Nicked Off Omnia BP


Full Name: Ahh... That would be telling. BP

Single or Taken: Engaged

Sex: Female

Birthday: 4th January

Sign: Capricorn/Dragon

Siblings: One brother, one sister. Both married

Eye colour: Slate blue

Shoe size: 5, 6 or 7 depending

Height: 5 foot 4

Country born: UK

Innie or Outie: Innie thankfully

What are you wearing right now: Blue shirt, smart trousers.

Where do you live: Derbyshire

Righty or lefty: Ambi.

Any pets: 8 birds and several fish.

Where do you work?: I am a freelancer

When did you start using Facebook?: Years ago. I don't remember when. Yeesh.

How much time do you spend on Facebook a day?: I visit every day, but I spend more time on DA.

Do you own a cell phone?: Indeed. However, it recently ended up in the washing machine by mistake...

Do you like to text?: It's OK. I can't stand text speak though, it's lazy and makes you sound retarded

Play an instrument?: Violin

Have any Tattoos?: No. I don't intend to ever have any


Who are your best friends: My family, amusingly

Do you have a bf or gf?: A fiance

Best place to go for a date: I prefer being at home away from annoying people.

Longest relationship: This one. 5 years or so.

Shortest relationship: A few weeks.

Outgoing or introverted?: I try to mix it up. I am outgoing when I need to be.

Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?: Lee? Hell yeah!

How many gf/bf have told you they love you?: Several

Have you ever thought you were going to marry someone?: Yes

Are you crushin' on someone?: Crushes are for teenagers...

Are you happier single or in a relationship?: It doesn't matter much to me, but I wouldn't change a thing with me and Lee

Have you ever been cheated on?: Several times

Have yo uever been with someone who was taken at the time?: No. I'm not a slut

Have you ever had your heart broken?: It's hard not to. Seriously though, you have to grow a pair and suck it up. There'll be plenty more heartache to come

Have you ever broken someones heart?: Yeah

Do you talk to any of your ex's?: I do. One happens to be related to me now...

Do you believe that you are a good bf/gf?: I'd hope so

Have you dated people who were not good for you?: I think everyone has

Have you ever been in an abusive relationship?: I'm not stupid enough to let it get that far

Have you ever dated someone older than you?: Uh-huh. I was 15, he was 22

How about younger than you?: I don't like younger men

Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?: Not everyone

Believe in love at first sight?: No. That is a stupid notion. Love takes time to develop. Anyone who believes in it is obviously naive. Lust at first sight, yes. Love? Never!

Ever been given an engagement ring?: Yes. It's made of a precious local mineral too. Blue John

Do you want to get married?: If I didn't I wouldn't have said yes

Ever stolen someone's bf or gf?: Er... Wouldn't that be the same as 'Have yo uever been with someone who was taken at the time?' NO!

Does heartbreak really feel as bad as it sounds?: Depends how attached you get

Is your gf/bf the most amazing person?: These questions are sounding oddly school girly in origin...


Favorite Number: 3

Favourite Pants: Pants? As in American type pants? Here pants are underwear...

Boys Name: Dexter

Girls Name: Mei, Freja, Olina, Annie

Animal: Quetzal, Lammergeier, Budgie

Drink: Milk

Sports: Badminton

Fast-Food Place: Mcdonalds or KFC

Month: September, May

Band: I have plenty of favourites. I'd recommend taking a listen to Nile, The Berzerker or Crystal Castles

Movie: Anything but romance

Breakfast: I don't eat breakfast

Perfume: Isis from M&S

Have you ever:

Given anyone a bath: Uh-huh

Smoked: A hookah once and a digital cig

Bungee Jumped: No. Not my thing

Made yourself throw-up: No

Gone skinny dipping: Hell no

Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: I've done that on other frozen things, but not a pole

Broken a bone: My nose in a skirmish. <3

Played truth or dare: Yeah. I'm not fond of it

Been in a physical fight: Of course. This is me we are talking about...

Been in a police car: Yes. When my house was broken in to they gave me a lift in one to the station

Come close to dying: Once or twice when I was little

Been in a sauna: No. I don't think my water allergy would approve

Been in a hot tub: No. See above

Fallen asleep in school: I was home tutored

Ran away: I was not that pathetic

Broken someone's heart: ALREADY BEEN ASKED

Cried when someone died: I'd be surprised if people don't

Flashed someone: Yes.

Cried in school: See previous school related question

Fell off your chair: Of course

Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: No

Saved MSN conversations: Yeah. Good ol' RPs

Saved e-mails: I need to for work

Made out with just a friend?: That's just... Disgusting

Used someone: People always use others in one way or another


Done something you regret?: A couple of things

Got caught telling a lie: Telling lies goes against my religious beliefs. So no.

What is:

Your good luck charm: My silver ankh that I wear at all times

Best song you ever heard: *Shrug*

Stupidest thing you have ever done: I honestly don't remember

What's your room like?: My bedroom? It's painted in an irish cream colour with brown curtains.

Last thing you said: HERRO at Lee

What is beside you?: A can of Pepsi and a graphics tablet

What shampoo do you use: I have to vary it regularly

Something that has happened to you this year: I had to have several interviews for magazines and newspapers and also did fimling for TV

Worst thing that has happened to you this year: Still having to go to the hospital with my arms

Your body type?: It's a body *Shrug* Skinny... Semi curvy

Your skin tone?: White with a yellow tinge

Your most missed memory: Any family holidays

the first thing that comes to mind whhen you hear: Blue?: My favourite colour

Today's date: 03/03/2012

What is the best grade you've ever gotten on an essay: I never had essays

What is the shortest distance between two objects?: A straight line

Your biggest fear?: Long thin things and large round boulders

Your happiest moment?: I've had many

On your feet?: I'm in bed laying down
