
Where have I been these days, right? ha ha ha, hey...I have been submiting some art here and there and just havent been posting about heh heh heh.

Lets see whats new...uh, I'm working on making my own website and am almost finished with that, ha ha ha. It's just of my artwork and nothing more. And the artwork that people have given me, you know, gifts, hee hee.

Yesterday I went to work, for once! ha ha ha. I havent been getting any hours at all, but I guess it's alright because I dont like being over compensated with duties and what not. I get way to stressed easily and very irritable when I dont get enough rest. But anyways, I went to work and before clocking in I decided to stop at the game shop near by. They gave me a free little gift called a squee ball. It's blue and super adorable! I had to just take a picture of it! hoo hoo...I also took some pictures with me and my bunny stuffed animal that Zero guardian made me know, ha ha ha.

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I need to start working on chapter three...of lifeless you know, the supposedly awesome thrilling story that you love so much. But! Yes there is always a but in my life. ha ha ha. It has been so noisey lately and extremely hard for me to concentrate. I need like no one to be in the cafe to work and lately it has been loud, crowded and annoying. I dont like it, and it sounds like everyone is screaming! I feel like snapping at them! ARGH!!!

Also, I found a new band that I like. They are called blood on the dance floor, their lyrics are kind of dumb but I like how the guy sings and the tones are catchy! woo hoo! My mom says they are disgusting but really...arent we all disgusting in our little secret lifes?

Question: Can animals have twins?
