Hello everyone! It has been quite awhile, I honestly don't remember the last time of been on (at least six months, I believe ^^'). I guess to start off my update I'll wish everyone a happy holidays... so Happy Holidays everyone, may you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
So nothing much has changed since I've been online... I'm super lame. I'm still a cashier at the local Dollar Tree in my hometown. i've made a lot of new friends and even have a really sweet boyfriend whom I love very much. I don"t remember if I told you guys I dyed my hair black at the beginning of the new year of 2014, but now it"s finally back to my natural brown color. I've basically been working, sleeping, eating, and hanging out with friends when I get the chance. When I first joined theO I was still in high school and now I'm in the adult world! Time goes by so fast, but I'm cherishing every moment of it! Uh... let's see, I have some great reviews on some new video games I've played in the past few months. Two great games to check out are "Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright" and "Pokemon Alpha Sapphire (or Omega Ruby, your choice)." For Christmas I got lots of Candy and all kinds of wonderful gifts, too many to tell really, so I'll just give you a highlight of a few. From my best friend I received a pair of pokemon socks and one of my favorite pokemon movies, From my cousin I received a Nightmare Before Christmas shirt and a matching bracelet. From my amazing boyfriend I received an Attack on Titan Scout Regiment Jacket and two Black Butler mangas... there is so much more, but I haven't the time nor do you. So I'll end with this... It's been a wonderful year and I hope the same for all of you, and may we all have many more fantastic years to come! Once again Happy Holidays, and much come to you for the new year.
Good night and farewell my friends!
With Love, Brittany