WEll Stomach Ache Gone

Yeah my stomach dosent hurt so disturbingly bad anymore, turns out i was just gassy and bloated. From what? I'll never know, ha ha ha. But it is still very sensitive.

Agh! People on this site are begining to annoy me. I decide to be nice and leave a comment on this beginner artist's portfolio. And what happens...I get yelled at! I dont know why people take what i say rudely! Just tellin it how it is.

Dont you think it's nicer to hear honesty than a lie in believing that you are all that? It makes you seem like a fool in the end! ha ha ha. Sorry for being a reality check. But not really because it wasnt even mean. I was just confused and...buh! Arguements begin. I try to ignore them but i feel the need to explain myself since OBVIOUSLY kids here cant comprehend a two sentence comment. ha ha ha.

All i said was:

i dont understand what all the hub bub's about...you just draw average in my opinion and you dont even seem like a friendly person. Well i guess if that's what people like let them like it.

tell me people is that so wrong? If so tell me!

Note: I did comment on their artwork as well and it was respectfully done. ((humph)) stupid people....grumble grumble. freaking babies...grumble grumble

In other news i finished two major tests today and...omg, why is it getting so freaking loud in here!? Dont people know how to shut up!!! It's a computer lab no one cares if you got pulled over yesterday.

I think i did average on both. Phew...it's a relief that they are finally finished! Time to enjoy my break...ha ha ha ha.

Sorry for the angry rant thing...it just annoys me and it makes me scared that i might get kicked off for this stupid thing. Just because one person gets offended over the TINIEST thing, i get hauled out. It's not fair! I DEMAND JUSTICE!

bleepin Pulver15
