On The Subject Of Momo..

A wile ago I had a vote to see if I would keep posting MomoxShiro fics, you can see that I lost, but, I am REdoing it! That's because I have some new fans/freinds, a couple of them DO like/love Momo like me, and it isn't fair that they don't have a chance to say that they want MomoxShiro, it ALSO isn't fair that anyone discontinues looking at my site or being my freind if the vote comes to a yes OR wen I get a request for MomoxShiro, I'm sure all of you have atleast one couple that you hate but that someone else supports, personally, I don't like ShiroxKarin, personally, I'd like to have a little chat with the person that came up with that ideah, personally, I think ShiroxRangiku is absolutly boardering on insanity! And personally MomoxShiro is a kawaii, logical couple, my second favirote to be exact (IchiRuki stole my heart) and personally, I could see MomoxShiro happening in the last episode (or around there) like SangoxMiroku, it's because the writer really dosen't give us much choice! Personally, I have seen some pairings for Sango and for Miroku that made me do the "Ichigo Eye Twitch In Annoyance Thing" I'm seriouse! Some people's minds just LIVE in the gutters and in some kinda lab! Anyway, FYI, I wrote ShiroxKarin as a request, not because I'm disloyal, but because the girl that requested it is a pretty good freind, anyway, tthis vote will go till July 10th, untill then, I reserve the rights to post MomoxShiro (in case us Momo lovers loose, atleast we'll have something!)
