Light Unknown

Well this is just the prologue. I don't even know if I will keep it up. But I wanted to at least give some of my subscribers a Idea of the story my cousin and I are working on. And just so you know my cousin actually does most of the writing. Me I just organize it. We both work on the storyline and characters together. I just wanted you to know that this is not all me. I hope you enjoy. Ohh This is just the ruff draft. So Its not exactly finished.


This story begins in a small town with a boy who was called Skandar. One night through the dimly lit alleyways he passed house after house. Occasionally, a bright light would escape from a small window or a back door in the stone cold walls. Fear would seizes his heart every time he passed a bright house. He would swallow his breath, wishing to become transparent. This wasn't a new habit of his. In fact, he had done it for years. As he passed a broken window a shiver went up his spine. The vary thought of being cut or injured made him nervous. Trying to explain to someone why he was out this late would be difficult, especially with a pack full of canned food, and a sleeping bag would be nearly impossible. His nerves raged though his body despite the fact that he had never been caught.

"I can't believe you," Skandar groaned under his breath. "How much trouble are you in, Will?" This was the fifth time this week Skandar had made his way through town like some kind of spy, but he knew it couldn't be helped. It wasn't like Will plans theses things. Skandar knew if he pondered the subject anymore he would get even more angry.

He was just coming out of the outskirts of town when the sky stretched out in front of him. Skandar let out a deep sigh, and lifted his eyes to the sky. It opened like a borderless ocean. It was then that he noticed what a dark night it really was. So dark it seemed as if the moon itself, had fallen from the sky, and shattered in a million pieces never to rise again. It made him sad at the thought of a mistress of the sky taking her last curtain call. The sight gave him peace in its beauty. Most people don't notice the glory of a common night sky. "Man I hate all these narrow minded people who were ether working, pouting, or making up a crisis to distract then from the inescapable truth of death. The fools, Going every which way day after day trying to do as much as they can before they fall over dead, he thought. Its a shame they didn't all die right then."

Skandar was so enticed with his own thoughts that he didn't even notice that he was walking on autopilot. The sound of a car coming behind him quickly brought him out of his world. He suddenly realized that he was halfway across a bridge, and at any moment the car would drive around the corner, and spot him! Skandar cussed under his breath as he began to run as fast as his legs could carry him with the 25 extra pounds on his back. He barely made it in time to jump off the end of the bridge, roll down the hill, and scramble to some near by bushes. Skandar then peered from his hastily chosen hiding spot.
"Aw man!" he moaned as he watched the car stop, and a man in his late teens step out of the car.

"Hello? Is some one out there? Are you alright?"

He couldn't see me. Its to dark, Skandar thought.

"Danny do you see anyone out there?" came a woman's voice from the car.

"Na, must have been a dog or something."

The young man took one last look as he climbed into the car and drove off. Skandar waited another minute before he stood up leaving the cover of the bushes, and brushed off his clothes. As he looked up at the road which was 35 feet up hill in front of him. It seemed as if God himself loved playing a cruel joke on him. It was another 15 minutes before he reached the edge of the woods. As Skandar entered its cover the town behind him began to vanish. He would never see its streets again.

Little did he know his wish would come true that vary night, and that his world would never be the same.