The Jungle

Letting the invisible ether know I'm still alive. I'm as yet to have found a job or actually work on my novel, which means that my goal to submit a book to publishing this year is off to a roaring start.

The good news is that I have found a few good employment prospects, including a State wide lab which offers complete from the ground up training to their company procedure (great for someone with a degree who has been out of the loop for a while) and pays 1900-2400 a fortnight. Not bad for an entry level position. It's full time so I should be able to set myself up well to get ready for uni.

Other good news is that I am popping out plot ideas like nobody's business. Here's an opening bit

The Jungle:

The spry green branch slapped across Jenkin’s face, splattering him with sticky water. Jenkins wiped his rapidly reddening cheek with his pocket handkerchief. He spat onto the ground out of annoyance rather than excessive phlegm. He stank of sweat and was filthy with weeks of arduous jungle travel. His once crisp tricorn hat and sharp Royal marine uniform was soggy from humidity and blackened from powder burns. His pride as one of the King’s own had taken a significant beating as well.

“Sorry, Cap’n.” It was Pike, one of the powder monkeys. “I thought you was right behin’ me.”

“Don’t worry yourself about it, lad.” Jenkins replied, smiling kindly.
Pike gave a fleeting grin and hurried up ahead, flitting through the dense undergrowth as though he were just a shadow.

Jenkins removed his hat and wiped the sweat from his brow for what seemed the hundredth time that day. He was no professional surveyor- he didn’t carry the theodolite- but he could tell that this damn supply road wasn’t going to be completed on schedule.

“Cap’n! Cap’n!”

Pike had come back and he seemed anxious.

“Bad stuff ahead Cap’n!” Pike called out in his high boyish voice. “They got ‘un!”

Jenkins slapped his hat on and began to run despite the protestations of his tired bones. Who’s they? What’ve they got? Why is this bad? He thought as he shoved branches and vines out of his way.
