Gotta make this fast!

Uh...I cut my finger while doing dishes the other day.

I didnt get the job.

I´m almost finished with your requests.

And...I have to go to school today. sorry for the short post, but dont you think it´s better this way. You know...having a list instead of me putting so much detail into it.

I also drew this! Enjoy, ha ha ha ha! I got the site from Erin...poop!
double poop

oh also, my new friend...the one who is like only 14...wants me to go over to her house and watch scary movies. Boring! But hey I cant complain she´s a friend and I need one since I have none. She´s really nice...but kind of reminds me of how I used to be when I was younger.

also my dad´s friend sent us some american money! Ha ha ha...100 dollars and now we have to go exchange it. Peace!
