
In the bright light of a rising sun peering through a foggy window, Keisuke Sarutobi fought to remain asleep. He hated mornings. Well, that was a lie. He hated waking up. But he knew a lost cause when he saw it. So frustrated and lethargic he sat up and peered at the girl he'd slept with last night, still happily asleep. He couldn't help but glare at her. Then, with a sigh, he pulled on a pair of sweatpants and headed out to get the morning paper.

Keisuke stepped out in the brisk December air without a care for the temperature. He wasn't even wearing socks. He bent over to pick up the paper when he noticed someone waving at him.

'What the hell do they want?' He thought angrily to himself until he realised that he recognised them. When that occurred to him he squinted at the approaching form. White hair... small frame... reddish eyes... "MAMORU!"

Keisuke didn't hesitate once he made the connection. He ran right for Mamoru and swept him up in his arms with a huge smile on his face. The skinny young man squirmed in his friends arms as he was lifted off the ground and spun around. In public. Like a girl. Keisuke knew that he was making his childhood friend feel uncomfortable, but that's what he enjoyed most about it. He buried his face in his friends shoulder and continued spinning.

After half a minute of that Mamoru started hitting him on the head, signalling it was time to put him down. Keisuke chuckled but set down his flustered friend. Mamoru quickly fixed his hair and straightened his clothes, not wanting to appear disheveled.

"You haven't changed at all, Keisuke-kun." He murmured as his cheeks dusted pink with his fingers still in his hair.

Keisuke just laughed. "Neither have you, Moru-chan!"

Mamoru looked up at his friend with a slight smile on his face. "It's been a long time, hasn't it?"

Keisuke nodded. "About two years, I think."

"That long?"

Again, Keisuke nodded. "Yeah. Doesn't seem like it, right? Feels like it was only yesterday that I was knocking peoples heads together for picking on you!"

Mamoru blushed a little deeper and said nothing.

"But I did miss you, Moru." Keisuke said quietly but sincerely.

They were thick as thieves back in the day. Friends since the Academy. Keisuke mercilessly beat up anyone who made fun of Mamoru and afterwards was patched up by the same friend he had protected. Not that he needed it anymore. But ever since they became chunin they saw less and less of each other. And when Keisuke decided to pick up training to become a jonin their schedules didn't overlap at all. It was a sad reality. But Keisuke had the Will of Fire in him. He'd fight to protect the village over all else.

Keisuke shook himself out of his nostalgia and finally noticed that Mamoru was all dressed to head out on mission. "Got an assignment?" He asked solemnly.

Mamoru nodded. "I'm to meet Lord Hokage later."

"Me too." Keisuke sighed. "I just got back from a year long sting and now I'm being thrown back out in the field. Unfair."

"You're a shinobi, Keisuke-kun. You're gonna have to get used to it." Mamoru chastised. "But I have to go make sure my siblings go to school, so I'll see you later?"

Keisuke nodded and held his arms open. Mamoru looked up at him, clearly uneasy. He clicked his tongue and smiled. "Oh come on, no one's around."

Still not really all that willing, Mamoru let himself be held tightly. Keisuke smiled into his friends hair and kissed his temple. But as quickly as they embraced, they separated. Then Mamoru, a bit flustered, rapped his knuckles against Keisuke's forehead and smiled.

"Goodbye, Keisuke-kun." He said sweetly before turning around and running down the narrow street.

Just happy to see his friend again, Keisuke chuckled and headed back inside. Once there he remembered the sleeping woman still folded up in his sheets. That dampened his mood significantly. He went around the room and picked up her clothing and jewellery. With it all in hand he threw it at her and barked,


Confused at the abrupt awakening she sat up and squinted at Keisuke. "Hmmm, whaa...?"

He came around to her side of the bed and turned on the light. "You. Out. Now."

Starting to realise what was happening she became more alert yet still more confused. "I... I don't understand, did I do something wrong?"

"Don't know, don't care." He continued vehemently. "Get out."

Frantic and confused, Keisuke had enough. He grabbed her by the arm and dragged her towards the backdoor.

"Okay, okay! I get it! Can I at least get dressed first?" She asked, clearly accepting that whatever they shared a few hours ago meant nothing to her partner.

Keisuke just glared down at her and practically threw her out, completely naked in the middle of winter. As if he could care. He never cared. He only ever pretended to care. But he thought that was a good time to get ready to head out on mission.
