Finding Ursa

This is my finding Ursa story.

I followed what the creators did.

Which mean I don't own them.

They belong to Mike & Brian.

In the Fire Nation we meet Fire Lord Zuko. Yes Zuko the one who try betray his nation, and join the Avatar. That all in the past now, and now we shall answer the question. Where is Ursa?
In this story we will find Ursa! Now to the story it was lovely day in the Fire Nation. Mai was getting ready and planning for their wedding.
Mai- Zuko what do you think about this color?
Zuko- (Not paying attention and thinking about his mom.)
Mai- Zuko hello are you there? (poke)
Zuko- Huh? What did say Mai? (starting)
Mai- What do think of the color selection for the wedding?
Zuko- They are fine. (goes back to staring out window)
Mai- Zuko what’s up with you? (censure)
Zuko- It is nothing. (lie)
Mai- Fine whatever I going to look at cakes. (exiting)
Zuko- Mother mother mother. (oddly)
Aang- (appearing out of nowhere) Hi Zuko! (happy)
Zuko- Aang don’t do that! (scolding)
Aang- Sorry Fire Lord. (cute face)
Zuko- It is okay Aang. (pacing now)
Aang- Hmm? I know what up here! (huh) You worried about your marriage to Mai! (totally wrong)
Zuko- Um sure it is. (lies)
Aang- You lie to me didn’t you Zuko! (knowing)
Zuko- Fine Aang I will tell you. I know where my mother is, and I want to find her.
Aang- I will help you find her with you Zuko. (helping)
Zuko- Fine Aang you can come. (sigh) Now how am I going to tell Mai?
Aang- I got an idea! ( yeah)
Later on …
Zuko- Wow Aang I can’t believe you convince Mai to let me go.
Aang- Um I did not Katara did. (smile) Something about completely oneself.
Zuko- I must thank her when we get back. (nod)
Aang- Where are we going? (asking)
Zuko- The Western Air Temple! (wow the answer)
Aang- Huh an air temple why would she be there? (hmm)
Zuko- It would the safest place to hide from my father. (reason)
Aang- Okay I go get Appa. (plan)
Zuko- No I have a better way. (point to the air ship.)
Aang- Ok. (smile)
At the Western Air Temple…
Aang- We are here! (happy)
Zuko- Mother! (jumping down and running very fast.)
Aang- Zuko there no one over there. (consuren)
Zuko- Huh? (the image of Ursa was gone.) Sorry Aang. (frowning)
Aang- I know how you are feeling Zuko. It is natural to see those you love right in front of you, but these are only illusion. (wisely said)
Zuko- Right let move on then. (plan)
Ursa- (hiding behind a pillar.) Who are they? I must stay hidden and observe them some more. (follow)
Inside the air temple…
Zuko- Aang I have a feeling we being followed. (stopping)
Aang- What?! (loudly)
Zuko- Shh! (covering Aang’s mouth.)
Aang- (Mumble mumble)
Zuko- Stay silent Aang we going to see who this person is. (whispers)
Ursa- Hmm I thought they went this where? (unsure)
Zuko- (Peeking) Huh mom? (question) Aang look and see if you can see a woman.
Aang- Okay Zuko. (peeking as well) Yeah she looks scared. (coming back in)
Zuko- I thought so. (coming out)
Aang- What are you doing Zuko!? (shock)
Zuko- I am going to talk to her. (smile)
Aang- Are you crazy Zuko? (huh)
Zuko- No, I be ok. (walking)
Ursa- He coming nearer to me. (ep)
Zuko- Hello Ursa. (saying her name)
Ursa- Huh you know my name? (fear) You must be Ozai! (accusation)
Zuko- I am not Ozai! I’m Zuko mom.
Ursa- You are not my Zuko! Don’t lie to me Ozi! (anger)
Aang- (Stepping out) Hi! (greet)
Ursa- Who are you? (fear)
Aang- I’m Avatar Aang! (intro)
Ursa- The Avatar? (lip quivering)
Aang- Yep that me. (smile)
Ursa- Avatar may I ask you a favor? (cute)
Aang- Sure. (agrees)
Ursa- Can send a message to my son Zuko. Tell him that I am fine and that shall come back soon. (smile)
Aang- Um I don’t have to tell him he right here. (odd)
Ursa- Where? (looking all around her)
Aang- That is him. (point at Zuko)
Ursa- That is not my son! (annoyed)
Zuko- (pull out knife) Read it. (clam)
Ursa- Never give up without a fight. (gasps’) Zuko (faints)
Zuko- Mother!? (scared)
Aang- She okay. She still breathing she probably went into shock. (tell)
Zuko- Let’s get her back to Firenation. (order)
Back in the Firenation…
Katara- (Hurry up Aang) Okay Mai do like this dress or this dress (holding them up)
Mai- Should I not ask Zuko about the bides maids. (unsure)
Katara- Trust me Zuko own me one. (evil)
Zuko- (enter) Hello Mai and Katara. (greet) Katara I need your help. (beg)
Katara- (annoyed) I already been helping you.
Aang- Man she heavy. (holding up Ursa)
Katara- Who is that? (questioning)
Zuko- She my mother and she need medical or something.
Katara- Okay we need to get into an empty room.
Mai- Zuko you went after your mother! (mad)
Zuko- Yes I did, but I’m not going to stay here if you are mad with me. (wise)
Mai- Why would I be mad at you? (asking)
Zuko- Because I didn’t tell you. (shrug)
Mai- I knew you would find your mother. The only is you didn’t take me along.
Zuko- I am sorry Mai.
Mai- Go on Zuko. (smile)
Zuko- Thank you Mai. (exit)
In the other room…
Katara- (healing Ursa)
Aang- Thanks Katara.
Katara- Well she not that badly injured she just needs some rest.
Zuko- (enter) How is she? (worry)
Katara- She just resting Zuko. (tell)
Zuko- Oh right. (sitting down)
Aang- I go make some tea or something. (exit)
Katara- Well so Zuko how are you? (oddly)
Zuko- (staring at Ursa) How do think I am?
Katara- Sorry. (apologizing)
Zuko- Mother. (cry)
Katara- Zuko!? (shock)
Ursa- (opening her eyes) Zuko? (asking)
Zuko- Mom! (happy)
Ursa- Zuko my son. (hug)
Katara- (moving to the door)
Ursa- Wait a second young lady. I would like to thank you. (nice)
Katara- It was nothing Lady Ursa. (bow)
Ursa- Is this a friends of your Zuko? (smile)
Zuko- Yes that is Katara of Southern water tribe.
Ursa- Very nice to meet you Katara. (nice) Now Zuko where is your girlfriend?
Zuko- Oh Mai! (remembering)
Ursa- Mai? That little girl that always played with Azula.
Zuko- The same. (nodding)
Mai- (enter) Zuko. (call)
Ursa- Hello Mai. (smile)
Mai- Hi Lady Ursa. (greet) Zuko the retentive from Earthnation are here.
Zuko- Oh right for that meeting, um I better go see them. Bye mom I be back soon. (exit)
Ursa- Katara could you leave us. (ask very nicely)
Katara- Yes Lady Ursa. (exiting)
Mai- Lady Ursa I was wondering if you wanted to come to wedding.
Ursa- Yes.
Zuko finally found his mother, and now his life was complete. In the end Zuko and Mai got married. Ursa finally got to live her life with her beloved son. Yes Zuko was completely happy, and we the world is better place.
The end.
