Oh Man

I have been having the worste week ever and I dont even know why! I just have been having trouble controlling my emotions I suppose...or something along those lines! Ack! I am just so frustrated with myself right now, it´s like I keep acting out rudely and obnoxious towards people and the time I realize what I did was wrong it´s like to late to stop it! It´s making me very tired and unmotivated, aw...I dont know what to do to help myself stop all of this.

And because of my behaviour I got grounded and I am not allowed to see my boyfriend because my mom thinks HE´s making me act this way, which I think is totally bogus. But agh! I dont want him to hate me for not being there for him, it´s not my fault I am always so busy and whenever I come home my parents just tell me to do more things and more and more! It´s frustrating me and I feel like I am going crazy!

I am sorry I havent been able to post up any new artwork...I just dont have the motivation and concentration right now. I feel like all I can do is sleep....

Oh and I made a Gaia account for some unknown reason...my screen name is the same...buh
