Happy Birthday Jasper Hale (Cullen)!

I dunno weather his name is "Hale" or "Cullen" but uh, yeah! So anyway! I think his birthday is around a August because he was talking about summer heat and Autum winds in Eclipse (I think, he said it was really hot but then, Texas is really hot, ah I dunno give me a break!) so I figured that it was in early August, and as for the number 5, well, I just like the number 5, hehe, anyway, so for those of you who remember Ichi's birthday, you have probbaby gussed wat Jasper's present is, right? That's right! Alice! Well, I no it isn't really Alice (well it is but it isn't the same actress) but it took me forever just to find this one! So gimme a break! And Im sure there's a girl's b-day around here soon, ... no?! Not untill Orahime's (Sep. 3)! August has only boy birthdays?! *bangs head* brilliant! Well the next one isn't till the 16th anyway, jeez, will this is gonna be a fun month, great, ya' no, bein' a girl it's easier to find girl's birthday presents, this is harder, I generally dunno wat boys like, *slams head on key board* great
