I`m Back! ....Unfortunetly

Ha ha ha ha ha....ah ha...ha. Oh, the Otaku thinks they are so clever changing all these avatars around. It´s not funny!! It´s just annoying, ha ha ha...

but anyways! I´m back from my ...depression. Aka, detention, aka, grounded. If you know what I mean. Uh, you have to forgive me because I havent been all in here if you know what I mean. My mind is just soggy I suppose.

But oh wow! How I missed you all so much! And now I am back...man, being without this site was really killer. like I felt so depressed. I guess it`s because I have no friends in real life ....LOSER!! Ha ha ha a...just kidding.

Oh man, I need to get started on you guys pictures...agh! As teapot domescam has informed you I have not been able to work on art....scary! Ha ha ha. But now I can...whenever I feel the energy to. My school schedule changed and what not so now I come home very tired.

Sorry for the rush post but I have a lot of people to catch up on! Let me know if I missed anything important from you guys!

Oh and thankyou so much teapot domescam for updating my blog for me, it really meant a lot! Peace!
