
Yeah, my laptop is STILL being mean, for those of you who don'y have one, you have to name your laptop wen you're setting it up, my mom suggested I name it Rukia (I'm still naming a living creature Rukia, although wat that is remains a mystery, probbably a bunny) BAD IDEAH! I shouldn't have given it the name of the lovely Rukia because it is always doing this to me! And now it won't print either! This makes posting my stories and poems and stuff alot harder because it's all saved on my laptop, it is REALLY annoying, I guess my bad luck is back, I had such a great, fantastic, lucky day yesterday that wen I got home I wanted to try Ikkaku's lucky dance, but I didn't because I was busy with my new cards! Only 14 more before I have the hole Bankai set! Yes, amazing right? Well, the Bount set is almost out, so I have that to start on, Christmases and Birthdays are now meant mainly for anime/manga related things, I'll be getting alot of cards Speaking of the most wounderfullness that is Bleach, last night's episodes was one of my favirotes! I thought it got a little deeper to were they were, welll, ok spoiler here: I thought the episode went just untill they started drowning Rukia and then cut off there but I guess not, that is wat I get for watching nearly the entire series in about three days, not a smart ideah, anyway, the next episode is ALSO one of my favirotes, I just love this series, and if I REALLY like an episode, I'll buy the manga and the DVD, unfoutinatly the manga dosen't have the Bount arc, but that's ok, I'm stalling for time, waiting on my dad to look at my laptop since posting anything else 'till is pretty much impossible,
