Chapter 1

All Kohana could remember was darkness flooding her vision, and all other senses were going numb. But before she was devoured by darkness she could see a man clothed in white and black robes and slicked back brunette hair. When Kohana came to, she saw people she’d never seen before, and there was the man clothed in white and black robes again standing right in front of her with a sly smile on his face as he watched her closely .She looked around and counted twelve people besides the strange man, ten people around her and 2 standing by the entrance. There was a man that caught her eye with bright blue hair, who looked very angry or disgusted. But she didn’t think about is too much, all Kohana could think about was how she was going to get out of here and away from these strangers. She thought about running past the strangers and out the door, but seeing how everyone here had a weapon, she didn’t want to think what would happen to her if they caught her. So instead she tried to get up and ask some questions but it seems here legs were numb, she couldn’t even get up on her feet, how pathetic she thought. Kohana heard someone clear their throat and she looked up to see the mystery man open his mouth to speak. “My name is Sosuke Aizen, and what would you be called?” Kohana looked at him skeptically, and said “I believe I’m not obliged to tell you my name.” Some of the people in the room snickered at this comment; the mystery man so called Aizen even chuckled at this comment as well. “You’re quite amusing, I’m glad that I saved you.” Kohana looked at him in disbelief and thought saved me, saved me from what? Seeing her confused look Aizen offered a trade, “If you tell us your name,” he moved his hand out in a motion referring to the others. “Then I will tell you what I saved you from and why.” Kohana looked hesitantly at Aizen and then at the others then back at Aizen. “I’ll agree, but only if you reassure my safety here, and introduce me to these strangers.” Aizen thought for a while then smiled, “Very well then, so what do you call yourself?” Kohana hated that she had to tell these strangers her name before she knew theirs, but she wanted some answers damn it! She looked down and mumbled “Kohana, my name is Kohana.” It seemed as though everyone was starring at her, even though they already were but more intently, with more interest. Aizen walked to a chair behind him, which looked more like a throne then a chair, while Kohana just sat there on the floor since her legs were still a bit numb. “Would you rather me introduce you to the people here, or would you rather me tell you how I saved you?” asked Aizen. Kohana looked up and thought for a minute. “Hmm…what did you save me from?” “Very well then, we will start off with the story.”
“I was going to the world of the living to gather some research. While I was there I saw a young female soul, which would be you, and she caught my eye, but I don’t know why…..well anyway you were starting to turn into a hollow. I just knew there was something about you I would need. So instead of letting you turn into a mindless savage beast I brought you here and made you into an arrancar.” Kohana looked confused “that wasn’t much of a story, and you didn’t even save me from anything.” Aizen smirked at Kohana “I guess it is quite a short story, but I did save you, I saved you from becoming a mindless beast. Actually I am very glad that I made you into an arrancar, because just from feeling your reiatsu you are quite strong. Actually I think you’re stronger than the others.” Kohana was completely sure that everyone was staring at her because she could hear the shuffling as everyone sat up and turned to stare at her. After a while a thin and lanky man started to chuckle “Aizen-sama you have to be joking, a brat like her couldn’t possibly be stronger than any of us.” Kohana whipped her head around and gave the man dagger eyes and said “how dare you call me a brat, you child molester.” (Note: sorry he just looks like one to me)After this comment the man looked at Kohana with fierce eyes “why you little” but he was cut short by the man with blue hair. He burst out laughing, while still in the middle of his laughter he said “this girl is hilarious we should have gotten her sooner.” After hearing this Kohana had to smile, at least someone seems to like her, even if it was because of her rude comment. A few started to whisper amongst each other, but Aizen silenced them “now now everyone calm down don’t be so alarmed. I only said she might be stronger than all of you by the feel of her reiatsu. Now everyone I would like you to introduce yourselves to Kohana in order.” A very large man stood up and announced “I am Yammy Riyalgo, and I am the tenth espada.” A man with a tall tube like head stood and said “I am Aaroniero Arruruerie, and I am the ninth espada.” A man with glasses and pink hair stood “I am Szayel Apporro Granz, and I am the eighth espada, and it is a pleasure to meet you Kohana.”This man looked at Kohana as if he might eat her. A tall dark man stood and said “I am Zommari Leroux, and I am the seventh espada.” The man with Bright Blue hair stood and practically yelled out “I am Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, I am the sixth espada! And remember that because we are going to fight to see if you really are strong!” The tall and lanky man who Kohana so far hated stood and said “I am Nnoitra Jiruga, I am the fifth espada.” A short thin man stood and recited in a monotone voice ”I am Ulquiorra Cifer, and I am the fourth espada.” A tall woman with blond hair stood “I am Tia Harribel, and I am the third espada.” An older man stood and said “I am Baraggan Luisenbarn, and I am the second espada.” A man with wavy shoulder length brown hair stood ”I am Coyote Starrk, and I am the first espada.” There were two other men in the back, a man with fox eyes and a creepy grin said “I am Gin Ichimaru, I am not an espada. I hope to get to know you better in the near future.” Even though he looked creepy Kohana didn’t really think he was. A thin dark man next to him said “I am Kaname Tosen, I am also not an espada, and I hope you will help us with our mission.” Kohana looked confused, yet again, and turned to Aizen and asked “what mission?” “All in good time my dear, but first we should get you into some real clothes, and show you to your room.” “But I didn’t say I was going to stay.” “But where else are you going to go?” asked Aizen. Kohana looked down knowing she didn’t have anywhere else to go, she didn’t even know where she was, which isn’t a good place to be.
