
NOTE: In Asagi's POV

Is this wat you call us?
Halfbreeds, that name is a disgrace!
For we are not halfbreeds!
We too, are people, Not human, but we are people,
Aren't we?
I understand,
It is that humans must fear wat they do not understand,
Am I correct?
Do you honestly think this is a curse?
Do you honstly think there is a "fault"?
There is no fault!
This is no curse!
This is a blessing,
This is a gift,
And I am not alone!
And we are meant to be this way,
And we are all part of the great cicle,
We share the strenths of a human,
We share the weaknesses of a human,
We are not human,
Peircing eyes, paws or feathers, thick fur,
We fly or walk on all fours,
Some humans understand us,
And if you continue to exclude us then I pitty you!
For then, we are supperior,
You are welcome to join our world,
But if you continue to exclude us then go ahead!
We do not care,
