These are just random thoughts that I have. Feel free to comment on them if you like!


This is the most Awesome AMV I've even seen! Can anyone tell me what song this is? I want to find it!


I am so surprised! I'm actually logged in and posting this right now from my cell phone! This is so Awesome! Well that's all i had to say lol. See ya.

3rd shift

Sometimes I hate working 3rds. It's the best time of day for me because I'm a night time person but no one else is awake at the times I am. And trying to get a relationship to work is very difficult to. It gets lonely. *sigh* Oh well. Such is life for me I guess.

About Inuyash Alone

I'm having trouble writing this one. First off cause I'm a girl trying to write first person of a guy. Secondly because the character Inuyasha changes so much during the series because of Kagome I don't know how he'd react without her. True he'd still have everyone else but it wouldn't be the same to him so it's difficult. *sigh* It'll be interesting to see what my brain comes up with.