Fighting Fire with... FIREFIGHTING? (Job related spazzing.)

So, today I was in a bit of a foul mood. I had been mulling over my old childhood dream of being a firefighter after a weekend of putting out fires caused by my brothers BBQ. I was in chat and talking to Kidorkman about it, when I mentioned it and happened to remind myself that the local stations age limit to enroll is 50.

Then it hit me...

I'm not 50 yet! Why don't I actually go for it? Sure, I'll have to tell my previous employers to go screw themselves, but... It may be possible.

So, I called them up to ask about their policy on people who have my nerve condition and what did they say?

"As soon as you have had your final operation and providing it is a success, you can enroll."

It's so sudden. I feel so impulsive, yet at the same time stupidly excited.

BRB, having a heart attack... <3
