Loop Holes!

Hahaha! I dound a loop hole to my problum! "Wat problum?" you ask, the "I hate retyping these stupid things!" probum! I can copy and paste my work! Woooo! Now if you're saying, "Geez, she's just figuring this out? Is she that dense?!" I'm not dense, I just have problums with electronics and, for that matter, anything modern, surprisingly I'm the best electrition in the house, mostly because I use the "press every button untill it works" theory, but that's probbably because I watch alot of movies and try to keep up wth anime and have learned to fend for myself, it reminds me of the very cute, very funny fanfic that Nanao44 did! Wich you should all read, "Hm, who watches the most movies?... Rukia!" because they couldn't work the DVD player, so yes let's allow Rukia to do it, right about then I bet Ichigo was thinking, 'If she can figure out how to work a DVD player, she should be able to open a juice box, ah man! She's been making me do it because she dosen't want to not because she can't!' and if you're thinking, "He's just figuring that out? Is he that dense?!" the answer is yes, anyway, you'll all be getting more, longer, fanfics now! And I won't break my rist giving the thousand hit present!
