My Freinds!

I've noticed that many of my freinds (like me) only have worlds, and even if some of them do post art or something they still don't have many hits, and I don't think it's possible for 8 people to give me this many hits on their owne! I have 7 subscribers right now, I no six of them, then there's me, and Neccy, I've nowen her sice 1st grade so I felt safe enough to stay logged in on her laptop, and she visits, but, I really want to help my freinds because they're wounderful people! First there's Noirassasin, my first freind on the O, she really loves NOIR and hs two great sites on it! She got me into NOIR actually, then there's Set-Chan, she's such a great freind! And a really great auther! Her stories are fabulouse! She has her site dedicated to Konoka and Setsuna from Negima?! I haven't started watching that yet, but, even if you have never heard of the show or manga you'll love the stories! She is very talented, and there's also Nanao44, she has 4 worlds (I'm pretty sure it isn't 5,) I LOVE Bleach Shrine! Nanao44 is one of the funniest people I ever (met?) honestly! She snapped me out of a bad mood ounce, now that is funny! Also, very talented freinds of mine with art, (some of them are my freinds some are people I respect but haven't heard from or PMed) rainedrops is a very talented e-cardest, is excellent with wallpapers, kathy100 is a wounderful artist! Kamichka is too! And fullmetalIchigo is an extremelu talented artist, (she still haven't responded to my PM, *sigh* I still love her work though,) I no I have a few more freinds but it's 2:00 and I can't think real well, anyway, please visit these sites! They are wounderful!
