Vote For Fics!

Ok, I've been reading fics from a new IchiRuki community I found on, and I have so many swarming ideahs in my head, I usually don't have to be too inspired to write requests *nock on wood* so I was thinking, I want you guys to take a vote on wat kinds of fanfics you like, ok? You can vote for watever you like, not just one or two, who likes the ones were I write in POV and 1st person? Who likes it wen there's alot of Soul Reaper stuff? Who likes it wen there's no/hardly any Soul Reaper stuff? Who likes the sweet innocent ones that are pretty much about a day to day activity? Who likes the ones with hollow butt kicking? Who likes the ones were I put them through emotional trauma? How about wen they get hurt really bad? And wen they get sick? On that, do you like it better wen Ichigo gets sick, or wen Ichigo does? I seem to be one of (3? 4?) people that write about Rukia getting sick, vs Ichigo getting sick, strange huh? Please answer! This is not a retorhical question!!!!
