
I've spent the 6 months looking for employment in the Allied Health/Laboratory Science field. I'm qualified, oh and I've been searching and applying for all jobs...even ones I'm possibly overqualified for (Assistant positions and so on)...and nothing.

It's a little irritating to be worth 40-60thousand a year and not receive a break for it.

Thanks to government support I'm required to apply for a minimum of 10 jobs a fortnight to be eligible for financial support. Owing to the lack of jobs in my sector I find myself being several jobs short...which leaves me applying for retail positions I don't want to work but need to apply for because A: It would be a source of income and B: Keeps me eligible for financial support.

I don't know, something about being a Scientist and ready and keen to work for Medical Science only to be rejected.

Anyhow, frustration aside, I've found commission work as a recruiter for NTD (National Training and Development) thanks to a friend who works there. The job is basically telling people they're eligible for government funding and showing them the supported places at tertiary colleges so they can improve their quality of living. It's not what I want to do, but it's something I can get behind.

I'm hoping the job goes well because the Medical University entrance exam results come out this week (supposedly) and I could find out if I can start my studies next year. I'm excited but a little frustrated that I've been almost sitting on my hands for the past six months.

Wait and see, wait and see...

Anyhow, life is good. I just need to get rolling...
