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Hey there, pigeons:

This is PerfaPox, here. Welcome and thanks for visiting my little world.
Name: Well, my real name is Becki
Age: 20 (I'm an old fart)
: 5'2''
Location: Texas, United States....No, I don't own a horse.

Likes: Drawing, painting, octopi, anime, manga, YAOI, writing, roleplaying, chocolate, sour candy, antiques, piercings, tattoos, money, sleeping, staying up until the crack of dawn..and more obviously, but why list everything?
: Bugs(mostly cockroaches), Annoying/dumb people, condescending people, homophobes, etc.

Want to know anything else? Ask.


Tired of a lot of things today. Tired of being around people, tired of school, tired in general..

School is almost over, thank God...I just hope I can pass all my classes so I can graduate on time. It's been a long 12 years, but I'm finally ready to GET OUT of school(at least until college) and have some time to cool off. I'm sick of the teachers, the homework, the tests, and the projects. I'm ready for summer. This year has felt so much longer than any other before it. This last week is going to be the slowest I've ever known.

Tired of people today. I don't know why, but I've been feeling more irritable..I just want to be left alone for a day or two instead of having these people hounding me for attention. They are my friends, no doubt about it, but I'm starting to feel stretched too thin.

Tired of family. Mostly my mother. I know she's worried about me and whether I'll pass, but she isn't helping the stress I feel at all..I just hope I can make her proud and graduate on time. I feel like such an idiot for dragging my ass like I have been this whole year. It'll be no ones fault but my own if I fail.

Slept for 9 hours last night. You'd think that I would be fine because of it...but I'm exhausted. I want to sleep, but I should study..I doubt anyone would let me get any sleep, anyway, with how they keep bothering me. I can't say no to them, either. I can't insist upon a nap..Why can't I say no?

Ah well..I'm done complaining...I have 25 minutes before I have to go to my brother's piano recital. I should make use of that time wisely and take a nap.



GO to MyOtaku page : http://www.myotaku.com/users/perfectparadox/

To see all my stuff. I spammed it with pictures and shit C8
Hawhawhawhaw. D< GO LOOK AT IT

Lalalalaa Update

Well...It's currently 1:40 in the morning, and I SHOULD be going to sleep..but there are a few problems. 1) I'm feeling antsy. Which makes it hard to sleep. 2) I just got out of the shower(LOL)so my hair is wet, so I gotta dry it....

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I Have Failed You ALL!

Doing this: Writing a post, obviously...Then I'm gonna DRAW DANG IT.
Watching this: Nothing...watching myself type/draw I guess. (Gonna watch One piece later!)
Listing to this: "One Thing" by Finger Eleven
Thinking this: That even a three day weekend is NOT long enough.
Wishing this: That these drawings would get done by themselves... Or that I could draw faster.

You heard me right..I failed you guys : ( I said I would draw last night...and I definitely got distracted and played Suikoden II instead OTL

I'm sorry!! BAH! That game is just addicting!! : (
Then, today, my parents dragged me over to our neighbor's house for a cookout.. They're nice people, I guess..but I hardly knew anyone there so I didn't really talk much.. They had lots of animals though! So that was a plus. I love animals! C: Though..I've realized...Even though I LOVE huge dogs..If they slobber as much as our neighbors did...I won't be able to get one : ( Slobber reaalllly grosses me out, lol. It makes me sad, cuz I love really big dogs...Ah well.

Nghhh. Anyway...I'm forcing myself to sit down and freaking DRAW the rest of today/tonight. Hopefully I will be as..undisturbed as possible. And hopefully God will be with me and let me draw really good stuff REALLY fast so I can just zoom through one pic after another. I made a list for myself, to help me figure out what all I need to draw. *nod* I thought it was a good idea.

Anywho..Time I got started...Half the day has already been wasted D<

DO NOT DISTURB! Oh yeah and..

HAPPY CATURDAY!!! Haw Haw Haw. I love cats. Alright people...I've decided..I never draw enough. I need more practice. I need to ...

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