Hey! This is were your host Asagi, posts her fanfics, fanpoems, and life posts! So go have a lot of fun! Feel the IchiRuki!

And to be clear, here are the couples I write for: Ichigo and Rukia (Bleach), Momo and Toshiro (Bleach), Uryuu and Orahime (Bleach), Youraweichie and Kiuske (Bleach), Kagome and Inuyasha (Inuyasha), Sango and Miroku (Inuyasha), Ayame and Koga (Inuyasha), Kagura and Seshomaru (Inuyasha), Seya and Haji (Blood), Winry and Edward (Full Metal Alchemist), Roy and Riza (Full Metal Alchemist), Naruto and Hinata (Naruto), Sakura and Sauske (Naruto), Rachel and Jimmy (Case Closed), Harly and Katie (Case Closed), Ren and Kyoko (Skip Beat!), Kenta and Karin (Chibi Vampire/Karin) Maki and Winner (Karin),

1,000 Words

"Rukia!" Rukia went flying and slammed into a nearby wall, this hollow was stronger than they thought, she rose up, her body slightly shaking, "Rukia, I'll handle this," "No! This one's mine!" Ichigo rolled his eyes, she never gave up, did she? "Dance, Sode No Shirayuki," she turned her sword as the ribbon flowed and her Zanpokto changed, "First Dance, Tsukishiro," a wite beam shot at the hollow and it froze, she leaped over to the frozen creature and sliced it in two, sheathing her sword she turned and began to walk away from the scene, "Hey wait a minute! Were do you think you're goin'?" "Home, why do you ask?" "Uh, because you were just slammed into a wall!" "I'm fine Ichigo,""Oh, well, if you're fine, I guess you don't mind if I do this..." he pushed lightly on her back, were a very large bruse was beging to show on her skin, "That, that dosen't bother me," "Really?" he flicked the side of her head, more blood slowly trickled down her face, she gripped her throbbing head, "Now, wat was it you were saying? 'I'm fine Ichigo'?" "This proves nothing!" she said between clenched teeth, he gently elbowed her in the stomach were a horizantal cut was continuing to bleed, she dropped on her nees and rolled to her side, "It's safe to say that you were lying," Ichigo replied, later that night...

"Rukia?" "Hey," Ichigo was sitting on a grass covered hill, glancing up at the raven haired girl standing before him, her face shone in the moonlight and it shone with a beauty that he hadn't noticed before, her short hair looked more like flowing silk as the pale moonlight hit it in just the right angle, she sat next to him, he noticed the slenderness of her arms, hands and fingers, as she stroked the back of his rist, she looked so much more elegant without her heavy Shihaksho draping her body, she looked at him with swimming violet eyes, and said, "It's a beautiful night, don't you think?" Ichigo felt his cheeks begin to burn with a rosey blush, he looked down the hill, and saw were her body stopped, noticing just how small she was, however not being able to see the beauty of her bare legs disapointed him, as he looked at the heavy black Hakama and wite tabbi socks she wore, he looked back up, noticing for the first time that all that covered her chest were bandeges that hugged her slender figure, starting just below her shoulders and stopping right above her belt, "Hello? Are you alright?" his eyes shot back in his head as he saw her small hand waving in front of his face, "Ah, wat?" "You were starring into space and didn't answer my question," "Oh yeah, aren't you-" "It's a warm night, Ichigo, and I perfer not to wear something heavy, and I'd perfer not to wear my night gown," she said, sarcasum dripped in her crystal clear voice, that's another thing about Rukia that he just noticed, how her voice rang like bells and how he always understood every word she said, how her voice was more clear than anyone else's, Rukia stared into the night sky, she felt something warm wrap around her, she looked at Ichigo and realized that he had put his shirt around her shoulders, looking at his bare chest made her blush deepen into a scarlet red tint, "You no, the sk is the only thing that's exactly the same in Soul Society and the World Of The Living, Ichigo looked at the speaking girl, "The moon is the same, the sun is the same, the stars, the clouds, the rain, as opposed to the ground, in your world the roads are paved, in Soul Society the roads are covered in dirt, you no?" "This is my world too now, I'm really close, we're really close," "Yeah, I no, you'll make changes, I'll make changes, we all will, and I bet in a year, Soul Society will be SO much diffrent, for the better ofcourse, I mean, you really do have a great sense of justice," "Ok, how much of those KuKu drugs did they give you?" Rukia shoved him playfully, Rukia felt him put something around her neck,she looked at the necklace, "A bird and a strawberry," "The strawberry wasn't my ideah, it was custom made and the girl said she couldn't undo it," "I love it," "A little 'congragulations' gift for you, for being promoted to captin, and for me being promoted to captin commander," Rukia leaned her head on Ichigo's shoulder, 1,000 words couldn't discribe this moment,

The birds sang, *snap* Rukia cuddled closer to the warmth that she felt, *snap* she heard again, Rukia opened her eyes, looking up at the noise disturbing her sleep, "Renji!" Renji was standing over her taking pictures, she leaped away and tried to take the camra away, just then noticing that she was outside and had been snuggling up against Ichigo, Renji grinned, "We fell asleep!" "Yeah I no," "We were just talking and we fell asleep!" Rukia tried to sntch the camra out of his hand, Renji jumped running towards the "Soul Society's Women's Leage" office, if they got ahold of that they would publish it everywere! She rolled her eyes, "Wake up Ichigo!" she kicked him lightly, "Huh? Wat?" "I said wake up! We fell asleep," Ichigo looked dazed for a moment, remembering the night before, "Oh," he got up and they both walked back to Rukia's house, on the way she thought about the dream she had had, how Ichigo had died and how she was lost in this world, the last thing she remembered about the dream was how she had dropped to the ground and screamed at the top of her lungs wen she realized he was gone, she rubbed her neck lightly, remembering the pain that ripped through the inside of her flesh, she winced at the memory, wen she woke up she was some wat releaved wen she saw Ichigo next to her, that is before she saw Renji taking pictures, she gripped her arm in an attempt to forget the pain, "Rukia?" she looked up, snapping out of the transe, "You ok?" "Yes, I'm fine," Ichigo lightly gripped Rukia's rist and dragged her along, she quickened her pace to walk side by side with him, she gripped the shirt that draped her shoulder with the other hand, smiling at the memory,

Rukia stood on the small bridge that covered the running stream in front of her house, she leaned on the rail of the bridge, she smiled softly, then she felt something sharp hit the back of her neck, she felt around to find watever it was, and it pricked her finger, she drew back, blood beging to trickle out of the small cut, then a sudden pain struck her, she felt her body sway, "Ichigo," she said, Ichigo was inside the house, "Ichigo," she said a little louder, he stepped out of the house in time to see her falling, she couldn't stay steady, she waited to feel the harsh, unforgiving wood on her face, but it never happened, warm arms wrapped around her small body, she couldn't stay awake anymore, she just couldn't

Rukia awoke slowly, a little annoyed, everything was too quite, too calm, wat had happened? She felt her chest move up and down as she breathed slowly her necklace slipped to the side of her shoulder as she sat up a little, Ichigo was asleep next to her, holding her hand, she smiled softly, he was very preciouse to her, weather she liked it or not, she slid her fingers through his hair, "Rukia," he mumbled, she retracted her hand, "Don't go," "Ichigo, I'm not going anywere," she looked at her rist, a small bandege lay on her skin, she felt the back of her neck, a small bandege laying under her hair, she sighed deeply, wat had happened after she fell unconciouse? She wanted to ask Ichigo, but she didn't want to wake him up, that would be cruel of her, she felt a hand on her shoulder, she jumped slightly, "You feelin' ok?" Ichigo's voice slipped into her mind, "I feel fine, wat happened?" "Get this, someone shot you with a poisened needle," she rubbed her sore neck were the needle had hit, "We don't no who did it," Rukia twirled her necklace in her fingers, not really paying much attention to wat the boy was saying, it was kind of strange, you would think she wanted to no who tried to kill her, and she did, but not right now, it was dark outside, the sun had already set, she smiled, pulling up a floor bed that was next to her bed, revealing a small pink bunny with a Strawberry hairclip, clipped to one ear, "You brought that with you?" "Shhhh! Don't let Brother no that I sleep with a Chappy doll!" "Oh? You mean like this? Hey Bya-" she silenced him with her lips, "I'm sorry, I was- I mean-" he silenced her with his lips, they both fell into the kiss, Rukia threw the small bunny toy on her bed and wrapped her arms around the boy's neck, wen they broke apart she leaned her head on his shoulder, he pulled her closer, "I want you to no that I love you," Rukia said, "Good, I love you too," they kissed again, pale moonlight slipping through the window, 1,000 words couldn't discribe this feeling

Secret Diary

(Rukia's POV)
Dear Diary,
Do you have any ideah how STUPID Ichigo is?! Because I sure do! That idiot got in a street fight! And he blames it on me! You see, this guy, Weasal, was talking to me earlier and trying to get me to date him, I told him that if I wasn't home soon Ichigo would be mad, and tried to bid him good day, but he had some twisted ideah that Ichigo and I were "together" he said, "So, you're Ichigo's girl huh?" and I said, "Pardon? I am NO ONE'S 'girl' I belong to myself, thank you," and started walking away, "But you're Ichigo's girl, so I'll have to do this!" and then he punched me in the face! Dosen't he no that you NEVER hit a lady?! Well, there's no rule about hitting men, so I stood up and clocked him back! Then his... "underlings" captured me, tied my hands behind my back, and held me stead waiting for their leader to sock me again! Well, he was about to, but Ichigo came running and got in the way! I tried to protest, I really did! But he wouldnt listen and took on all four of them at ounce! Then he took me home and started working on my cheek, (wich is very swollen by the way) so I started telling him that he should've left it to me, then he said, "Like you could handle it," then we got into a fight and he said that it was my fault for needing to be rescued, and that I shouldn't be talking to people I didn't no anyway! Well I never! Ugh! Well, my cheek still hurst so I'm going to get more ice, Ichigo is stupid! End of story!
-Rukia Kuchki

(Ichigo's POV)
Journal Entry 10 for March
Hoe dumb IS Rukia?! I saved her today and she yelled at me! I came walkin' down the street lookin' for 'er, and there she was, about to get clocked by Weasel and his croonies, well, I jumped in to save 'er, and she yelled at me! The little brat! Well, after I won I brought 'er home and started workin' at 'er cheek, well, then she yells at me some more! Wat is WRONG with women?! If she wasn't a girl I would've clocked 'er! Many times! Not just now! She's lucky she's a girl, well, speak of the devil! Satin's Little Princess just walked outta the room, and... yep! She slammed the door! One 'a these days she's gonna get caught and then she'll regret it! Little bundle of anger! That's wat she is, that's PRICISLY wat she is! Yep, that's her, oh crud! I just heard a big BANG wat did she do? -Ichigo Kurasake, you no who I am

(Rukia's POV)
Dear Diary,
I on't weather to yell at Ichigo or to thank him, I was reaching for some ice, wile standing on a chair, and, well, it tipped over, and I fell flat on the floor and scraped my nee, and he was... nice! He picked me up and took me to his room, and the hole time we didn't yell at eachother, I think I'm going to thank him, -Rukia Kuchki

(Ichigo's POV)
Journal entry 11 for March
Well, she fell off a chair an' scraped 'er nee, surprisingly she didn't yell at me for helping her, we haven't fought since, a hole hour, that's gotta be a record! Oh, here she comes, (10 minutes later) well, she kissed me, and thanked me! And I just realized something, Byakuya has to pay for the wedding, karma couldn't be sweeter! -A very happy Ichigo Kurasake, you no who I am

His Breathing

NOTE: For Set-Chan! Not part of the writing challenge

Rukia's head throbbed, Orahime's words were giving her a headache, 'He won't admit anything on his owne so we have to make him!' she couldn't understand wat Orahime meant be 'we' as far as she was concerned this was her problum, not Orahime's, besides, the pain from her arm was flowing into other parts of her body, including her head, the lights were hurting her eyes, because of how bright they were, she tried laying down, that made it worse because the lights were shinning directly in her eyes, she brought her hands to her face, blood dripping down her arm, she thought about sitting up again, but then remembered that sitting up too fast would make her headache worse, she kept her eyes closed, the light was beging to seep through, she covered her eyes with her uninjured arm and rested a moment, wishing that she could just fall asleep, and wake up in Ichigo's closet, listening to his breathing untill she fell asleep again, like she did on most nights, espically wen she felt bad, more espically wen she had a headache, she would concentrate on his breathing, instead of the pain, but there was no breathing to listen to, there was nothing to listen to, that could be another part of her progressing headache, the fact that the room was so deadly quite that it made her head hurt and throb, she wished that night would come sooner, that she would be in Ichigo's closet faster, and (right now atleast) she kind of wished that he would snore just a little bit, nothing annoying, but just enough for his breaths to become a little louder, just so that she wouldn't have to strain so hard to hear every breath, so that the pain would become meaningless, she heard the door open and close, "You're not asleep are you?" Ichigo asked, "No, the light is making my headache worse," she said, it felt like she had beenlying there for hours, but only minutes had passed, she wanted to get this over with, she suddenly realized wat Orahime meant by 'we', that was why she had made an excuse to why she wouldn't heal Rukia's injury, Rukia laughed in her mind, Orahime thought that if Ichigo spent more time with Rukia in a more fragil enviroment that he would losen up and admit his love for her, Rukia didn't no if that would work, didn't no if he loved her back, didn't no much of snything right now, "Sorry," his voice interupted her thoughts, "I can't really dim the lights," "That's ok," Rukia moved her arm from her face, and, unwillingly, opened her eyes, glancing at Ichigo her eyes went wide, she blinked a few times to make sure it was real, it was, she sprang up, putting a hand to her pounding head, she looked at Ichigo again, not believing her eyes, "Wat do you think?" he asked, his lips curved in a grin, "Just WHY are you wearing that?!" she asked, looking at the wite lab coat that opened to a black shirt and pants, "Wat do you mean?" he asked, his grin increasing, "Why are you wearing that lab coat?" "I wnt to look offical," Rukia was crossed between laughter and anger, Ichigo was unpredictable, that worried her enough, put a lab coat on him, and that down right scared her, although she had to admit, he didn't look half bad like that, she snapped out of her thoughts wen she felt his hand on hers, she looked up, her face tinted in red, as he wiped the blood from her arm with a wet cloth, she tried to ignore his actions, tried to keep her mind off of his warm skin against hers, tried not to pay attention to the soft concerned look on his face, but who was she kidding? She wanted to breath in every bit of him, but this wasn't the time, "Tis'll sting a bit," she ignored his words, if she even heard them, ignored the sting of the medicine, if she even felt it, she ignored the throbbing painof her head, and concentrated on that of her heart, she wanted to kiss him, wanted to embrace him, to stroke his hair, to breath him in, but most of all, she wanted to love him, she concentrated on his face, and barely noticed wen he put his hand to her head, and allowed it to linger there a moment, "No fever," he stated, she wasn't paying attention, he removed his hand from her head, it still hurt, but not as much as her heart, she was tired, she wanted to fall asleep, but Ichigo probably wouldn't allow it and would wake her up, "Alright, it's clear," he helped her down off the bench, she had noticed that he had finished wrapping the wound, or that he was looking out the door to see if his little sister was still vacuming the upstairs hallway, (wich is why they were in one of the office rooms instead of Ichig'o room,) Rukia wished that Ichigo's little sister hadn't been vacuming the hall, she would have liked to be in his room, on his bed, wile he treated her, she would have liked the option of staying awake or falling asleep, she probbably would have fallen asleep and Ichigo probbably would have excepted that, she probbably wouldn't have a headache right now, because the lights in is room aren't nearly as bright, she followed him out of the room, and shut the door behind her

Rukia lay on the bed, wanting to go to sleep, Ichigo was changing into his night clothes, Rukia just finished changing into hers, she brought the pillow up to her face, breathing in Ichigo's soft, warm scent, she could fall asleep, her headache was going away, all she needed were his soft breaths, maybe she should tape record it, so she could hear his breathing wenever she wanted to, but it wouldn't be the same, actually, it would probbably bother her, listening to the same breaths everynight, that isn't wat she liked, she liked his diffrent breathing paterns, she liked trying to slow hers down or speed them up to match with his, she felt something soft brush against her lips, it was a kiss, she realized, she kissed back, the person leaned up, she opened her eyes, "Ichigo," she wispered, dmileing a little as she said it, "I love you," he said, well she didn't think it would work, but Orahime was right, "I love you too," she couldn't keep her eyes open any longer, she felt him climb in the bed next to her, felt him pull her close, felt his soft, hot breath on the back of her neck, and listened as his breathing began, that's all she remembered before she fell asleep THE END

I'm Waiting For You

NOTE: Takes place during episode 95
"I refuse," "Wat?! So you're ok with the Bouto ramping around?!" "The 13 Court Guard Squads are already on the move, there is no need for a group with the likes of you," "I get it, so yesterday's enemies are also today's enemys huh? Orahime, you and Ririn go find Rangiku and Toshiro, we'll regroup with them later," Ichigo was somewat surprised at the fact that Byakuya refused to help with the Bounto invasion, but in his mind, there was no way that he'd leave Rukia to her brother, Byakuya had offered to personally exicute her ounce, all the changes in the world wouldn't change the past, and considering that he still had an enemys perspective towards Ichigo, why wouldn't he "obey orders" and either kill her or leave her alone in the room, either way, Ichigo couldn't trust Byakuya, "Ichigo, don't do anything you may regret," Orahime warned, "Regret? I'm going to keep an eye on Rukia, why woul I regret that?" "Then, you aren't going to fight the Bounto?" "'Course I am! I just think we would win alot faster if Rukia took care of the half dead ones!" "Eh? But Rukia isn't recovered yet!" "I no! Why do you think I'm gonna go keep an eye on 'er? Later!" and he ran off, "Ichigo, sometimes I don't understand you," Orahime shook her head and walked off in the opposite direction, Ririn followed her and Byakuya stayed were he was,

"Wah! Ichigo wat are you doing?! Trying to scare me to death!?" Rukia jumped slightly, seeing his face the moment she opened her eyes wasn't pleasent, wat was he doing anyway? Spying on her? "Oh, so does that mean it didn't work?" "Were is my sword?" "Why?" "Because I need to pay you back for that," Ichigo smiled, Rukia was always like that, always tough, never weak, she always had that attitude about her, ya' no, the one that says, "Mess with me and die!" that kind of attitude, atleast she had that attitude towards him, come to think of it, she changed attitudes everytime she was around someone else, with Byakuya it was polite little sister, with Orahime it was kind best freind, and with Ichigo it was mess with me and die! But she was always strong, no matter how she acted, "So, wat are you doing here?" "I can't trust your brother, you?" Ok why did he have to joke around so much, 'cause that was actually kind of funny, "I'm waiting for someone," "Who?" "Well he's an idiot, with orange hair, and he's reckless and irresponsible," "Sounds like a pretty cool guy," "He thinks, actually, I'd be geinuenly surprised if he was sitting here next to me," "How come?" "Well, he's very strong, but dosen't care about feelings or emotion, and he'd prbbably be out fighting, althoughthere's no way he'd survive if I'm not there, he isn't smart enough to figure out stratigies, wich are exactly wat these Bounto are about," "How surprised would you be if we was here?" "Mm, 95%" "Really? Wat about the other 5%?" "Well he isn't a COMPLETE jerk, he did rescue me after all," "I see," "So, why are you here again?" "I'm waitin' for this girl, and her brother is supposed to be takin' care of her, but 'e offered to slice 'er into a million peices ounce so I can't really trust 'im," Ichigo was starting to enjoy this little game they were playing, now that it was his turn, "So wat's this girl like?" "Well, she's short and loud, and her drawings are so bad that they sting my eyes," "Have you ever considered that you aren't looking at them right?" "No, 'cause other people hate 'em too," "So wat does she look like?" "Well she's really small, and has big purple eyes that take up most of her face, and she has short, black hair, and if she wants to, she can look like a Grimlin, ya' no, without trying to hard, and after they hit water," "Wat's a Grimlin?" "Never mind," "Tell me!" "Well, they start out as these cute little fuzz balls, but then after they hit water... they turn into these evil little monsters," "Gee, she must have SOME good quality," "Well, she's obssessed with bunnies, so, wat do you like about this guy?" "Well, he's really strong, and, he's kind of smart, and he really does care alot more than he acts, and he's actually very kind and protective, and handsome, and, I really like him, wat about this girl?" "Well, she's pretty and smart, and kind, and strong, and I really like her, and there's one more thing, she's kind of like a puppy," "A puppy? You mean like a stray, right?" "Well, she was at first, and then she was givin to this really mean guy and was turned into a working...puppy, and then she was kind os still stray, and then one day she came pawing at my door and I couldn't sleep with all the howeling, so I let 'er in," "I see," "It was like she was lost, and thenshe wasn't anymore," "It's because you found her, that's why," "Yeah, and you no wat?" "Wat?" "She lives in my closet, 'cause I'm not supposed to have a puppy, so don't tel anyone," "So are you saying that she reminds you of a puppy, or that she is one?" "She reminds me of one," "So wa's this girl's name?" "Rukia," "That's pretty," "Yeah, it is, so, wat's your guy's name?" "Ichigo," "Ah yes! #1 protector!" "No, strawberry," "Uh-huh, sure," "So why are you waiting for Rukia?" "Because, surprisingly, she fell in battle why are you waiting for Ichigo?" "Because he's supposesd to come and tell me wen the next battle is starting," "Really? That's wat I came to tell Rukia, so, wat if Ichigo dosen't come?" "Why wouldn't he?" "Maybe he dosen't think you're strong enough yet, or maybe he dosen't want you to get hurt," "Then he's even more stupid than I thought," "But wat if this hole thing worried him?" "Well wat if Rukia dosen't want you to battle anymore because she is worried about you?" "That's happened before, but why would she worry about me?" "Maybe because she loves you, why would Ichigo worry about me?" "Maybe because he loves you," they looked at eachother for a moment, and kissed lightly, and amazingly, the next day, Rukia was ready to fight again, THE END

Old Freinds, New Freinds

NOTE: For Set-Chan! Thanks for the ideah and for being an awesome freind! Also, this is not part of DannyPhantom66's challenge

"Rukia?" a young man asked, the Soul Reaper turned around, "Seto? Seto!" she wrapped her arms around the boy, "Wat am I a sack of apples?!" Ichigo was becoming annoyed, who was this guy anyway? "Shut up Ichigo!" she snapped, randomly chatting with the boy, "Hello?!" Ichigo yelled, "Sorry Seto, this my annoying underling Ichigo," "I'm your wat?!" "I'm Seto Naraku, Rukia and I new eachother wen we were kids," "Really? I thought everyone in Renji's little gang was dead," "It was before I met Renji you moron! Seto met up with his sister and moved to Seireitei, we haven't seen eachother sine though," "Yeah, I heard about everything, but my sister wouldn't let me get involved and into trouble, she said she would stop the exicution," "That's right Mr. Big Mouth!" a young woman yelled, approaching the trio, her hair was blonde and extremly long, it went down to her ankles, two ends were done up in the back with a lilly, her lips were pink, and her hourglass figure highlighted her long hair,she looked so diffrent from her Brother who had short black hair, she wore a Shihaksho, he did not, "Rukia Kuchki?! My idiot brother hardly mentioned that he new Rukia Kuchki!" "Wat are you a celebrity now?" Ichigo mocked, "Shut up Ichigo!" the girl snapped, "Rukia, I've heard your hole story and wen I heard it was all I could do not to kill your vermin of a brother, how could they treat you like that you poor, poor, deer!" "I'm sorry who are you?!" "My appoligizes, I'm Asagi Kikano, the ONLY girl in squad 11," "Wat?!" Rukia and Ichigo yelled in unison, "I just got promoted to 4th seat!" "I thought the only girl was a butch!" Ichigo said, "Shut up Ichigo!" Asagi snapped, "I'm engaged to be married and wen I have kids I hope little girls will be just like you! Oh, I wish I would've found you wen you were a little girl so I could have given you a more propper up bringing," "Do you idolize me or something?!" "It's just that I've always felt, so, so sorry for you, you poor little critter! Your life has been so messed up! I wish I could have helped," "This explains alot-" "Yeah like this chick is totally phsyco and wants to turn you into her child!" Rukia punched Ichigo in the face, "Wat did you do to stop my exicution?" "Well, originally Captin Zaraki only wanted to play with Ichigo more, but I convinced him that Ichigo would have more time on his hands if Rukia was rescued, I also fought anhyone that was tailing one of you guys but I didn't completely succeed," "So you've ALWAYS wanted to help me?" "Ever since my brother told me about you, unfourtinately he didn't do that untill you were already at Soul Acadamy, I went to Rukon to look for you and Renji but I couldn't find you," "So you DID want to turn me into your child?!" "Not, 'child', exactly, younger sister, young one that I look after," "Why?!" "Because I can't stand seeing children being treated like street rats, wich is how I found Seto, I was in Rukon one day and brought him like a puppy!" "You want this one? Take her!" Ichigo pushed Rukia towards Asagi, "No, she's already all grown up, sad that she has sucha neglectfull brother though," "Hello?! She's MY freind!" Seto yelled, "Rukia, so, there's something I want to show you, follow me," Rukia followed Seto, leaving Asagi and Ichigo alone, "So! You, me, swords and a tree," "Wat?" "Come on Ichi! Let's fight!" "I am NOT fightening a girl!" "Is this a problum, Strawberry?" "'Strawberry'?! You're on!" A few hours later...

"You're not half bad, Asagi," "Neither are you Ichi," "You waana finish this?" "Nah, I got my workout, let's go!" "Go? Go were?" "My palace ofcourse! You nead your wounds healed, and my clothes are full of your blood, so let's go!" "Uh, ok," and wen they got there... "This place is huge!" "Ofcourse it is, the Kikano's are one of the four nobel families," "But I thought-" "Only the Kuchkis are stuck up, we Kikano's, Shiba's, and Shihoen's are some of the best people you could meet," "Sister!" two young girls yelled running towards Asagi, "Hi there Miko! Akiko!" "These girls are yours?" "I found them in West Rukon and brought them home, hm, Girls, is your brother home?" "No, he's working," "Ok, go play with yourtoy horses girls," "Ok, Asagi," and the girls left, "I wanted you to meet me fiance', but he isn't home," "Who is he?" "Shuhei Hisagi," "Are you going to keep your maiden name?" "Yep! You no, the girls want to enter Soul Acadamy, they will wen they're 15, that's a suitable age, that's how old Rukia was wen she entered Soul Acadamy, they'll be Soul Reapers on they're 20th birthdays," "You sure no slot about Rukia," "Yes, I follow her story, she's amazing! The perfect woman! I hope I can be like her!" "Really?" "Yes Moron!" Asagi had started healing Ichigo's wounds a few minutes earlier, "Ok, you're done," "Wow, you're better than Hanataro! Why didn't you join squad 4? You would have climbed to the top alot faster," "Yes, but I love to fight too much, and I love my captin, I can't say the same for Unohana, I don't like her very much," Asagi was now standing, "If I remain in squad 11 then I will climb no higher, if I climb higher I will not remain in squad 11," "Why?" "Because, I love the higher ups in my squad too much to do that to them, I love Yumichka too, but he didn't want the fourth seat," "You sure are interesting!" "Why thank you! I'm glad you and the others are becoming captins and the captin commander, you're doing a wounderfull thing fou Soul Society," "Uh, thanks?" "Well! I'm going to change out of these bloody clothes!" Asagi began to lossen her belt, "Not in front of me! Wat is wrong with you women!?" "Youraweichie was right! You are a wimp!" "I am not!" "Are so," and Asagi went into the next room to change

Back with Seto and Rukia... "Seto? Wat are you doing?" "My sister deserves to be captin of Squad 9! Not you, but if I make you unable, then Asagi will take over the position!" "Seto?!" "Bakudo #20! Bind with all force!" a large ball incased Rukia, she yelled and screamed, and pounded and kicked, but it didn't help, "Soon enough that orb will wear you out, suck out all of your energy and spiritual pressure, then you'll be weak enough to kill," 'Seto,'

Back with Asagi and Ichigo... "I wounder were Rukia is?" "Ah, she and Seto have alot of catching up to do, hey Ichigo?" "Yeah?" "Do you like Rukia as more than just a freind?" his face went red, "N-no," "I think you do! You love her don't you?" "Well," "Admit it! You no this is probably tearing her up inside thinking that you might not love her back!" "Really?" "Mm-hm," a little wile later, "I'm starting to get worried," "Me too, let's go then!" and a little wile later they found a locked storage room, "Rukia's spiritual pressure is slowly diminishing," Asagi stepped closer to the door and pulled out her Zanpokto, "Kiss them goodbye, AmeMitsukai!" her Zanpokto's blade disapeared, the sky turned grey, thousands of small blades poured from the sky like rain drops, and pelted the door until it burst open, "Rukia! Rukia!" 'Ichigo!' "Ichigo! Ichigo! Why won't he look at me?" "Because, Rukia, do you no why this is my favirote spell? It's because, along with locking the victum up and draining their powers, it also completely conceals them from the outside world, it conceals the caster too, if they want to be concealed," Asagi stopped searching, "She's here, her spiritual pressure is here, that means she's hidden," "Wat?!" "Give another kiss, AmeMitsukai, Sousaku!" the raindrops lit up and formed a rainbow, lighting up the room, and revealing a small orb in the middle of the room, with Rukia inside, and Seto behind it, "Rukia!" Rukia started pounding on the orb again, "Don't worry I'll get you out!" Ichigo put a hand on Zangetsu, Asagi put a hand on his forearm, "That won't work, Seto, how could you?" "Asagi! You deserve to be captin!" "Not like this!" "They were going to promote you, but then they decided to promote Rukia instead! I could have gotten anyone of them, but Rukia, I nre her, she was the easiest," "Seto! Let her out!" "No Asagi!" "Then I will," "Don't do it Asagi!" "My Zanpokto is the only one in Soul Society that can break Kido, Give one more kiss, AmeMitsukai, Shou, Ban-Kai!" the sky turned grey, the orb was pelted with lightening and rain like blades, and it finally burst open, "Rukia!" Ichigo caught the falling Soul Reaper, "Rukia? Rukia?!" "She won't wake," Seto said simply, Rage swam in Ichigo's eyes, "Her spiritual pressure is on it's last string, if it snaps, bye bye Rukia," "Stop, I will make up for my brother, Seto, if Rukia decides to press charges, I, I, I will NOT help you, now, kiss away the pain, AmeMitsukai, Chiyu, Bankai," a rainbow formed around Rukia, the next day...

"How ya' feelin'?" Rukia opened her eyes, "Rukia, there's something I want to tell you, as soon as Asagi GET'S AWAY FROM THE DOOR!" Asagi said nothing, "Rukia, I, I,-" "He loves you!" Asagi yelled, "Wat she said, I love you, Rukia Kuchki," "Ichigo, I, -" "She loves you! Now kiss already!" Asagi yelled, "I love you too," and they kissed, "Awwwwww!" *snap* they looked up, to see Asagi running away with a camra in hand THE END