Must I have a title?

Personally I don't understand why exactly I've found myself here at otaku worlds, or the reasons why I'm actually posting here. Actually, I don't even know if I'm using this new shiny otaku feature properly, but whatever. If I break the internet, don't blame me.

Anyhow, I've finally decided to become active again on the boards with the last two (2) months I have here in the country. The OB has been a huge part of my life for the past eight (8) years, and I feel kind of crummy for becoming slack in my attendance while I was studying at university. I guess I'm trying to make up for lost time, while at the same time trying to create a buffer or memory or impression of myself here again before I leave for two years.

I'm getting ahead of myself.

Considering my absence (and how little I actually spent in the foreground of the boards) I'm going to assume I'm pretty much a new guy. For those of you who remember me, cheers, it's nice to see some oldbies around. Forgive me if I don't instantly recognise you, I still haven't caught onto all the name changes just yet.

I am a writer. It's what I do in my spare time. I love my anime and video games, but I'm trying to invest myself more into writing. I feel it's a better use of my time. I like spending a few hours on something that gives me a very real return.

The OB really, and I mean really helped me progress and mature when it comes to the world of fiction. I started off average [Don't look. It will hurt your brain], absolutely shockingly below average if I'm honest, but I was forced to improve.

You know, stop using smilies in RPG posts. Progress from the "script" style of "Jack: What about the weather?" to a more appropriate narrative style. Realising that people actually understand things better if I describe stuff.

You laugh now, but I'm sure all of us had a point in life where we were exactly the same.

I'm rambling.

I haven't written anything seriously on the boards in about two years, so I'm hoping my solo piece Stoked shows some of the growth that I've gone through in my absence. I dunno, maybe I have stagnated [as I've been told], or maybe I've matured. You tell me [Please do, I'm ever so lonely when it comes to criticism].

Also, you may or may not have noticed (Wow I've got a high opinion of myself. Can't help it, apparently I already have 1 fan) a few other pieces I'm trying to muddle my way through Rai's(Grand Theft Otaku) as I learn the swing of things again. There are a number of interesting and innovative RPG's brewing in the Theater, I'm definitely going to have to start reading again (I'm open to suggestion here).

One thing I'm glad to see up and running again is my first love since SYF {Has it really been that long?), my very own British Crime Drama One Per Minute. It's been on the backburner for a while on the boards, but it's always been ticking over in my mind. [b]Sere[/b] and I are finally free enough to get the ball rolling again, which is great.

I guess that announcement is a little (see: A lot) belated considering the ridiculously high amount of views the thread has gotten since the most recent posting at the start of the year. 905? Really? It boggles the mind.

We're both flattered, to say the least.

There are few more ideas buzzing around in my head, but I may not start any RPG's myself. As I said, I'm flying out of the country in two months. If you want to brainstorm, drop me a line.
