Name: Keisuke Sarutobi
Rank: Elite Chūnin
Age: 17
Height: 6'1"
Weight: ~200 lbs
Strengths: Physicality, Endurance, Taijutsu, Adaptability, Intelligence, Wind Release, Fire Release
Weaknesses: Lazy, smokes, rash, self-sacrificial, no good at genjutsu, emotionally inept people, Mamoru, his family, children, self-destructive
Bio: Cousin of Konohamaru and nephew of Asuma, Keisuke's lacked the drive of his younger cousin, the experience of his uncle, and the calm head of his grandfather, so he was sort left unnoticed by the clan until he was tasked of taking it over once his great uncle Kiruzen passed. He's a very go-with-the-flow type and prefers to be left to his own devices. Has never really struggled with anything in his life until his uncle and Shikaku Nara died and continues to struggle with it which is obvious through his self-destructive tendencies. He is now currently struggling to rely on people and to not put himself in harms way. But he's still stressing intensely over being the sensei of the next Ino-Shika-Cho as well as head of the Sarutobi clan.
Unique Features: Fairly covered in tattoos, a fire symbol on his right shoulder, the Will of Fire completely written on his left shoulder blade, the names Hiruzen Sarutobi, Kaoru Fujiyoshi, Asuma Sarutobi, Shikaku Nara are tattooed on his left rib cage, Sarutobi Clan Crest on his pelvis (orientation: left), Summon tattoo (similar to Orochimaru's) on his left bicep (only visible when desired), silver ball piercings in earlobe, single white ball piercing in upper cartilage
Relationship Status: Taken

Buried too Deep - Keisuke

Response to Buried too Deep - Mamoru


"I get it, you want to be alone, or something stupid like that, but a lobotomy? Why are you closing me- ...why are you closing us out? No, I take it back. Why do you keep closing me out? I care about you, alright? I'm here. Talk to me!"

'No no no no no no no!' Keisuke yelled inside his head as Mamoru spoke. 'Just let me do this and everything will be alright! No one will ever care about me ever again!'

But outwardly Keisuke was cool as stone. He stood slowly, not bothering to look Mamoru in the eye. If he did his resolve might break. And he couldn't have any of that. He put his hands in his pockets and tried to calm himself down. He'd been planning this procedure ever since he pushed Mamoru away. Ever since...

"Keisuke!" Mamoru yelled once more, pulling Keisuke out of his calm and sending him into a cool rage.

"Does it look like I care about any of that?" He seethed. "But you want to talk? So let's talk." 'I'm sorry Mamoru.' "Let's talk about how we haven't spoken in three years, where were you when I lost Asuma? Huh? Or Shikaku? You spout on about how you're here for me, but where have you been?" Keisuke paused to let out a chilling laugh. "But I got through those deaths just fine. Has it ever occurred to you that I don't need you? That everything I've gone through has only made me stronger? I don't need someone to hold my hand, I don't need anyone to tell me everything's going to be okay, claiming that I do will only piss me off more.

"You know why I live alone? Because my parents pulled this same shit when they figured out I was training under Ibiki. I turned my own parents away, Mamoru. What makes you think you're special? That with one little word from you I'll see the "error of my ways" and come running back? You should know by now that you're nothing to me anymore. I'm not going to dote on you" He started walking towards Mamoru with a cold smile plastered on his face. "Besides, Moru-chan," He stopped right in front of his childhood friend and leaned down to whisper in his ear, "what makes you think I'd want any help from the person who killed Kaoru?"

As Mamoru's eyes widened with shock Keisuke's lips twitched in a smirk. He patted Mamoru on the shoulder and walked straight for the door. All the while cursing the words he'd just spoke. If Mamoru was going to leave him alone, he'd have to be harsher than he'd ever been before. But he knew it was for the better. He wasn't the type of person anyone should be troubled with caring about. Not ever.

External Image

To Yukigakure - Keisuke

Response to To Yukigakure - Mamoru


Looking at all the bandits caught in Mamoru's traps, Keisuke couldn't help but feel a little shocked. They were just dangling... like they'd been hammered to a cross. Keisuke was cruel but he never put his victims on display. He checked the pulse on the ankle of a few of them, they were alive. That was a good thing.

"I've got the last of the artifacts. Keisuke, you ready?"

Mamoru's transmission stirred him from the crucified bandits around him. "Yep. Just let me know when you clear the hideout." Keisuke answered quickly.

A second or two passed and Mamoru spoke again. "Alright. You're up."

Keisuke didn't respond the second time but tugged on the riggings he'd scattered throughout the ground floor of the bandit's lair. He pulled two more of his special kunai out of his pouch and jammed it into the wall on either side of him. Once those were secure he unfastened his upper leg weights and let them crash into the floor. He pulled the wire attached to each of his kunai into his mouth and just like his uncle Asuma taught him years ago...


And like that he was gone in a flash and the hideout was crumbling around him. He dodged falling debris and fleeing bandits without breaking a sweat. They probably had no idea he was even there. When he finally made it outside a group of survivors spotted him, coughing and wheezing, they charged him. He sped past them, all dropping before they even had a chance to take a single step. They weren't dead, he knew better than that. Even those caught inside should turn out fine. Perhaps they'll be drooling on themselves for the rest of their lives but that wasn't his concern.

With the area clear and Mamoru back with Kimiko, Keisuke decided to head back and meet up with them. He walked somewhat calmly, cracking his neck and pulling out a cigarette. When he was close to his teammates he thought he heard something.

"That little punk and that bitch aren't going to see this coming." Someone cackled from the treetops.

Keisuke looked for the source of the sound. It was an archer. They probably saw Mamoru leave with the artifacts and followed him. Before Keisuke could really react the archer sent three arrows towards his teammates, one of which was different than the rest. Keisuke opened his eyes in shock.

"No..." He muttered as his cigarette fell to the ground

"See how they like my explosive shrapnel arrow!"

Keisuke bent over and quickly undid his remaining leg weights. He wouldn't be able to catch the first couple arrows, but that last one was going to be no problem. He released the First Gate, the Gate of Opening, and dashed for the arrow. With his legs freed and his chakra free flowing, it would be no issue. Once he finally got ahead of it he sent one of his kunai back at the archer and blew it up before leaping into the air and catching the explosive arrow between his teeth. At the sudden stop, the explosive detonated, burning Keisuke's face and neck and sending him right for a particularly large tree.

Now he'd been trained to endure severe pain, but the burns seared his flesh and it was almost impossible to grit back the pure agony of it all. He looked up, dazed, to make sure that Mamoru and Kimiko were alright, only to see that his kunai had missed its mark. The archer was charging for them. Not only did that piss him off, that severely pissed him off. You definitely don't attack Mamoru and get away with it. And you definitely don't mess up Keisuke's face. And if you happened to do that all in one sitting...

God have mercy on you.

Keisuke stood abruptly and ran at the archer. With his enhanced speed he was on him in a second, his fist pulled back and ready to do some major damage. Before the archer could really grasp what he was in for Keisuke had already followed through with his punch and sent that scum flying at least a few miles to the south... and through several dozen trees.

"NO ONE FUCKS UP MY FACE, YOU GOT THAT?!" Keisuke screamed after him, though he was probably dead. Most certainly dead. Keisuke didn't care. He didn't even care that he threw his shoulder out of its socket punching that worthless shit. It was worth it.

Still, thoroughly exhausted from opening one of the Eight Gates and getting his face blown up, Keisuke collapsed. Besides, they'd completed their mission. And the right side of his body was getting caked in his own blood. He thought he deserved a bit of rest.

To Yukigakure - Keisuke

Response to To Yukigakure - Mamoru


After getting Mamoru to calm down and surviving the incursion with the mysterious noise, Keisuke slept moderately well. Even being woken up at four in the morning didn't bother him much. By the sound of Mamoru, he'd been awake for a while too. Making his whole gesture completely and utterly pointless. Whatever. If he got himself killed, it would be no one's fault but his own.

Shoving off Mamoru's sleeping bag, Keisuke stood and stretched before heading back to his own supplies. He quickly dressed (not that one could call a mesh tank proper dressings in the cold climate) and waited for everyone to do the same. Mamoru was already ready, Kimiko didn't take long either, and soon they headed out again.

Under cover of night they leapt through the trees. Kimiko in front, Keisuke not far behind her, and Mamoru picking up the rear. When they got close enough Kimiko halted them.

"Alright, I know you two have worked together before. I'm going to trust in your dynamic and let you go in. I'll guide you from the outskirts." She ordered, handing out portable communicators. "Don't get too carried away either. The fewer bodies we leave behind, the better. But if you're spotted you better not hesitate."

At the word 'hesitate' her gaze lingered on Mamoru. She knew Keisuke wouldn't. The comment just before it 'leaving fewer bodies' was directed specifically at him. He was often the first to draw blood and the most likely to not stop until everyone was dead at his feet. And unbeknownst to them the reminder applied to Mamoru as well. But apparently Kimiko was having none of that either way.

The two shinobi nodded their understanding and continued onwards. They looked at each other and Keisuke smiled. "Just like old times, right?"

Mamoru returned the smile. "Just like old times."

Despite the kind words and the gentle gestures, Keisuke seriously hoped that their mission wasn't going to mimic those of their genin days. He seriously didn't need Mamoru holding him back. Even if it was a B Rank mission Keisuke still needed to execute it swiftly and successfully. So if Mamoru slowed him down he wouldn't hesitate to render him unconscious.

To Yukigakure - Keisuke

Response to To Yukigakure - Kimiko


They made it into Yukigakure just before noon and by the time night fell again they still hadn't quite made it to their destination. So they were stuck in the snow in the middle of hostile territory. And they were in need of a good nights rest. Kimiko used an earth style jutsu to literally carve out a cave from a cliffside so they'd have some cover for the night.

Keisuke set up his sleeping bag moderately close to the mouth of the cave, just in case they came under attack, since he was never bothered by cold temperatures. He was capable of warming up his chakra to keep himself warm and even anyone in close vicinity to him. Mamoru, on the other hand, trekked as far as he could into the cave and wrapped himself up snuggly.

But even from a distance Keisuke knew he was freezing. He was practically shaking. Mamoru was always a bit frail in comparison to his younger teammate. And Keisuke didn't really mind. He had enough body heat to keep all three of them warm. But the less time Keisuke spent half naked near Kimiko the better. He'd have to settle for keeping only Mamoru warm.

So as he sat upright at the mouth of the cave, snow melting as it came into contact with his shirtless torso, he tried to think of the best way to "initiate contact". Mamoru had a problem with touching. And a real problem with touching Keisuke lest he seem "gay". But they both needed their rest and at the rate he was going, Mamoru wouldn't be asleep for a long time.

Eventually Keisuke settled for picking up a small rock and aiming it right at Mamoru's back. He made sure to put enough force behind the through so it could be felt through the thick padding of his sleeping bag. Mamoru, clearly confused, rolled over slightly to see who was disturbing his restless slumber. Like he thought it was anyone else. He glared angrily at Keisuke and returned to trying (pointlessly) to sleep.

Keisuke knew he wasn't going to get anywhere dancing around the edges of Mamoru's boundary issues, so he just went for it. He climbed out of his half-open sleeping bag, passed Kimiko, and went right for Mamoru. He crouched down and in one swift motion Mamoru's sleeping bag was opened and he crawled inside of it.

And Mamoru's face was absolutely precious.

It was some sort of mix between disbelief, shock, anger, embarrassment, frustration, and horror. Keisuke just ignored it as he zipped the bag shut. But Mamoru wasn't really having at of that. He faced Keisuke, exasperated, and clearly uncomfortable.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Mamoru quietly yelled as he tried to separate as far as he could from his shirtless friend.

Keisuke just gave him a tired glance. "You're cold."

Mamoru's mouth fluttered open and shut. "And that gives you the right to crawl into my sleeping bag like a weirdo?! Get out!"

Keisuke rolled his eyes. "Just gimme a sec."

"Give you a sec to wh- warm. You're really warm."

To Yukigakure - Keisuke

Response to To Yukigakure - Mamoru


Not disturbed at all by Mamoru's accusatory stares, Keisuke shoved his hands in his pockets and followed after his teammates, snickering. Kimiko was a terrible drunk. It amused him greatly. Though Mamoru was far from enjoying the situation. In his defence, he was the one carrying the teams captain across town.

When they arrived at the inn Keisuke reserved the rooms while Mamoru lugged Kimiko upstairs to the second floor. When that was settled Keisuke rushed to catch up them. The two boys took their drunk teammate into her room, took off her sandals, got her some water, and tucked her in. Well... Mamoru did that. Keisuke just laughed at the drunken Kimiko trying to take off her clothes from the doorway.

"Mmmm... Mamoru, you're so good to me... let me be good to you~"

That got a snort out of the young Sarutobi.

"Get some rest, Kimiko." Mamoru said kindly like the nice guy he was.

"Mmkay." She mumbled. "But when I wake up, you better be naked in my bed."

Mamoru sighed at their overbearing captain. "Of course."

Kimiko gave the poor kid a thumbs up and a wink before falling face first into a pillow and finally going to sleep. Mamoru whipped around and glared furiously at his friend. He just laughed at the look as he left for their room. Mamoru followed closely behind him.

"You could've helped, you know!" The smaller shinobi seethed through his teeth.

Keisuke continued to laugh as they came to their room. "But you were handling her so well." He unlocked the door swiftly and glided in.

"I'm serious!" Mamoru continued. "She could've been in a really bad situation back there!"

"Among the jōnin she's referred to as 'The Succubus.'" Keisuke said almost nonchalantly, stripping off his flak jacket and draping it over the back of a chair. "She can absorb chakra during sex. Even if she ever felt threatened she can absorb their chakra through her palms as well. She just enjoys sex and prefers to watch men gradually wither away beneath her."

Once he was done explaining that he glanced over at Mamoru who looked a little pale.

Keisuke snickered. "So, as you can see, she's completely capable of taking care of herself." He said with a smile. "Now I'm going to bed. It's been a long day."

Mamoru nodded and headed for the bathroom. While Keisuke was alone he stripped off his mesh and changed into sweatpants. When Mamoru returned he was already dressed and he quietly crawled into his bed. Keisuke laid out on his and waited for his teammate to turn out his lights so he could do his.

Eventually they were surrounded by complete darkness and Keisuke threw his legs over the side of the bed. He grabbed the top blanket and dragged it off as he holed himself up in the corner. He wrapped the sheet around him loosely and leaned his head against the wall. Finally comfortable he started meditating, lowering his heart rate until he was completely calm, and fell asleep.