Well for those wanting to know i'm getting Pokemon Y version.

* He sighs knowing it was phrased wrong.*

Derp: What's wrong Aura?

Aura: Well maybe no one bothers to read ur enthusiasm. *He bows and gracefully says" Sorry for Derp's enthusiasm for wanting Y.”

Derp: But u can be in it 2. Plus I could raise u in it to lvl 100.

Aura: I'm listening.

Derp: Plus feed you delious food in the new feature.

Aura: That sounds like ur advertising my weaknesses.

Derp: Nooooooooooo i'm not.

* Aura reads his aura to check for lying.*

Aura:Darn ur good truths.

Derp: Thanks for reading
Aura bows gracefully and nervously says" Thanks."
