Hey! This is were your host Asagi, posts her fanfics, fanpoems, and life posts! So go have a lot of fun! Feel the IchiRuki!

And to be clear, here are the couples I write for: Ichigo and Rukia (Bleach), Momo and Toshiro (Bleach), Uryuu and Orahime (Bleach), Youraweichie and Kiuske (Bleach), Kagome and Inuyasha (Inuyasha), Sango and Miroku (Inuyasha), Ayame and Koga (Inuyasha), Kagura and Seshomaru (Inuyasha), Seya and Haji (Blood), Winry and Edward (Full Metal Alchemist), Roy and Riza (Full Metal Alchemist), Naruto and Hinata (Naruto), Sakura and Sauske (Naruto), Rachel and Jimmy (Case Closed), Harly and Katie (Case Closed), Ren and Kyoko (Skip Beat!), Kenta and Karin (Chibi Vampire/Karin) Maki and Winner (Karin),

Feeling For You

NOTE: I really don't no wat couple I wrote this for, so use whoever you want

Bruises, my heart has bruises, in every way, shape, couler, form and texture,
Sadness, my heart has sadness, for I wish you new how I felt, and how you would react,
Cuts, my heart has cuts, of all lenths, waiting to tear it apart,
Rain, my heart has rain, the more you make the rain stop, the worse it is wen it starts again
Aching, my heart is aching, because I want to be the one you kiss goodnight,
Throbbing, my heart is throbbing, because everytime you walk past me, it hurts more,
Pounding, my heart is pounding, trying to break free of the chest that imprsions it,
Feelings, I have feelings, I wish Icould show you, these delicate feelings,
If I did, would it make the bruises stop coming?
If I did, would it make the sadness go away?
If I did, would it make the cuts stop lashing?
If I did, would it make the rain stop falling?
If I did, would it make the aching go away?
If I did, would it make the throbbing stop?
If I did, would it make the pounding softer?
Feelings, I have feelings, I wish Icould show you, these delicate feelings,
I am bruised for you,
I am sad for you,
I am cut for you,
I have rain for you,
I have aching for you,
I have throbbing for you,
I have pounding for you,
I have feelings for you,
Feelings, I have feelings, I wish I could show you, these delicate feelings


Ok, so I recently got into doing card redemptions, I've done two in the past three months, I jave 15 spirit points, the redmpitions cost 25, but, I do have a card with 10 spirit points on it, but to get the spirit points you have to cut them out of the package/box or in this case the card, now, I do have double of that card, and it's only a puzzle peice, but, should use the spirit points even if it means destroying the card? Please answer!


I'm orginizing my new cards now, just got a bunch of the Bankai series because I got a gift card wenever I work with my cards it takes hours, ya' no why? Because first I have to cross off all my new cards on the list, by highlighting the name in yelliw, the value price in pink, and writing the quantity in pencil, then I have to take all my cards out of the albums, (I have three albums) and put the new cards were they belong, then put them back in, it actually takes a wile, so, I'll update my sites wile I do it because taking the cards out can be pretty boreing, but putting them back in is something I need to be carefull with so I don't get something mixed up, one time I skipped four pages in the album, one time I accedently put two diffrent cards in the same slot, (I do put them back to back but there was one in between) so anyway, yeah,

By A Gunshot

NOTE: In Riza Hawkeye's POV, about Roy Mustang,

My heart broke,
Wen I heard the gunshot,
My blood went cold,
Wen I heard the gun shot,
My tears streamed,
Wen I heard the gunshot,
It all happened so fast,
Wen I heard the gunshot,
Reality was a slow,
Painful burden,
That ate away at my soul,
I was broken in two,
Just like that,
In an instant,
By a gunshot

NOTE: I thought it would be pretty cruel if Roy almost died because of a gun, because Riza's weapon is a gun, she's a sharpshooter, so it'd be fate really taking a bite into her

A Midnight Kiss

NOTE: IchiRuki, Ichigo's POV

A midnight kiss,
Is wat I felt,
On my lips,
On that night,
I woke up,
And stared at my love,
And she said to me,
"Happy Aniversery"
I stared in space for a moment,
And then,
Wen I was sure that she was asleep,
I gave her a midnight kiss too,
She looked up strangly at me,
"Happy Aniversery"
I said,
She looked at the clock,
"It dosen't count,"
She said,
"it isn't midnight,"
And we both slept,
From our midnight kiss