pretty hard, and some are pretty Bizzare, but, I really think this is a good challenge

Love, Pain, And Desiere

It hurt, her chest hurt, no, it wasn't her chest, it was her heart, "My heart is dying in an untimely manner," she wrote, continuing her sad song titled "Wind", she leaned back, her head nearly hit the back of the wall, she looked down at her unfinished fare well letter, she put her pencil back on the papper, her heart pounded faster and more painfully, as if telling her to stop, to not do this, to for ounce in her painfull life, let something happen, and not fight against it, a long sigh slipped from her lips, he woundered if he would try to come for her? Her life was in no danger, part of her wanted to leave that letter, and walk away slowly, just so he could come after her and yell at her for being stupid and running away, she wanted to see the concern in his eyes, she shook the thought from her head, she was being stupid and selfish, she wanted to finish the letter, but her hand just wouldn't move to write, she looked at her watch, 'I'll finish this later,' she thought, and stuffed the letter on the top shelf, she hated being a burden, hated needing to be protected, she tilted her head to the side, thinking about wat she should do, then she tilted her head forward, her eyes were filled with tears, waiting to escape, she shok her head, stepping out of the closet, "Hey," she heard, looking at the man infront of her, "I'm going to go for a walk," she said, jumping out the window, hoping to clear her head, Ichigo looked at the closet, "She forgot to shut the door again," he said to himself, he steped in for a moment to see how hard it was to shut the door from the inside so he could yell at her later, he shutit, the shelf rattled, he opened the door, "Hm? Wat's this?" he picked up a peice of papper with a bunny in the corner, he rolled his eyes as he read, "Ichigo, I can no longer be a burden to you, you deserve to have a normal life, not a ruined one, I'm sorry, don't come after me, I just," that's were the letter stopped, he ripped it to shreds, 'She's leaving?!' he thought, he wanted to stop her befre she did, 'But not now, because she didn't finish the letter,' he watched the shreds fall to the floor, and onto the stain, that stupid stain that would never come out, and it was all because of her! He remembered well how that stain got there, they were fighting as usual, over the dumbest thing he could have immanged, it had been a year now and Rukia still couldn't put a straw in a juice box, she wasn't that ditzy, she just had other things on her mind, and apparently Soul Reapers aren't used to poking with anything other than their swords, well, she was trying, he was going to do it, but then thought that she's never learn so he made her do it, BIG mistake, she accedentily ripped the box and juice went everywere, he remembered her licking the bac of her rist were some juice had gotten, "Sure is sticky," she mumbled between licks, "Idiot! Don't lick it!" "But it tastes good," he laughed to himself, he had always been so devistaed about his carpet that he never noticed her child like response, how could he let her go?

She sat there on the hill, staring at her cut arm, she looked at the one on her other arm and on her legs, she felt the dirt on her face and hands, she pulled her dress down as far as it would go, still not covering up the marks, 'Wat will I tell him? It's things like this that make me a burden, I was so deep in thought that I tripped and rolled down the hill, maybe if I clean off the dirt a little, h won't notice? No, he's not that stupid, right?' "Hey," she shot up, it was him, "Wat?! Wat happened?!" "Wat are you doing here?" "No! You answer first! And wat's with that stupid letter?!" she wouldn't answer, "Answer me!" she turned around, "I'm taking you home," 'Home' "Were?" "Home!" she sort f half smiled, so were ever he took her was home, she understood, "But first we're going to Orahime's, and on the way you're tallin' me wat happened!" after a few minutes of walking, he said, "Tell me Rukia," "Why shoud I?!" "Because you may be stubborn, but sooner or later I will find out, and because the more you don't tell me the more I wanna no," "Fine, I tripped and fell down the hill, happy?" "No, wat's with the letter?" "I was really depressed last night," "Maybe, tel me the hole truth," "That IS the hole truth!" "Nope!" They arrived at Orahime's door and read the sighn, "Out shopping for Soul Society clothes, will return wen suitable dress is found," Ichigo hung his head, "That could take all day, women shop like there's no tommorrow," "Well one day there won't be!" he glanced down at Rukia and dragged her back home

"Geez!" "Wat?" "You sure injure easy!" "Wat's that supposed to mean?!" "Well, if I had fallen down that hill I would've gotten one, maybe two, small cuts, but you! Man your cut all over! You bruise like a peach!" "Don't you mean strawberry, Strawberry?" "Oh shut up!" he walked out of the room, Rukia layed on her back, her bdy hurt, so did her heart, she tried to ignore the pain by thinking about a memory, she remembered wen they had gotten home, "First aid treatment? I don't need it!" she had said, "Yes you do! If you wait for Orahime things will get worse!" "I don't care, I'm ok," "Oh, alright then," Ichigo had presed on one of her injuries, she fell over and moaned in pain, "Are you still ok?" "Shut up," she laughed to herself, wat a fool she could be, why did she always want to push him away? Was she always that afraid? Why couldn't she just admit it? She shook her head, she new wat she was going to do, wat she had to do, she heard the door creak open, "Wat are you smilen' at?" he asked roughly, she only smiled more

Her lip trembled, she was scared, she was worried, and she was hurting, she had to do it, she had no choice, she took in a deep breath, and climbed into Ichigo's bed, he turned over, "Wat are you doing?" "Just shut up," "Hey, are you ok? I mean, is everything alright?" "I'm fine Ichigo," "Is that so? Then get outta my bed!" "No!" "Why not?!" "Because, well, uh, I'm having nghtmares?" "Oh, well, I'll let you stay in my bed, wen you come up with a more convincing answer!!" "Isn't it possible that I just want to be around you?" "Sure, if you have amnesia, or were hit by a car, or have a high fever!" "Look, not that you deserve to no or anything, but I just wanted to be next to you," "Ok, now I'm worried, did you hit your head or something?" "Just forget it," she got up and started walking towards the closet, but she felt a strong tug on her arm, "No, I mean, you just usually don't act like this, are you sure you're ok?" she got back in the bed, "I just wanted to stop being a burden, stop being a weight on your shoulders," "You aren't anything like that Rukia, you're the best person to enter my life since, since my brother died," "Ichigo, I-" He silenced her, pressing his lips against hers, Rukia didn't expect this, but least of all that he was such a light kisser, "Rukia, don't say anything else, ok? Theres only one thing, just tell me that you love me, and nothing more," "I love you, but-" "No," he pressed his finger against her lips, "Nothing more, I love you, and I only want to no that you love me as well," Rukia smiled against his finger, nodded lightly and kissed him again, before sleep entered their minds, all their pain was gone, all the love was here, and all their desiere was filled, THE END