it can be
what do you think of that sasuke can kill his brother it will be great that he will avenge his family but that will make him happy???? but he will kill the last one of his family he will lose every thing but on the other hand itachi deserve to be killed
and i don't get it why he didn't kill sasuke in the first place why he waiting to be strong to make sure that sasuke will kill him??
i will leave you with this video enjoy it
something jump to my head
hi ..... i will write some words jump on my head when isaw this pi
like i care.......but i don't
like i love.......but i HATE
like i smile ......but it is fake
so don't stand alone in the dark let me see the reason
that make you broken heart
so what do you think i hope that you will like it
i saw this video and its great so i hope that you enjoy it like i did
hi iam just tasting pic post
hi iam just tasting pic post