Well, it would seem, weary traveler, that you have stumbled across that which you have sought your whole life.
I am Angelo, or Fai no Tenshi.
Welcome, my tired friend, to a sanctuary. A place where you can rest your head and learn some answers to life's simple, extraordinary, deep, and otherwise tempting questions. Ask a question and see what response I give. My answers will vary according to the day and mood I happen to be in. So, go ahead and poke and prod my brain, for I have answers to share.
~Angelo, friend of TheDarkAngel (Yosei), and ShrimpyAlchemist (Niko)
.:*Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the Present.*:. ~Master Oogway, Kung Fu Panda.
Okies, well this morning I woke up alright. Then, mother decided to clean house, which is fine. However, she put in the new Nickleback cd and turned the volume up quite loud.
Now, I don't have any problem with Nickleback personally- I actually am alright with their music- but just listening to them brings back memories of the past that I can't stand to have. I hate it and even if one song comes on in the car I hafta change the station, it really depresses me.
So, the cd is on for at least an hour and a half or so and I'm depressed TERRIBLY... I wanted to curl up in a ball and die after all the things I'd remembered (the memories aren't mentally scarring, but they do tie me to a person whom used to be a friend and it's all really sad now). Then, I hafta wrap up some muffins in plastic wrap... and plastic wrap depresses me as well (I don't think you guys need to know the story behind that... No, it wasn't used against me, it was something else entirely and I wasn't even there). Anyway, by then I'm so morbid it hurts.
Luckily, my kohai friends (DeviantArt s/n's) SayaHimitsuzuki, KichigaiGoRawr, and takablond42 invited me to come hang out for awhile.
So, we all went to the mall and Hastings and it was quite fun. KGR and tb42 got "ball-in-a-cups" at one of the stores and that was fun to watch. Very Squeeful.
Oh! I also found a manga that I read online last year. It just came to America and I was ECSTATIC over it! It really helped make my day! It's called 07 Ghost, even tho' I've read the whole thing online, it was just awesome to get it in manga form. I love the art and the story so much. I mean... gawd, just check it out if you'd like. [link]
Then, we went to Hastings and I didn't buy anything at all, YAY! That was an ordeal. But, I began to feel kinda sick and so I took us all to KFC because I thought I just needed to eat. That didn't help, but I'm alright.
After that, I too, everyone home and came home myself. I hate driving at night in the rain. It's hard, plus I didn't feel very good, so the ride was unpleasant. But, I'm home now and safe.
I had the weirdest slew of dreams last night! It was totally outrageous and weird, that last one. I had a few, so I'll start at the beginning:
~I was dragged to hang out at the mall with some people I really don't care for (no jokes, I'd rather shoot myself in the foot and then step into a tub of salt). I was miserable and pissed off. THEN! Out of nowhere, Tom and Sam come to my rescue and I leave with them and I never look back at the people I was with. It was a miracle!!!
Then, I woke up, let the dog outside, peed, and got a glass of water. (Wow, I'm so normal XD) Went back to bed.
~I was on top of a giant dead brontasaurus (The "longnecks" for those of you who don't know your dinosaurs) and there was someone next to me. We were trying to keep this other guy from falling off the carcas into the water below, but he slipped down and was eaten by a T-Rex that lunged itself out of the water. But, the T-Rex's arm and a horn (?) were cut off, but the damn thing had supernatural powers and chased me with the horn. The horn was flying through the air trying to stab me and kill me! I ran across the hard ground as fast and hard as I could and into an abandoned town. Another dinosaur who was a half-dino, half-human hybrid came tearing after me to eat me! But, eventually, I persuaded him to stop because humans do not eat other humans. So, then he and I hid in a house and locked all the doors and windows. Then, more humans began to come back to the town and take shelter with us and around in other places.
There was this weird map showing that all the humans left on earth were only in Europe, where I was. The rest of the world was covered with dinosaurs! We were a dwindling species and the dinosaurs would eventually come to our place and try to eat us all. But! We decided to defend ourselves and kill the dinosaurs that came our way! YEAH! -Ahem, sorry, I got carried away-
I saw Tiffany there. Yay! My Tiff-Tiff! She was alive and I was happy and we... celebrated... then, I woke up.
It was 8 am.
That's what I remember. I know I had another dream about cooking on the back-burner in my kitchen, but that's all.
That was my night. WOOT!
Hah hah... if you can help me interpret these dreams, that's cool. If you enjoyed this, that's cool too! ^_^
What a dirty trick...
Had any pets
Had any siblings
Been kissed
Made out with someone
*pants* YES!!! >_<
Kissed just a friend
Maybe... yes...
Made out...
Hey, guys! I just got off the phone with Yosei! He's only got about two or three pages left to do on Chapter 3 of GA, so those should be up soon! He's gotta ink 'em before he sends 'em to me for photoshoppage. ^_^ Look for it soon!
Current Mood: indifferent
currently eating: strawberry muffins
currently drinking: plain ol' water
current discomfort: I have to pee!!!
currently listening to: Linkin Park- Somewhere I belong
currently watching: Uhh... my cpu... screen...?
Well, today is fairly dull. My sister is staying home because of those damn parent-teacher conferences. It's foggy and rainy today... really wet. I'm not feeling up to par, I have a head-cold and I HATE RUNNY NOSES! Those damn Kleenex commercials LIE! Your nose still gets just as red and chaffed as with usual tissues...
Yosei and I are working on Guardian Angels Chapter 3. So, none of you get too anxious! We're only through three new pages. We don't want to post until we finish the chapter, so we've still got about three or four more pages to go. Each chapter should be somewhere between 10 and 15 pages, but this one might have a couple extra... yay, fight scenes! :D Yosei makes his effort to prove himself as a Guardian to the first Demon he's ever encountered on Earth. What will follow? Hah... yeah... I'm learning more on photoshop. I hope to make the art look a little... better... *nervous laughter*
Well, that's about it. My dad gets off work early today, maybe he'll let me take the truck and go to town! I'm tired of being stuck at home. I work tomorrow night as well... The weather sucks, I want my own car! Then, I could go to McDonald's more often! :D Yay! I could repay Yosei that large fry he bought me last week! XD
Okay, enough of my rants. How's everyone else doing? I hope the week went well and that you all have a good weekend... it's supposed to stay cold and wet here. I hope it snows! :)
Dewa Mata!
I drew this pic after I saw how sick i looked this morning... urgh... what a day.