
I'm sorry! I no I promised that I would stop posting MomoxShiros, but I just can't! They're SO cute! I'm writing a really cute MomoxShiro right now and I won't be able to resist posting it! But how about this, everytime I post a MomoxShiro, I'll post an IchiRuki right after, how's that? That way my loyal fans that happen to not like this couple won't starve the day I post it!Is that ok guys?'Cause only two people voted against it, no one else voted, so apparently alot of people don't care one way of the other, plus, this happens to be the type of story Neccy is into and she wants me to write more of those because she can't stand seeing people get hurt, huh, I just realized something, maybe that's why she only wants to see the funny and romantic Bleach moments? Oh well!
