Poetry Wed-nes-day

Hello, folks, do I have a treat for you. Poetry Wed-nes-day, for one day only, is now Poetry Thurs-nes-day! And as an homage to my human sexuality class, I’m bringing back my poem, Wrappers on the floor

Wrappers on the Floor

Eyes scan about the room.
Wrappers on the floor
Ancient soldiers and beams of light.
Wrappers on the floor
The upcoming battle they shall fight.
Wrappers on the floor
But which desire shall they consume?
Wrappers on the floor

Battle raging for an eon
Wrappers on the floor
No democratic election
Wrappers on the floor
Candy gives way to protection
Wrappers on the floor
What does your child spend 89¢ on?
Wrappers on the floor

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My podcast, The DJ Show. http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=320469532
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And special Youtube Channel
