Just saying, the english dub of pretty much any anime seems to make things more enjoyable, like, making things a little fluffier, or funnier, or cleaner, for example, in the English dub for the first episode of Bleach, after Ichigo insukted Rukia's drawings, and she drew on him, she said, "Now, let us continue with our lesson Misser'," in the subbed version, she simply says, "Let me continue with my lesson Lord Baron" (I have no clue wat that means) or, for an example of fluff, in the dub for episode 54, he says, " 'I don't want you to rescue me,' you said, 'Just go home,' you said, ya' no, sometimes you talk too much Rukia, it's a good thing I don't lisetn, now this is the second time I've had to tell you this, I came here to rescue you, got it?" personally I think that's fluffier than, "You never shut up about stuff like how I shouldn't save you or how I should just go home, I told you didn't I? That your opionions will be totally ignored, This is the second time, it'll work out this time," well anyway, I thought it was pretty fluffy! Again, please write in! I'm having to do stuff that no one really cares about here!
English Dub