Requested: Copyright and Live Bands

As requested by Japan, I'll post my opinion on copyright and the issue of recording a live band.

Firstly, a lot of venues here actually don't allow phones and recording equipment inside and confiscate said items, or eject the person caught using them. Much like cinemas.

But, for those places that don't, or those that slip through the net, I will say this. It is unauthorized footage unless you ask the band for permission to film. Why? The music itself is what is copyrighted.

There is also the problem of the bands personal preferences with being filmed. This is why TV/Radio/etc have contracts for people to sign when filming and recording, because consent must be obtained before you do film, etc. Some bands don't mind it, but others do. (In fact, it has been known for band members to destroy cameras.) And, since there is also the issue of copyright, it becomes rather convoluted. Not only are you breaching privacy, you are also breaching copyright. Why? Simple. 'No unauthorized use, reproduction, distribution'.

However, there seems to be a small loophole in these cases. People seem to be able to get away with it just fine, providing that the clip is partial. (IE: Only a minute or so long and not the entire song.) Since it is not the full song, people don't tend to get into trouble. Personally, I still think it is the same as recording the whole thing, but that is because it is a sensitive issue with me and I have many contacts who are in bands who have had problems like this before.

While you may own the rights to the videos, they own the rights to the songs posted and to distribute, etc without permission is in breach of copyright. Think before you post.
