I really, really suck at this lol. Poor Otaku, poor Otaku friends...I've been neglecting you all. Ahh, but I'm sure everyone has been busy with their own lives, yeah?
Just thought I'd say hello and give a bit of an update on how I'm doing..
GOING to post some pictures up tomorrow..I have some that are in serious need of being added..I'm sorry that I suck majorly and keep putting it off. I honestly don't have that many pictures to add..but I'm trying really hard to get into the swing of drawing again. I'm gonna try to push myself out of my comfort level, and do things that I haven't done before. There was an art challenge that Mari was doing awhile go that I was going to attempt to do to..and I completely fell out of it...SO I'm gonna see if I can start that up again, and maybe start doing more creative things.
ANYWHO, Life update...
Well, I've started up school again. So, I've been busy with that. I've HAD IT with my bosses at my job...so tomorrow I'm going to a job interview at this one place. It's called Main Event--dunno if anyone has ever heard about it. It's basically a huge arcade where you can play games, bowl, drink, eat, play laser-tag yadadydadadadada.
Anyway, pray that I get this job, folks :) I really need it..I'll be getting paid more AND more hours...which I REALLY need. I've got a lot of stuff to save up for..
Anyway, that's really all for now...What's new with everyone? Anything interesting going on in your lives as of late?