My moms

I will be going to my moms christian lock down center for about 10 Days.

I just got back from California where I visited Zennyxchan and it was simply amazing in every way. ^^ Seeing her, being with her. We went to a LInkin Park concert which is my dream and I got a handshake from Mike Shinoda who I am smitten over. It was great! Better than this craphole town I live in.

Now I am going to where my mom lives. A ex-drug and alcohal addict, she lives with a bunch of other women in a house where they want to get there lives back in order. It's also a christian place, so I will be attending church about twice a day, I mean it. Some woman there were abused, some are teens with kids, and some are like her. All woman. I have met them, they are very nice people. But the manager woman said I couldn't come unless I died my hair. She said its black so I am evil basically. So I have brown hair which is not what im use too!
Anyway, im gonna be bored so no computer, and your not allowed to have cellphones but screw that, im sneaking, so I will be on with my cellular device ^^
Lots of drawing so I might have a big upload when I get back.

But until then, Have a great day guys!
