Looks like two years is not a very long time to be gone. Germany was amazing, a piece of my heart belongs to Berlin, but I'm glad to be home in Australia.

Two years of soul searching and stretching and tramping around in cold, damp and snowy weather has given me a lot of time to reflect.

What does that really mean for my cult reader base?

I purchased a small moleskine notebook in my early days in the city of Werdau, Sachsen. I began to write and fill it with a multitude of story ideas that started flying into my head as I made my way through the dark winter streets of a country still recovering from communism. I met and served with an amazing selection of hilarious and deep people who have seen hardship and sorrow in their lives and had chosen to enjoy life despite it all.

I have ideas. I'm going to write them and post them here.

Let's see what happens.

Don't worry, there'll be explosions and excitement


Just a quick update. I'm back in Australia and life is good. We'll talk later once I get my computer up and running.


PS: Germany rocked, and rolled, all day long.

Enjoy yourselves

I'm off. I fly out in just over twelve hours and I'm still squaring little silly things away. It's official, and I have been set apart as a missionary by my Stake President. It's late and I've a 14 hour flight ahead of me and I should probably get some shut eye. But I have to phone people who left me a few messages, so here we go.

Suffice it to say, I'm grateful for y'all. I'll see you in two years time.

Be good.

Maybe not second last goodbye then

Just doing final running aboooot and last minute purchases. I'm putting off packing the suitcase until the day before I go. I'm a guy, it's how packing works for me, haha.

Converted funds to the American currency ouch, and I make the official statement that such currency is especially weird. I don't like its psuedo-greenness or its fake paper feel...and I especially don't like the "well used" look it has.

Good thing I'll not be using it much, haha.

I was going to get Euros, but I'll wait until I'm absolutely sure I have everything I need from shops in Australia.

Yeah, I know I'm rambling, but that's what this place is for, amirite?

I'll try to post up a SYF update tomorrow night.

I have two regrets in my writing [many, actually, but limited to the three top ones]

1. I haven't done a Stoked update [no-one's noticed, so it doesn't matter, haha]

2. One Per Minute has drifted to the second page of the Theatre [ :(]

3. I didn't finish my Harry Potter fanfiction of Win. Should I post up what I have so far? I don't know?

Until next time [for the last time],

Much love!

Almost the last Goodbye

Just a quick update to let you know that yes, I am still in the country, but not for much longer. I've been down in Brisbane for almost a week, just catching up and saying goodbye to some close friends and being distracted by my awesome housemates. I appreciated the time down there, and it's weird to think I'll not see it all for two years.

It was all very rushed and over scheduled, but it was a good time.

I'm going to miss them.

Before I forget, the purpose of this post is to mention that [if the notion strikes you] I may provide you with my postal details if you so wish. I may have email access, but I doubt it. Most sure way of contacting me would be via snail mail [I'm looking forward to it], if you want it, private message me either here or on OB.

I'm in trouble

I really should be careful. I know I get into trouble when I express my opinion against...well...silliness...on the boards.

I just can't help myself.

Well, at least it's in the Ampitheatre and not the Lounge.

A man could get in real trouble for posting his mouth off in the Lounge
