I'll try to make this short

hey everyone. Guess where I'm writing from...yeah the Sony store. I'm waiting downtown for my parents to get back with my Aunt! AGH! Meaning that I'm getting Erin's letter today! Woo hoo! oh yeah I'm happy my aunt is coming to...but yeah. Our house is small and I'm getting kind of mad that she's going to have to stay there. and I have no idea where she'll sleep. Like me and my brother sleep in the kitchen....oh she'll sleep in the living room! Okay, thats enough babling about that.

Another reason why I'm waiting here is because I have to go looking for jobs. Woopie....I hate filling out applications and asking people if they're hiring. They can be so rude about it.

Man...the Otaku members are really pissing me off lately! It's like where are they? It's very annoying. My self esteem is totally going down from lack of hugs...maybe I wont post up art for a while. I dont really see the point if no one is even going to look at them.

that's about all the news that's worth mentioning. Cya round...hopefully.
