Welcome friends, Romans, bumders. This is the spot for all my personal musings and random trash that doesn't fall into the fiction category. (Which the Starscream Collection is now for.)


Now, go steal me fresh jams.

Car Accident

So, today I had to attend a 50th birthday party. I spent most of the day helping out by cooking for it.

All was well, we had hilarious balloon fights, stuffed our faces and drank Spitfire ale and such.

On the way home, however, I ended up nursing a car accident. A woman had flipped her Fiat 500 off of the verge on the side and it was mashed onto it's roof. She was very lucky. The chances of a broken neck were incredibly high and she had climbed out and was actually walking around. She complained of a bad back, but obviously I couldn't do anything since I'm not licensed to administer first aid.

She had swerved to avoid a man walking his dog, as he was not wearing any high-vis clothing at all. If his dogs hadn't have been a light colour, they'd be smooshed.

Stayed until the cops and medics showed by forming a human road block, then buggered off to leave them to it.

'Bout that time, eh chaps?

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This year I would like to be able to send people I know well on here cards. If you are willing to exchange, or reveal your address to me, please feel free to message me. Don't worry if you don't feel comfortable, I'll understand. xD

Current List:

(☑ = Finished. ✈ = Shipped. ☺ = Received.)

  • Japan ☑ ✈ ☺
  • Dylan ☑ ✈ ☺
  • Felix ☑ ✈ ☺
  • CaNz ☑ ✈
  • Panou ☑ ✈
  • Garu ☑ ✈ ☺
  • Blank ☑ ✈
  • Variance ☑
  • Deena ☑ ✈
  • Knowmad ☑ ✈
  • Molly ☑ ✈

People I WOULD Like To Send To (But not limited to):

  • Trip
  • Dave

[UPDATE: Unfortunately, my delivery of blank cards has STILL not arrived. I am very annoyed now, as I ordered back in November. So, yeah. Apologies guys, but I'll have to send normal x-mas cards with doodles added. It's up to you if you want me to send a custom one when they finally arrive as well, or if you want me to send them next year. Regardless, you'll still get a card this year anyway. It's just not what I wanted. Stupid company. :(]

[UPDATE #2: I need to know who has and hasn't received their cards so I know who I'll need to send replacements to. It looks as if they probably won't show now if you don't have them already, as they were sent at the start of December.]

Christmas 2011 - Cambridge Trip

Tomorrow me and Lee will be heading down to Cambridge. 17th to the 22nd. If you fancy a laugh, feel free to keep an eye on my Facebook, as now Lee has a new phone I'll be able to upload photos as soon as I take them.




Oh, Christmas Tree!

I worked hard to get the x-mas decorations up today. My blood pressure is through the damn roof. Oy vey.

Anyway... Here's our tree as always:

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I decided not to use tinsel this year and just stick to the usual ornaments. Those fairy lights you see are actually very old. My great grandfather owned them, passed them down to my grandmother who passed them to my mother, who passed them to me. Haha. Some bulbs are dud and it's a fire hazard due to how hot the old bulbs get, but they are still working great and I prefer them to new LED shit.

Oh and yes. You saw right. That IS Bahamut as our tree topper.

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It's a tradition to have him on there.

The decorations you see other than the baubles are birds. We have one for each bird we have ever had. I miss the lil buggers. :C



We traveled to the next town over to buy a new tree yesterday. It's dark teal and we bought a mix of silver, light teal and midnight blue decorations for it. I also have my octopus that I bought from my friend Chihuahua Yip two Christmasses ago as a topper.

This one is in the 'Blue Room'. Also known as the 'Bird Room' where our birdies live.

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Art Thief Problem

A friend of mine on DeviantArt who does the most amazing Despicable Me fanart has been having rotten problems for a long time now. She has been having someone steal her work and use them both on DA and on Facebook. All please to remove the pics have come to naught and so me and a few friends have attempted to raise awareness of this and Nick set up some Facebook things. one is a cause, the other a page.

The Cause (CLICK)

The Page (CLICK)

The Offending Facebook Page (CLICK)

This person uses roleplaying to cover up her guilt and instead of replying properly to your requests, she will pretend to be Edith from Despicable Me. It's getting silly now.

Her DeviantArt gallery has a ton of stuff by other people, just recoloured. And the images she used don't have the share license on it.

This is the art thief (DA Account): http://kjhrex.deviantart.com/

And this is her Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/krysti.henton

And here's a nice image for you to facepalm at.